Cassie's belly peril. Part 8 by small-lolita-girl on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

As soon as the knocking was out there, Joseph removed the scissors from Cassie's belly button. He released her wrists, clasping his rough hand over her mouth.

And when another knock sounded, Cassie began to scream beneath his palm.

"Shut up!" Joseph ordered through a harsh whisper.

But Cassie continued her screams, no matter how hard he pressed his hand against her face.

And Joseph lost his patience.

A fist launched to the side of Cassie's head for the third time, and her vision was blurred again. But now, all she felt was the pain before the blackness took over.

Joseph felt the room turn cold as Cassie stopped struggling, her glassy eyes closing. To feel relieved or panicked. He didn't know.

For a second, he feared she was faking it, and she'd attack as soon as his back was turned.

But his attention was drawn away upon hearing a voice call out, "Hello?"

The person at the door was still there and soft-spoken as the person was; they were demanding someone to open up. Fuck.

Just see who it is and get them to leave immediately.

Standing up, Joseph chose to forget about Cassie for the moment. He'd have to deal with her soon. For now, he needed to compose himself. With no mirror nearby, he'd just have to trust that he looked fine, that nothing was out of the ordinary.

Standing at the door, he let out a puff of a breath and unlocked it.

Walking away from the house was a girl. She was a petit thing, not too different to Cassie, only with a head of blonde hair.

Having heard the door open, she turned to look at Joseph, a look of relief flashing.

"Good evening," Joseph forced a smile on his face as the girl walked back towards the door. He noted her green eyes, realising now the panic he was feeling internally had sobered him up.

The girl looked up at him, arms folded across her chest. "Uh...hi. I'm Jessie. I live just 10 minutes from here," she nodded a head behind her, "On the edge of the woods. I was just wondering...have you..." she struggled to speak, "seen or heard anything weird in the last few days?"

Joseph furrowed his brows, genuinely unsure of what she was referring to. "What do you mean?"

"Um...I don't know. Have you..." Jessie still struggled to speak, clearly, the subject causing her great stress, "...I don't know, have you heard any screaming or...maybe you've seen a girl with brown hair in the woods."

And Joseph swallowed. "No. No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Oh. Um...It's just, the girl I live with...she's..." there was a kind of crack to her voice, "she's missing, and police aren't really doing much about it. So I'm just...asking around for information."

Joseph felt it again, not knowing whether to be relieved or nervous. Here was this girl, poking around, looking for Cassie, when Cassie was literally not at all far away.

On the other hand, at least the cops weren't going to be pestering him anytime soon. "Doing your own investigation then?"

"Yeah..." Jessie nodded, "'cause no one else will."

"That's awful," Joseph sighed, doing his best to fake sympathy. "I'm sorry, but I haven't noticed anything unusual," he had to hold back the urge to look over his shoulder in case Cassie had woken up.

He kept his eyes forward, trying to maintain his facade.

Jessie, on the other hand, her composure changed within a matter of seconds. She stood back, turning her back to him, a shakey breath exiting her throat. It didn't sound like a sigh, nor a gasp. More like she had been an anguished sound trapped in her throat for hours, and only now could she finally release it.

She lifted her arms, clasping her hands behind her head.

And for a small moment, Joseph couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. Whoever Cassie was to her, she was clearly adored and missed terribly. Did that mean he would give in and let Cassie go? Absolutely not. He would be an idiot to do something so careless. The girl knew his face, she knew his ways, and she knew his name. There was no doubt Cassie would run to the cops.

Not that any of these thoughts really mattered; Joseph's pity only lasted a moment.

For Jessie turned back around, her eyes now glassy. But Joseph wasn't focused on them, as pretty as they were.

Because with her arms raised above her head, her shirt had risen. And there it was. An adorable little innie.

Joseph could feel it. That urge. The hunger.

"I don't know what to do anymore." A tear rolled down Jessie's cheek as she lowered her arms. She wrapped them around herself.

Now that her belly button was out of sight, Joseph was brought back to the moment, only now noticing how upset she was.

"I'm so sorry..." he uttered.

"It's OK." Jessie shook her head, "Sorry for disturbing your night. Goodbye."

