Skyver Redblade by Skyverfox on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Skyver Redblade is known through the land of Lustra, she is known often as the first seed Captain, the girl who fought in the war, or even the hero of Hurmphali but most do not know Skyver's tale.

Skyver Gur'chala was born to a smaller family, the second child, she received less love than her older brother Roux. Skye was often mistreated by her father or told she was a waste of space and time, when she got to the tender age of seven he sent her away on an expedition trip, her mother joined to help her only daughter.

Together the pair left the desert city of Hurmphali and traveled to Lustra. But they were ill prepared for the winter, Skyver's mother contracted an illness and died keeping her child warm and safe. From there the Vulpine were hated by all, being foreigners and seeds they were exiled from cities. Which made them easy pickings for thieves, one raid became too violent and the caravan was burned to the ground Skye taking refuge in the tall grass. Watched her people be slaughtered or worse. A man found her, Diego. He was not kind.

In secret he smuggled the child into the city of Paramour, slipping her into a hidden room adjacent to his own. He beat her regularly, starved her and only fed her scraps, kept her chained and often gagged, she did not leave that room for years. In fact, nearly a decade later would be the first time she saw moonlight that wasn't through a knot hole in some wooden board. Diego had grown powerful and he had a tool for sniffing out treasure. Skye was sure this was her life forever.

However, one night the cage opened and a strange young woman with horns helped her get free, she gave her a knife and told her to run. But the thieves would not have their prize escape. Skye ran to the biggest person she could find, and purposely got caught stealing, being locked away in a dungeon where she was safe. She stayed there three days before the huge one eyed woman known at Nikara, and a beautiful Pink haired woman named Heart arrived. Heart offered Skyver a choice. Take the punishment for thievery, or serve in her building war and have freedom.

The choice was obvious, and so Skyver became Nikara's page the pair were not fast friends, Nikara was not the most loving of people and with a fox who stole and was spooked by any slight noise it did not go well, her fellow soldiers hated her as well, teasing her and beating her up. Until a young woman named Ana came to her defense. Keeping the bigots away. Her and her father Collin tended to Skyver as their own, Bonnie feeding her and Collin encouraging her. It was discovered she was a crack shot with a cross bow.

She was promoted to an actual knight, working as a scout and employing gorilla tactics. She worked hard to push back the Veritas forces, until the brought in the mage artillery, it was time to change tactics once again. A rebellion of seeds was forming called the Phoenix, with her help leading them the rag tag group took a few bases and found out about a shipment of cannons. Veritas was going to flank Lustra.

She had her orders and with help from Romantra and the spy, who later became known as Laurie, and the inventor Gunther helping them salvage what they could they beat back the Veritas forces.

But war had left it's scar on the young girl.

Frightened of everything and anything, with Ana Makkalen gone on mission. Skye ended up making new friends. Nikara taught her the sword. Moira Ler taught her to love, Jesiax Stavalia taught her compassion. Rowan Redblade though, she taught her family, bringing her father to meet the girl who was scared of anything but stood up for everyone Ethan offered her a promise she couldn't say no too.

"I can make you harder than Steel."

Skye had heard about Ethan when he fought in the war and so her training as a windfighter punching trees and brick walls. It was a backwards and painful method, but Skye worked at it every day, after all pain wasn't a new thing. She pushed her body beyond it's limits, in the mean time a windling came and sold Skyver a sword from her people. Fa'Huten it was called and once the artifact was awoken, she had the weapon to become a real swordswoman.

Winter came and Ethan took Skyver to face the Great Stag, a monstrous, carnivorous deer, they defeated it but Skye got her first outward scars. The slash across her muzzle, and the puncture on the left of her stomach. But, she lived as did Ethan and she was officially a Redblade.

She had a family.

She wore the crest with pride, and not long after she married Moira, the pair were so happy together, they went on many, many adventures. The family of knights grew as did Skyver's heart.

Soon Captain Erison Blanc retired, handing Skyver his badge they took it as a promotion and a whole new set of anxieties came with the seal.

Captain Redblade, never stopped trying her best though. The knights eventually went back to Hurmphali, home of the Vulpines were they stopped a plot to take over the land, they went to alternate worlds, dream states, slave islands, a hidden city of thieves, and even to Veritas. Skye in this time found a young girl after a great wildfire. Orphaned from the fire, Skye saw herself in her and took her in. Sophia still fills her heart to this day.

Eventually she went to face the Stag again, alone this time, she was kidnapped away to an alternate world. Tortured and beaten for nearly a year she was forced to kill people, and eventually she found her brother Roux. He hated all her family. She eventually escaped and came home to resume her post.

From there the knights slowly stitched together, but Moira had passed on. Her spirit claiming her, and leaving Skye alone and broken. But, a mission made her save a woman named Drache...who turned out to be the very girl who helped Skyver escape the thieves cage. After months of pushing Skye convinced her to join the knights. In this time she also courted Ana, her childhood friend. But, she wanted to focus on Drache, and after a lot of work the pair were soon dating. Drache knew of Skye's polyamery and told her to be with who she liked as long as she was happy.

So Skye dated Ana and Drache, but that First Knight, Skye gave Drache a puzzle box. While she solved it, Skye went with her child Sophia to kill the stag one last time, and killed the seed of the mountain removing the stag forever. Skyver and crew returned to Hurmphali, where she found her brother children and adopted them both, naming them Aliya and Collin Redblade, Rowan soon follow suit and adopted a young Hare seed named Beato.

Soon her anxiety grew too much and Skye took Drache to Moira's cove to propose to her. Drache accepted and the two were to be wed.

But now Skyver faces her greatest challenge.

The third tournament is coming. She has one person she is fighting in a one on one battle.

Nikara Ereatha.



Fa'Huten- An ancient blade bound to Skyver and Skyver alone, Fa'Huten was created by the Fae Fervita. When bound to a person the sword will come when called, and as Skyver's link with the sword grows so do it's capabilities. At present it can kill Fae and magical creatures, and create small barriers in a pinch. It is indestructible, and heavier to hold for anyone other than it's owner.

Hak'at - An arcsteel katana, this sword was a gift from Nikara at Skyver's wedding. Being arcsteel it can cut through and push back all magics, she has worked hard using it's weight and philosophy of her big punch to be able to perform an air slash. The swords sister is an arcsteel shield meant for Moira. Skye has been training to carry this weapon as well.

Muhit - The sister to Hak'at, Muhit is an arcsteel shield. It has a built in scabbard for Hak'at, as well as being able to be broken apart into two punching shields. Skye has been working of doing fast strikes with it heavy weight. She has also outfitted the inside of the shield with unique items, like her blinding sand from Hurmphali that burns when thrown on wounds.

Scavenger: A birthday gift from Sophia. Scavenger is a special wrist mounted mini crossbow, with a reload function. Since receiving the very unique item Skye has managed to get a few arcsteel bolts, as well as a few other trick bolts mostly acids and poisons. The weapon is discreet and fits in with her normal armor.

Leather suit: Skye's armor is specially made to help her move quickly, efficiently and blend into shadows for stealth based missions. She has added many things too it, including an extra leather chest with special padding to protect her fragile ribs. The Grounder, a special arm band that keeps her from getting flung around. One of her magic canceling gloves that when snapped will end all magic in a ten foot radius for a moment, however she will receive a backlash from the glove. Her ARM-or A special bracelet that when activated covers her right arm in steel.

ARM-or: The special bracelet when activated will unfold around her right arm up too the shoulder covering it in steel. The inside is cushioned for her protection, it has a number of enchantments on it. Including a small air pocket one to deflect blows, a kenetic charger. The more strikes it takes the more it builds when all the red lines are on she can unleash it for enhanced strength. Finally, it is bound too her, she can never remove the bracelet.



Drache Ulrich: Skyver's wife, and most trusted friend. She would be lost without the woman to be her rock, and support. Drache is her emotional shield.

Sophia Aikaterine Floros Redblade: Her eldest daughter and beloved. Sophia has been through it all with Skye, the best and worst of her. She admires her daughters spirit and always strives to be a better mother.

Aliya Gwendolin Redblade: Her youngest daughter, and while the pair butt heads Skye loves the younger girl and wants to guide her on her path. She is having a hard time with her but the pair are getting closer.

Collin Asher Redblade: Skye's baby boy. Collin is the apple of her eye, despite being a hellion. She sees him a healthy young boy with the best apatite ever.

Nikara Kalga Ereatha: Skyver's mother figure and closet confidant. Nikara has been there since the start and been the never ending measuring stick for Skye. Still to this day Skye looks up to the mountain of a woman, not realizing that she stand on equal ground with her.Rowan Redblade: Skyver's sister. She loves and supports Rowan with her all, where Skye is the heart Rowan is the brains, and the pair when working together are amazing. Rowan has almost become a therapist to Skye and vice versa.

Beato Redblade: Her niece and best buddy. Skye taught Beato how to cook, and play and laugh, and not have to hide as much anymore. It is said that Skye's eyes are full of wonder around that little hare seed.

Ethan Redblade: Skyver's father and biggest fan, Ethan pushed Skye like he did Rowan and got amazing results from the already broken child. Taking her under his wing Skye managed to mend his heart.

Ana Makkalen: One of Skye's oldest friends and former lover the pair have gone back and forth since Skye joined the war, Ana taught her to dance and laugh and love. Now she see's Skye growing from a far. Skye wishes only the best for Ana.

Laurie Redblade: Her adopted brother and student Skye is greatly invested in Laurie's life, making sure he is prepared for the journey she knows is too come. She loves him with all her heart.

Bryce Theodbar: Long time friend the pair of scouts were always close. The reveal of Bryce's past has brought them even closer. Bryce being her right hand the pair train together.

Mercer Evergreen: Her final student and friend. Mercer's journey has been an interesting one. Learning to move past her hatred for mages the two have found they have much in common.

Lillith Evergreen: Former lover and good friend, Skye trusts in Lillith, not only for advice but to keep her straight and healthy.

Neraia: One of Skye's oldest friends, She met Neraia when she was young. The pair hitting it off early due to how Neraia is, Skye often pays tribute to the woman by planting new trees in her forest every spring.

Gunther Garland: These two aren't super close, Skye knows him and his work but the relationship doesn't extend far beyond greetings and food.

Jesiax Stavalia: Skye's sister in law and the woman she can never reach. She see's Jesiax as the pinnacle of a successful person, strong, smart, beautiful, and skilled she is everything Skye wants to be.

Ramona Dragos: Skye's friend from the war, the pair have been in cahoots for a long time. Ramona helped Skyver discover her sexuality, and a little of her own self worth, now the two enjoy time together with healthy debates.

Lalia: A newer friend and one night stand. Skye has been a little odd around Lalia, but the two found peace when Lalia began to take care of her children.

Odessa Weird: Odessa has become Skye's counselor of sorts. Skye often comes to the monk with problems and the women helps her gain perspective. Skye has the utmost respect for Odessa.

Simone Arceus: Short time date, good friend Simone looks up to Skye and she knows it, She tries to be better for people like Simone. Simone also gave her Wild Rose which she now smokes for her anxiety.

Art by the amazing

101 knight is made by :iconheartgear:

Nikara and Drache belongs to :iconambiguous-apathy:

Moira Ler belongs to :iconankhrono:

Jesiax Stavalia belongs to :icondiscardedwolf:

Ana Makkalen belongs to :iconteen-detective:

Rowan Redblade, Ethan Redblade belong to:iconrowandoll:

Laurie belongs to :iconlo-ruke:

Gunther belongs to :icongunthertheguy: