Wrath-Amon from Conan the Adventurer by Slangolator on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

For those who don't know who is this character, I will tell you who is this.

This is Wrath-Amon from Conan the Adventurer. He is a malevolent wizardly crimelord of a hostile Stygian race who are also known as Serpent Men who is the leader of an evil Snake Cult who serves the evil deity known as Set. Wrath-Amon is the archenemy of Conan of Simmerian Barbarians after he turned his father, mother and grandfather into stony statues in his quest for a mineral known as Star Metal he intented to use to unleash his master Set upon the planet Earth to conquer it. Wrath-Amon is also archenemy of Tsubasa Otori after he killed his girlfriend Sabine Wren along with his mentor and motherly figure Ahsoka Tano, as well as killing Ezra Bridger before them during the war against United Planets Federation against the Qu'roths and Stygians. Wrath-Amon is also archenemy of Flannery for awakening lots of insecurities within her and forcing her to face her past in which she was struggling to accept becoming a leader and face her fears of leadership during his invasion of Pulsarius system.

Basic information

Full Name: Wrath-Amon

Code Name: Stone-hearted Snake

Alien Race: Stygian

Where does he/she appear in its canon media: Conan the Adventurer

Where does he/she appear in your own visions of medias: Insectoid (as main antagonist), Pulsarius (as main antagonist), Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins (as Evil Emperor Zurg).

