Fhy do I feel like this? by sn0wvng3l on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

sn0wvng3l on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sn0wvng3l/art/Fhy-do-I-feel-like-this-994131544sn0wvng3l

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sn0wvng3l's avatar

Published: Nov 12, 2023


What is it like to feel alone? To be lonely?

What is it like to hope to be feeling like it?
And when you are feeling like it, hoping not to feel like it.

Image size

1484x1979px 106.78 KB

MartianGopnik's avatar

To answer the last question: perfectly-normal introversion. Alone-time is our version of going to parties; a pleasant way to "recharge," but it can only last so long. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