[Sketchy Sketches] Dreams by Sketchythesketchbook on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Sketchythesketchbook's avatar

Published: Jan 15, 2019


"So who's dream is it this time?"

Kiroa! :wave: It me. How do?

So it's another test at these watercolors, and it's someone's weird dream where fish swim above the surface and you can walk on water. Plus bubbles are rising, it's kind of like soft drink. I just really liked the colors of this one. :love:

I feel like the TTDS 2 outfit for Yami should just be the one he has in the Dream State, minus the glasses. ^^;
Also, I finally figured out what Yami and Jack's crystals are, and how their pendants look, I'll probably post those later. ;P

Anyway! Hope ya like it~! :glomp:
Kai-kairi-po-po! :wave:

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1017x752px 685.62 KB