About his backstory

Wrath-Amon was originally a red-brown-skinned giant gila monster lizard who was turned into a serpent man by his predecessor, Ram-Amon, as a more competant servant because Dreggs the Naga was too incompetent. So not surprisingly, Wrath-Amon turned on Ram-Amon, stole Ram-Amon's black ring of power and took over the Snake Cult, proving to be twice as evil as his "father". Wrath-Amon ruled the Stygian race on Earth for at least 200 years, (while Ram-Amon was imprisoned) and his cruelty and evil became legend. Soon, he was charged by Set to collect enough Star Metal to melt into discs to place atop seven pyramids so that Set would be freed from the Abyss and return to conquer Earth. While doing this, Wrath-Amon made a grave enemy of the Cimmerian barbarian named Conan when he used the Spell of Living Stone against his family. Conan vowed to restore his parents and destroy Wrath-Amon. Wrath-Amon enacted many schemes to destroy Conan and his friends, and complete his task to free Set. While he failed to destroy Conan, after a couple years he succeeded in completing the pyramids and bringing Set to Earth. Set rewarded Wrath-Amon by making him immortal, and as long as Wrath-Amon held the Black Ring he'd be invincible. In their campaign to stop Set from destroying the world, Conan and his friends attacked Wrath-Amon in his pyramid, and after a fierce battle and one final duel, they succeeded in getting the Black Ring away from Wrath-Amon. Conan next used the Amulet of Vathelos to return Wrath-Amon to his reptile form. However, Wrath-Amon was not yet finished. Wrath-Amon regained his powers after coming into a contact with a chemical substance known as Mutagen that restored him back into his humanoid snake form, and from that moment, his evil powers started to reawaken. Eager to test out his newly awakened powers of evil, Wrath-Amon confronted Ezra Bridger, former apprentice of a Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, who vanished from Lothal and the Rebel Alliance after the final fight for the liberation of Lothal against Galactic Empire, he confronts a dangerous new crime lord: Wrath-Amon of the Stygian race of evil serpent-men that worships the evil Serpent God known as Set. Ezra used all of his Jedi skills he was taught in his fight against a new evil. But as much as strong and valiant Ezra became, he was no match for the cruel Stygian Wizard Wrath-Amon. Ezra was quickly defeated and killed by Wrath-Amon who telepathically threatened Sabine Wren, Mandalorian member of the Ghost Crew and Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi Knight that Ezra is dead and that he is coming for them next. With his new powers, Wrath-Amon has managed to turn Qu'roth, race of humanoid-like insectoids, descendants of the Insectus race against United Planets Federation, and destroy the peace between Terran and Qu'roth races that existed for five hundred years, starting war between the two races. Tsubasa Otori, a young adventurer from the WBBA joined Federation to help Federation against Qu'roths and Stygians, and he became allies with a former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano and a Mandalorian Sabine Wren, with whom he bonded. Wrath-Amon wanted to acquire powers of Dark Force within Tsubasa, which he succeeded after he personally assassinated Sabine Wren by disguising himself as Ezra Bridger and stabbing her right in the heart. Tsubasa and Ahsoka fought against Wrath-Amon in vain as he easily overpowered them and afterwards he threw Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano to their deaths, and destroyed their souls with his Black Ring, killing them for real and causing Tsubasa to lose control over himself and awaken the evil powers of Dark Force within him. But even with powers from Dark Force, Tsubasa is unable to outmatch Wrath-Amon, and with the Black Ring, Wrath-Amon successfully drains all of the Dark Force's powers from Tsubasa into himself, which was his primary goal in the war of Federation against Qu'roth and Stygians, along with unleashing his master Set to once again enslave Earth. Tsubasa, however, managed to fight back against Wrath-Amon with the help of a Aquilian named Eris and eventually defeat him along with his master Set by destroying Wrath-Amon's power source called Black Ring, depowering him and causing Set to be imprisoned back in Abyss, winning the war for the Federation. However, even though Set and Wrath-Amon were defeated, they could never be killed, only their villainy could be contained. Wrath-Amon was still out there, and with the powers of Dark Force in his control, he became much more dangerous than before. Partially victorious, Wrath-Amon sought to test his new powers of Dark Force, and found Vestals from planet Vestal to be perfect targets, infecting them with a cursing virus that turned them into Stygians, inspiring him to hatch a new sinister plan to exterminate all races of the universe by infecting them into Stygians, which he started from invading planet Naboo in the Pulsarius system with the help of the enslaved Liza of Charrific Valley who lost an arm during her Dragon Rider training, and recovered it with Black Ring that was presumed lost, which also had the side effect of turning her into Stygian, which allowed Wrath-Amon to take control of Liza. Stygians have with the help of infected Vestals launched an invasion on Naboo by attacking a Vestal colony RX-5672 above the orbit of planet Naboo in the Pulsarius system. Padme Amidala and her people of Naboo fought back against Stygians after they were saved by Flannery of the Lavaridge, Ikathid named Lir and Nohrin named Selena who received the SOS signal and went to help Padme, and found it strange that Vestals were attacking Naboo, especially since two planets were friends with each other after the destruction of Witch Haggar's One Jewel. Flannery, Lir, Selena and Padme got extra help from rest of the Hoenn's Gym Leaders: Roxanne of Rustboro, Brawly of Dewford, Wattson of Mauvile, Norman of Petalburg, Winona of Fortree, siblings Tate and Liz of Mossdeep, Steven Stone of Mossdeep and Wallace of Sootopolis. Together, they fought off the infected Vestals while Flannery went to confront Wrath-Amon on her own, thinking that she can handle him with her firebending. Unfortunately, Flannery proved more confident than strong to fight against Wrath-Amon who ruthlessly overpowered and defeated Flannery, kidnapped Padme and got away, forcing Flannery to fight his servant Liza. Flannery defeated Liza, freed her from the curse and from her, Flannery, Lir, Selena and rest of the Hoenn Gym Leaders found out Stygians are behind the Vestals attacking Naboo and gave them weapons of Star Metal to fight Stygians. Wrath-Amon and Stygians caused a similar attack to happen on Sindoreian asteroid mining colonies in the orbit of planet Xibalba in Pulsarius system by infecting dragon-like race known as Pyrexeans and he temporarily allied himself with another crimelord known as Norman Osborn aka Green Goblin by bribing Osborn that he will get a beautiful slave girl (Flannery) to decorate his criminal empire if he accepts to command the Pyrexean invasion on Xibalba, which Wrath-Amon used to bide himself time to collect the required supplies of Star Metal to unleash his master Set upon the universe. Flannery's attempt to infliltrate Norman Osborn's commandship ended up with her getting captured by two of Osborn's right hands: Joseph Lorenzini aka Hammerhead and Adrian Toomes aka Vulture and her getting degraded into a slave girl by Osborn who made her become his latest slave girl, making her wearing a dancing gypsy outfit and chaining her to his throne as a trophy. Norman Osborn then challenged Primo, Flannery's lover who was helping her friends fend off Pyrexean invaders to a duel to death with a threat that he will become his latest trophy if he loses. After having lots of difficulties to fight off Norman Osborn, Primo, Lir, Selena and rest of the Hoenn's Gym Leaders eventually defeated Norman Osborn and freed the Flannery from enslavement with the help of Liza who promised Flannery earlier that after saving her life, she will save hers. Unfortunately, Wrath-Amon and his Stygians turned out to be faster as they contaminated entire colony of Sindoreians. And despite United Planets Federation managing to acquire the coordinates of Stygians's lair in the Shipyard in the orbit of planet Namek in Pulsarius system, war between Naboo, Vestals, Stygians, Pyrexeans, Sindoreians, and Federation combined with Flannery's failure to defeat Wrath-Amon, rescue Padme and ending enslaved by Norman Osborn took it's toll on Flannery's mental health as she believed that she is not the right leader for her team against Wrath-Amon as she reffered herself as weak, pathetic and disgraceful example for a leader, and left her team to wait for death to finally take her. Primo called out Flannery for leaving her friends in time of need as he knew the real reason Flannery didn't want to lead, which she was reluctant to bring up, is because of what happened to her former best friend, Princess Sara. Remembering how in her attempt to be a leader of Sara's squadron to save her from getting arrested by BAHRAM forces and her own insanity in fighting crime, she unintentionally sold her out and let her down. Haunted by those painful memories and heartbroken by her previous failures in the Naboo's and Federation's against Stygians, Flannery desparingly admitted that she has absolutely no chance in defeating an evil wizard like Wrath-Amon, when she couldn't even save a princess like Sara from arrest and herself. Fortunately, Primo managed to convince Flannery to stand firm, to learn from her failures and that no matter how she is afraid of something, to be courageous, grith her teeth and face her fears with dignity. Primo's "You Are Better Than What You Think You Are" speech to Flannery succeeded to inspire her to face her fears of being a leader and lead her friends in their final battle against the Wrath-Amon and the Stygians. Eventually, Flannery, Lir, Selena and Primo defeated Wrath-Amon by disarming him from his Black Ring and destroying it. But before a final blow could have been struck, portal to Abyss opened, spirit of Set emerged from it and it saved Wrath-Amon from death, then returned to Abyss with him. Simultaneously, Padme Amidala, Vestals and Pyrexeans along with everybody else who was infected with Stygian virus soon recovered and were restored back to their normal selves. Flannery, Lir, Selena, Primo, Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Norman, Winona, siblings Tate and Liza, Steven Stone, Wallace, and Liza of Charrific Valley finally managed to strike directly to the heart of the Stygian lair and foil their evil plan. Once the task of defeating Wrath-Amon and destruction of the Stygian flagship was a success for our heroes, it was no problem for United Planets Federation to destroy the remaining Stygian forces. Afterwards, Stygians retreated into unknown parts of the universe while our heroes returned home to Hoenn region to celebrate their well-deserved victory. However, Flannery has a feeling that they may see Wrath-Amon again, as this adventure taught her that such scums like Wrath-Amon are certainly hard to destroy forever, especially since Set has hide within his most loyal follower: Wrath-Amon a part of his soul so that his evil could live on. And that is the story about Wrath-Amon's origins.

