SRB2 Sonic Sprite Sheet (WIP) by SlashClaws271 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Here's a project I've been trying to work on, since nobody else seems to want to.
Sonic the Hedgehog in Sonic Robo Blast 2 style.
I'd like credit for this, I guess...though, I will give credit to retrobunyip, TheGoku7729, and GlitchytheHedgehog91 for making the sprites I recolored with SRB2's palette for this. Their Composite Sonic design was the perfect sprite style for this.
I'll be updating this soon, so stay tuned, I guess.
Sonic the Hedgehog belongs to /
Credit to , , and for the sprites from the Composite Sonic sheet, credit to RandomTalkingBush for ripping Sonic Mania's font, and credit to , Team Mania, and Sonic Team Jr. for Sonic the Hedgehog himself, Sonic Mania, and Sonic Robo Blast 2.
(UPDATE: January 13, 2018)
Added the Extras Section, which includes multiple sprites shown in other 2D-styled Sonic games that SRB2 doesn't have, and the multiplayer palettes for the game.
One of the crouch sprites is custom-made, so please credit me if it is used.
(UPDATE: March 21, 2018)
Saw that three pixels on one of the getting up frames in the Extras Section had the wrong shade of blue, and fixed it.