And as she turned to walk away, Joseph's fist clenched around the door. He was not going to let this girl escape him. "Wait!"

The blonde girl turned before she could get too far.

"What did you say your name was again?" Joseph asked.

"Jessie," she sniffed, rubbing her tear-stained eyes with the back of her hand.

"Jessie," Joseph repeated it as if testing how it sounded on his tongue. "What if you came in? It would be cruel if I just let you walk away like this. Maybe I could help out."

Jessie shook her head, "I-I don't wanna make you go out of your way, I - -"

"You wouldn't, don't worry about that." Joseph smiled. "I could even help you out with your investigation. You'll get nowhere if it's just you."

Jessie crossed her arms across her chest again, glancing over Joseph's shoulder. For a second, he worried if Cassie had appeared. He finally glanced over his shoulder, but the girl he had kept captive for days now was not behind him.

But she was still in the kitchen, one of her sprawled out legs in clear view from where he stood. Now that he spotted her, panic took over. Had Jessie seen what happened? Maybe she had peered in the window upon hearing the sounds of struggling, seeing him pin Cassie down, poking the razer sharp scissors into her navel.

"OK, sure."

Joseph looked back around, watching as Jessie wiped the tears from her eyes. Her eyes were on the floor, no longer staring beyond the door.

Joseph, for a moment, had no idea what to do. He could've easily asked Jessie to come back another day and that he was exhausted. But he had said he couldn't let her walk away so distraught. If he were to dismiss her, she'd probably never return, finding him rude.

And also, he needed satisfaction. And Cassie wasn't doing it for him anymore.

He needed to satisfy this hunger, now.

"Could you just give me a few minutes? It's a bit untidy in here." It did sound bizarre. Surely Jessie was questioning internally why he couldn't just clean around her. "Sorry. I'm just a bit of a clean freak. It's truly shameful."

"It's fine. Do what you gotta do. I'll wait. You got a cigarette?" Jessie asked. She never really was a smoker, usually only having one with a drink. But now that she had hope, that this man wanted to help her, she was afraid to let go of it. Therefore she was stressed.

Joseph provided her with a cigarette and lighter before closing the front door and leaving her to smoke. He carefully and calmly made his way into the kitchen, glancing at Cassie only to see she was how he had left her. He knew what he'd do with her for the time being.

Rifling through drawers, he tried to maintain his relaxed stance, afraid Jessie would feel his nerves from the other end of the place.

It's fine.

You have 5 minutes.

It takes someone 5 minutes at least to smoke.

Chill out.

Joseph found what he was looking for; grey duck tape. Next step - handcuffs.

Fuck, where had he even put them?

He saw a couple of cable ties in the drawers. If the handcuffs were nowhere to be seen, these would be the alternative.

So he stuffed them into his pocket along with the tape and moved to Cassie. He scooped the petit girl up in his arms, her head lolling back. Still out cold.

For a moment, he was distracted. If he wanted to, he could've lifted her higher so that her midriff was below his face. He would kiss and lick her belly for hours. Why hadn't he thought of that before?

Not the time.

Joseph quickly made his way upstairs, which thankfully were not in sight of the front door or its windows, and carried Cassie's limp form to the bedroom.

Laying her down on the unmade bed, he searched for the handcuffs. The key was on the bedside table, but the cuffs were nowhere. Not under the bed, not in any drawers. What the fuck had he done with them?

The cable ties. Just use the fucking cable ties.

He listened to his panicked brain, securing Cassie's wrists above her head and to the wooden poles.

He stuck the tape across her mouth.

Fuck, why hadn't he ever taped her before? Not only would it have prevented her from becoming so cocky, but it made his dick twitch. How satisfying would it have been to rip the strip from her mouth, hearing her yell in pain?

How good would it have been if he had placed a strip across her belly button? To peel it off slowly, watching it tug that tiny ball of flesh along with it.

Joseph was stroking his fingers along the smooth skin of her belly, rubbing his thumb in circles around her navel.

His imagination was going wild, and he loved every second.

Hearing a cough from outside took him out of his hypnotic trance. Fuck, he was becoming so forgetful. Maybe it was the alcohol hitting again.

Joseph hurried downstairs, flicking on lights, starting up the radio, and going to lay a book opened on the couch.

No, you idiot. You think she's going to believe you were just reading in the dark??

Putting the book on the coffee table instead, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Joseph called.

Jessie entered the cabin, red-rimmed eyes looking at him nervously, "I didn't see an ashtray, so I just threw it in the grass. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." He smiled. He gestured to the sofa, "Sit down. Make yourself comfortable."

Jessie did so, looking at the floor in front of her.

"Would you like a drink?" Joseph asked, appearing in front of her.

"Ugh...sure. What do you have?" She played with the choker around her thin neck.

Joseph liked it. Not the type to just say 'anything'. "You want some lemonade? Well, it's more mango than lemon."

"Yeah, I'll have some mango-ade, please," she stifled a laugh, which was followed by a sniff. Like she couldn't allow herself to laugh at her own quirky personality.

Joseph liked her. And he liked what he was going to do to her.

He moved to the kitchen, taking a moment to wipe sweat from his brow. How long had it even been there?

"Sorry for crying, by the way," Jessie called to him.

"Don't apologise," Joseph called back, taking the bottle of "mango-ade" from the fridge. He grabbed two glasses from the cupboard, "of course you're going to be upset about your friend."

Joseph glanced over his shoulder. He couldn't see Jessie, and she couldn't see him. Next step.

He opened another cupboard, the place in which he kept a small bottle of pills. It hadn't even been opened yet. Of all the girls he had victimised, never had he roofied any of them. And now was the time.

He poured the drinks and popped a pill in one of the drinks.

Joseph took both glasses into the living room, passing Jessie her drink as he sat down. "How did you know this girl anyway?"

Jessie didn't immediately answer, "She was my best friend..." but she gulped, "OK, no. I'm tired of saying that. I feel like I'm betraying her by saying that." The blonde ruffled her hair, clearly uncomfortable.

"You don't need to tell me," Joseph interjected.

"No, I should, though. Cassie's my girlfriend," Jessie smiled as it left her lips, that word...' girlfriend'. It clearly brought her so much joy.

Joseph should have guessed as much, considering how distraught Jessie was. But this made him even more intrigued, knowing these two attractive girls were together. Did they ever play with each other's navels? Would Cassie poke Jessie's innie whenever the would stretch upon awakening? The thought of Jessie's dark lashes fluttering against Cassie's pale belly as they made love made everything inside him stir.

"We just...we kinda keep it to ourselves. Yeah, it's 2021, but there's still homophobic fucks out there, you know?" Jessie confessed, "But I can't keep calling her my best friend like it's erasing what we have. I mean, I love her. And I should be more proud of that."

"I understand. Well, even if I was homophobic -which I'm not- that doesn't erase the fact a girl is missing. And I'm willing to help out." Joseph sipped his drink, wishing Jessie would drink her own.

"I had a feeling you were an accepting kind of guy. I mean, I know I don't know who you are, but I get good vibes."

Joseph hadn't lied. He was not a homophobe - as long as men refrained from their kissing and hand-holding in public, he had no problem with it at all.

But where Jessie was wrong was the vibes she was getting from him. And that only made Joseph feel more relaxed. He was playing this part well.

"When did she go missing?" He asked.

"2 days ago. Well, nights if you wanna get technical." Jessie answered.

Joseph remembered the night he had broken into Cassie's house. He hadn't even noticed anyone else there at that moment, let alone any sign or indication that there had been two girls living there.

And the image of Cassie sitting on the porch surfaced, arms wrapped around herself as she sobbed.

He thought carefully about his next question, "So, do you have any idea of what could have happened to her?"

Jessie shrugged, "Anything could have happened. Although, everyone keeps saying she probably ran away considering..."

Jessie looked away, her eyes becoming glassy again.

"Considering...?" Joseph pried.

But Jessie didn't answer immediately. Her eyes trailed away from him, heading to look down at the glass in her hand. She hadn't taken a sip, for it wouldn't help soothe the lump in her throat. "We...had a fight, I guess."

Joseph's brows raised, still maintaining his concerned act. Honestly, he didn't give a fuck about this soppy shit.

Jessie was fighting back the tears, rubbing her eyes again. Still, she stared at the glass. "Look, I know I hurt her," she said as if Joseph knew the context, "And I haven't been there for her. But I know Cassie. She wouldn't run away."

"She wouldn't?" Joseph was practically praying in his head that Jessie would just drink already.

"No, definitely not. Even if she did, she would have left a note. Or she'd even be back by now." Jessie rambled. "But, she has nowhere to go...I'm all she has..."

"She doesn't have any family?"

"No. Well, yeah, she does. But, the fucking cunts, they disowned her as soon as she came out." Jessie scoffed. "Sorry, you don't need to hear any of that."

"It's fine, Jessie. But what about your family? Would she have gone to their place?"

"They live in a different state."

"Well, would they even help you find her?"

"I don't want to ask. Dad had a stroke a few months ago, so Mom's been taking care of him." Jessie's voice cracked a bit more.

Joseph decided to step up his game. He put an arm around the girl, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. She'll come back. Maybe you should go back to talk to the police."

Please don't, actually. Joseph then thought.

"Why should I? They clearly don't wanna help me. They think I upset her enough to make her run away." Jessie wasn't distraught anymore, more frustrated. "They keep saying she'll show up any day now, which, again, I highly doubt. She would have been back by now." She paused, rubbing her palm against her knee. "Fuck, what if they think I murdered her or something?"

She didn't seem at all troubled by the possibility. She stifled a laugh before finally looking at Joseph again, "Sorry, you must think I'm crazy."

"I don't think you're crazy." He returned the smile, sipping his drink again. And he turned his attention to the glass in his hand. "Fuck, this stuffs really good. I hadn't tried it until you came." He looked from the glass to Jessie, "What do you think?"

"Oh! I haven't even had any. Sorry," Jessie blushed, feeling called out and embarrassed for being rude. She put the glass to her lips, swallowing one gulp. Pulling the glass away, she said, "Wow, that is good." And she took another drink.

Joseph had to contain a broad grin; he was excited. He was about to bag himself his next victim.

"This is a nice place, by the way," Jessie's green eyes trailed around the room. "Is this your home-home or a holiday home?"

Joseph was too excited. He couldn't think of what to say right away. "Ugh...yeah. It's a holiday home. I've been staying here for a while."

Jessie made a hmmm sound, looking behind the couch and scoping out the rest of the place.

Joseph continued. "Sometimes, I like to escape from real life. Well, I still go to work, know how family life gets..."

Jessie didn't seem to be particularly listening anymore. Her gaze had landed on the corner of the room and was fixated there.

Joseph wanted to look around and see what she was seeing. But as her skin paled, he already knew.

She was looking at the desk, the one with the knife taped to it. The same one he had used to pin Cassie to the wall.

The blonde stood abruptly, averting her eyes. She put the glass down, eyes avoiding looking at Joseph. "I should get going. I have other places to check and..."

Jessie paused. She was staring at the glass, blinking a few times.

"And...?" Joseph was smirking.

"And, um...I should...I...I..." Jessie swayed to the side a bit, "I need..."

"Feeling a bit woozy?" Inside, Joseph was ecstatic. His plan was working.

Jessie turned to look at him, stumbling as she moved her feet. "...What did you do...?"

And Jessie's knees gave in; her body was headed for the couch.

Joseph grabbed her, however, easing her fall. "Don't worry. You'll be OK. Everything's OK."

Despite how close she was to passing out, Jessie's body was trembling. And Joseph's mouth was watering as he lay her down on the couch, stroking a strand of her from her clammy face. His eyes moved downward, and the little exposed skin of her belly was already begging to be tortured.

Jessie wasn't out cold yet, but soon it would take her over. And Joseph relished in this fact. He wanted her to know he was going to do awful things to her.

"Oh, you were so wrong in trusting me," Joseph took the hem of Jessie's shirt, pushing it up to just below her ribs. His fingers brushed against her belly in feathery touches, his fingertip circling the rim of that adorable innie. "So fucking wrong, Jessie."

She finally gave in to the blackness.