Colorful and free by Sketchloid on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Sketchloid on DeviantArt

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Sketchloid's avatar

Published: Mar 12, 2015


this was for an art trade i did with loltias! Of her ADORABLE OC kaiya! def drawing her again omg so beautiful
this is so late tho im so sorry plz forgive me :iconlazepoolplz:

I think she took down her half (i cant find it ;; ) but i saved it, so you can see it here:
:iconpapcryplz: its so beautiful afhlkahfjallfa im not worthy to have art traded with this goddess omg

I hope you love it!! ;; v ;; i tried a new coloring style for you! and if theres anything wrong, tell me and i'll fix it immediately!! ;; v ;;

Image size

542x700px 261.33 KB

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