In the Field Full of Flowers by skyblue000 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Asfdgjhgfdsasdfghjhgfs- :iconcannotevenplz: Oh my goodness I am finallllly finished with this!~~~ :D It took me so looong, actually to finish this picture because I kept on getting bothered by tiny little details and kept on going back to change them. x) I'm so tired- (I want to rest but I have homework to do for tmr //sobs ;-; :iconlazepoolplz: Ugh I have too much stuff to do //bangs head against wall) :iconuhuhuhuplz:

Ahhh, I think I'm satisfied (for once yay! :iconimhappyplz:) With my background! ^^ And even the dress/Viola but I think I could've done it a little bit better (urgg must resist the urge to edit it--- :iconwthplz:

Lol, but yeah I think I'm satisfied with the result (This was actually started about a year ago- I did a sketch, but now a year later I finally completed it! Yayyy!~~ :iconasdfghbeelz:) Hahaha, but yeah this is Viola (SPOILER ALERT: aka 'The Witch') and I was itching to draw some fanart, so here it is! :iconasdfghplz: Hope you guys enjoy!~~ :iconloveloveplz: