Daily Sketch Challenge 20/04/23: Superman by slacknhash on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Years ago, when I was a surly self-absorbed teenage neckbeard, I used to hate Superman. Because I'd just read Watchmen and had been reading 2000AD for a few years, and therefore knew everything. And surely Alan Moore wouldn't sully his typewriter with the likes of the big blue boy scout, right?

Back then I hadn't heard of 'Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?' let alone read it. Unsurprisingly, I've got Alan Moore to thank for reminding me of the point of the superhero in question -- not just from that two-parter, but also 'For The Man Who Has Everything', his run on Supreme, etc. A short jump from that to the DCAU, and... yeah, I've got a lot more time for him these days.