AA: Dante-Thor Designs by Slately on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


//wheezes So, there had been consideration to use these two in the group during the last opening, but I was lazy and slow, and while I had one done, I didn't have the other. So I just decided not to go along wiht it- Boredom lead to finishing up Thor though. So here is some vague information, the basics while I figure out if I really want to try this-

Name: Dante Alessi
Age: 19 years old.
Birthday: 10/24
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1'' (??? cm)
Race: Human

Class: Disciple
Occupation: Koben Army
City: Koben
Allegiance: Koben Empire

Personality: A seemingly calm and collected soldier in the army, Dante does his best to keep himself the picture of perfection. To anyone that doesn't know him they would refer to him as a good ally to have in a fight, always watching your back and seemingly never panicked or slow to act. He typically holds everyone at arms length, and despite being great ina fight, he tends not to stick around for any conversation. Giving flat boring responses before leaving.

To those that know him better, they know different. Despite keeping a flat face he has a temper that often bubbles up, feelings of irritation and annoyance at coworkers come out after hours. If he doesn't feel he has to keep up a mask with you, he's more prone to speaking his mind, and chewing you out if you are stupid.

At most times, Dante has to be pulled into a conversation before he really starts contributing, otherwise he stays quiet. He has difficulty opening up to new people, and because of this he has very few close friends.

History: (Vague basic history facts for now)

Name: Thor Rhys
Age: 17 years old
Birthday: 9/13
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9'' (??? cm)
Race: Human

Class: Fighter
Occupation: Mercenary
City: Koben (from Valsk)
Allegiance: Koben Empire (Neutral, he does not focus heavily on politics and sides of the war, despite participating).

Personality: A cheerful and talkative guy, he's been likened to a puppy on more then one occasion. He's very open, speaking about anything and everything with anyone whose close enough to speak with. He's very open about how he is feeling, be it happy or angry, not one to keep quiet about anything. Hes determined and very easily motivated to do just about anything, stuck up on ideals of justice and honor.

While for the most part he's mostly cheerful, it's safe to say he does have a temper. And as easily as he shows his joy over things, he's just as easy to piss off and get irritated. He's just as loud and talkative, complaining and yelling. Not one to sugarcoat anything he will get in the face of the source of his problems.

Because of his attitude, Thor tends to jump quickly to extremes and action before he thinks them through. Making him a rather uncontrolled variable in situations. he's prone to not following orders and gets aggressive when people try pretty fast.

History: (Vague basic history facts for now)