Physical appearance

Body: In his human form, Wrath-Amon has yellow snake eyes, and a bright skin. In his Stygian form, Wrath-Amon has green reptile-like skin and his face is almost completely snake-like.

Most Common Outfit (what outfit do you draw them in the most): Wrath-Amon's outfit consists of a dark-green snake-like helmet with black horns, dark-green snake-like bracers, one of them ending with two claws, dark-green snake-like armor with the red cape, brown metallic belt, black pants with shades of brown and dark-green snake-like shoes.

Personal information

Traits and Personalities: Wrath-Amon fits the insults "snake" and "cold-blooded" all too adequately which he takes as personal and literal compliments as he is a very cruel, manipulative, sadistic and power-hungry wizard who takes delight in making others suffer by his own hand. Even though he is unhelpful towards anyone, his fear of Set and his power could keep him loyal and subservient to the Serpent God. He also shows intolerance of failure, whether from his own henchmen or anyone else who served him in some way, and never bluffs when he makes threats. Wrath-Amon is also an immortal Stygian after he was transformed into one by his former master Ram-Amon, as seemingly nothing can kill him permanently. Wrath-Amon is also a trophy collector, and those trophies are always in the form of stony statues of his victims who dare to oppose him.

Strengths: As a master of manipulation and fear, Wrath-Amon is a tyrant and dark lord who is worshiped as a death-god, which earns him loyalty from most of those who deems useful. Wrath-Amon is also very powerful wizard, an exceptional leader and a legendary warrior who is capable of awakening inner insecurities of all who oppose him and catching his enemies off-guard with his manipulations. Being a Stygian, Wrath-Amon can withstand far more beating and damage than most of the other average villains would be able, even from the weapons made of Star Metal which would normally send Stygians into Abyss after being exposed by them as he also possesses a weapon made of Star Metal: Black Ring.

Weaknesses: Wrath-Amon is liable to suffer from the vicious mood swings whenever and often screams out loud when his plans go wrong. And while Wrath-Amon can survive the exposure to weapons made of Star Metal, he can still feel the pain from them. In addition, as Wrath-Amon's power source is his Black Ring, he is vulnerable without it because if it's taken off from him, he will devolve into his original form of a red-brown-skinned giant gila monster lizard.

Powers and Abilities: There is no doubt that Wrath-Amon is one of the most powerful and most dangerous creatures to exist as he has plenty of powers in his arsenal: Black Ring allows him to fire energy rays that can destroy many things that get struck by it, and which can also be used to poison one's will from time to time and which is also capable to opening the portal between the Abyss and Mortal Universe. Wrath-Amon can also cause earthquakes with a single stomp. Besides being a powerful wizard, Wrath-Amon is also strong in melee combat as he is highly skilled in using bladed weapons for melee combat. However, Wrath-Amon's most powerful and most dangerous spell is the spell known as Spell of Living Stone, which is in form of a glassy ball-shaped grenade that upon shattering, releases a smoke which petrifies all who get exposed by it, rendering them powerless and completely unable to act.

Fears: Loss of immortality, falls from grace.

Alignment: Bad

Loves: Inflicting destruction, villainy, taking slaves, turning people into stony statues, causing misery, loyalty from his minions.

Hates: Heroism, rebellions, disloyalty, betrayals, things not going according to plan, his curses being undone.

Relative data

Family: Ram-Amon (father, formerly, betrayed)

Friend(s): Windfang, Skulkur, Dregs, Lord Medusa (unofficial), Gora, Norman Osborn (occasionally), Liza of Charrific Valley (formerly)

Best Friend (If they have one): Set (master)

Love Interest(s)/Crush(es): N/A

Rival(s): Conan of Simmerian Barbarians (archenemy), Tsubasa Otori (archenemy), Flannery (archenemy), Mesmira.

Enemy(ies): Conan of Simmerian Barbarians, Zula, Jezmine, Greywolf, Snagg, Falkenar, Epimetreus, Needle, Punkers of Crimsonland (Akima Kunimoto, Aang Leung, Arthur Parks, Banzai the Hyena, Basil of Baker Street, Beyal, Boltz, Clopin, Delphinium, Jenny Justice, Evangelyne, Fallon, General Grievous, Hunter Steele, Hawkeye, Yu Tendo, Kaito Tenjo, Kalin Kessler, Kaline, Cammile Pearce, Captain Amazing, Cassim, Cad Bane, Cappy, Kat, Ling Leung, Ludwig von Koopa, Luna Lovegood, Mara Jade, Naomi Turner, Orestes, Peter Quill, Professor Paradox, Quasimodo, Samantha Sam Simpson, Sonny Blackbones, Sori, Torbin Zixx, Zane Truesdale and Zuko), Vestals, Mira Clay, Lief of Del, Commander Kala, Master Chin, Optimus Prime, Lazerette, Noel, Galian, Celia Mae, Lumina, Gods of the Universe (Daphne, Iciclia, Treebeard, Draco, Nuclea, Thoren, Harmonia, Madame Leotta, Mikel) God Aspects of the Universe (Daimyo, Raiden, Renee Roberts, Master Chin, Flannery, Musa, Megan), Fellowship of the Rings (Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas), Rainbow Kingdom (Floria, Koehler, Scarlet Overkill, Nurzak, Allura) and their allies (Monique LaRoche, Tea Gardner, Duke Delvin, Hercules, Mai Valentine, Eret), Heroes of the Universe (Slango the Malutian, Orange Blossom, Lolita Loli Loretti, Ruby Trollman, Malika Mia Bleacher, Kaline Kali Khalachnik, Percedal, Raiga Kurosuki, Traximus, Oskar von Horrificus Clay, Gothetta Gothetticus von Horrificus Clay, Kira Supernova, Sofia the First, He-Man, Kanan Jarrus, Bakura Ryou, Yoh Asakura, Primo, Zulia, and their allies (Dante Vale, Rubilax, Samurai Jack, Shinigami, Sakon and Ukon, Cassandra the Oracle, Sartorius, Selenia, Mavis Dracula, Flannery, Zam Wesell, Sunburst, Sinedd, Johannes, Esmeralda, Phoebus, Kala, Corona, Aster Phoenix, Corina Bucksworth, Lucy McClain, Goku, Samantha, Taotie, Temutai, Hiccup, Lady Zera), United Planets Federation (Captain Jean-Luc Piccard, Launchpad McQuack, Diane Ardant), Insectuses (Airachnid, Gypsy, Manny, Flik, Rosie, Qiong Qi, Francis, Dim, Slim), Kingdom of Enchancia (Sofia the First, Princess Amber, Queen Miranda, King Roland II), Empire of the Night (Darchon, Hexxus, Kwodahn, Horned King, Bloodwolf, Betrayer, Ryuk, Ke-Pa, Mumm-Ra, Nemesis), their henchmen (Aoi Rokusho, Sherry LeBlanc, Sa'luk, Smeagol) and their collaborators (Amalia, Motaro, Elsa, Madara Uchiha, Dartz), Ikathids, Krainian Empire (Vega, Walka, Lord Krutor, Blackarachnia (formerly), Mephisto (formerly), Bela, Shadow Prove, Tarb, Herbert Wade, Zenoheld, Baroness, Drako, Nessus), Masters of Destruction (Xoxx, Crtex, Lord Krutor, Klaxxon, Vega, Sedessa, Ser Heraclio, Sauron, Witch Haggar, Grufon and Dr. Eggman).

Biography and roles in your stories

How is the character from other media portrayed in your stories:

In which role of Heroes of the Storm hero is he/she: Arthas - the Lich King

Do you like him/her: A little

Quotes: "I am WRATH-AMON!"

"My Black Ring hungers for your soul."

"Oh mighty Set, I heed your call. Let your power flow through the Black Ring. Let the doorway between the dimensions be open. Enter this earthly sphere, oh great Set, so that I may hear your command!"

"Fail me and your life will be the least you will lose."

"You challenged me, and you were wrong. Because recklessness like yours always ends with the likes of you dead."

"The Pulsarius system shall fall before the merciless fangs of Stygians, and from the ashes shall arise a new order loyal to Set that will shake the very foundations of the universe. And I will succeed where Witch Haggar has failed!"