SlenderManCometh | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Comments 603

You guys still accepting submissions? I submitted a fanart to the fanart folder, and it has expired two times now.

Hello! I am from a newer group (less than a week old at this point) that is trying very hard to replace its predecessor very quickly! We're about one tenth of the way to our original goal (that goal is about 1230 members) after only four days.

Of you love horror (as I assume a group like this must), then feel free to drop in and submit your art to people who love horror and dark, scary things just as much as you do. We hope to bring new concepts to the group process and promise to remain active permanently. Cheers, lads!

Slender is our friend... take us to the ark... Dun dun dun...!

Hey, is DeadDoll still around? I miss her playthroughs on youtube; she had a unique style.

can i join? i has info on slenderman.

Slendy has one of the best powers.

Ultimate poker face