TDA-K1-B0 by SkullJackXIII on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Total Dangan Action

Contestant No. 8: K1-B0

Bio: The most humane participant in the group. he doesn't specialize or provide anything that's either physically or intellectually substantial to his team throughout his entire run on the show. But he does play a part as the rationale and common sense of his team during the discussions towards his members' more chaotic and static approaches for handling challenges. Despite being a robot with such advanced AI that it can replicate human behavior and emotions, there isn't much going for him when it comes to practicality, the only exceptions are moments when he acts like a flashlight through dark tunnels or a camera to take photos of clues/puzzles. When it comes to interacting with others, K1-B0 is seen to be in high guard and sensitive towards meeting new people for the first time, given his past experience of discrimination and judgement towards himself for a robot trying to blend in. After awhile he'll become more friendly with others the more often they get near him, this is most likely a involuntary protocol in his system to entice him to study more about human emotions and adapt that data to his system. But even when he opens up and starts to make friends, he tends to put up a front and make his overall activities more interesting than they really are, most likely due to him feeling insecure when surrounded with so many people with amazing skills and talents.

Goal: With little concept of money or knowledge as to why he's even on the show, he assumes that he was put there in order to study more about human nature up close and make real friends. However the truth is that K1-Bo is actually a mobilized android camera so that audiences could feel like an active participant in the show and decide K1-B0's decisions based on live polls on social media. This was a experimental stunt to get back into the good graces of the public after horrible incidents that occurred during the first season.