CLOSED Mystical Shepherd adopt by SnowmanAndOctopus on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The bonus back story

Clouds of memories float in the endless river of time. Memories of those who were once alive.
Each year there were more and more of them. And in the end, when their density reached its limit...
a radiance appeared over a huge clot of clouds. At that moment, HE began to take on human features.
Is it a human? A spirit? A ghost? An entity that has no name in this world. The essence that carries all the longing to see the loved ones again.

По бескрайней реке времени плывут облака воспомининий. Воспоминаний о тех, кто был когда-то живым.
С каждым годом их становилось все больше и больше. И в конце-концов их плотность достигла своего предела.
Над огромным облачным сгустком появилось сияние. В тот же момент он стал обретать человеческие черты.
Человек ли? Дух? Призрак? Сущность , названия которой нет в этом мире.
Сущность, несущая в себе все стремления вновь увидеть любимых.

~ Snowman aka Irbi-art


for Mystical Shepherd

Shepherd of eggplants bulls

No one hears when the herd passes by.
No one sees the shepherd leading the herd.
Like a guiding star shines the light in his self-walking staff, calling out for the eggplant bulls.

They carry the souls of the dead from the world of living once a year.
Like a lullaby sounds the flute, preparing everyone who has returned to sleep.
Will they be woken next year?

(Thank so very much for translation my text for Miletysant aka Octopus.)

Пастух стада быков-баклажан

Никто не слышит, когда это стадо проходит мимо.
Никто не видит пастуха, ведущего это стадо.
Путеводной звездой горит свет в его самоходном посохе,
созывая быков-баклажан, везущих раз в год души усопших из мира живых.
И колыбельной звучит флейта, готовя ко сну всех, кто вернулся.
Разбудят ли их в следующем году?

SP: $49

You'll get:

  1. big transparent png with character,

  2. his staff,

  3. 3 round illusration from this preview,

  4. and this preview in full size.

  5. And his story written special for this character.


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This character seems as comes from Japanes folklor and his story too.

But he is original character comes to my head based on Japanes traditions at Obon ( Bon Festival ) .

(and i afraid i mix some traditional things from China here too)

About Bon Festival
From 13 to 17 August, the Obon Festival is celebrated, one of the most important holidays in Japan. The Japanese believe that these days the souls of their ancestors descend from heaven to visit their family. Traditionally, on the first day of Obon, people go to the cemetery and pray for these souls. Naturally, for this reason, Obon can be an excuse for all family members to get together - people often come to their hometowns specifically for the festival. Houses are carefully cleaned, and generous offerings are made to the Buddhist altar - butsudan. Incense and lanterns are lit near the altar (so that souls go down the correct adrem) and decorated with flowers. There is an interesting tradition - to display a cucumber and an eggplant with legs attached to them. The legs are made from broken chopsticks or toothpicks. This is a kind of transport for departed souls. The cucumber symbolizes a fast horse, on which the ancestor will return to the world of the living, and the eggplant symbolizes a slow and unhurried bull or cow, who are in no hurry to return to the next world.


Before buying please make sure that you've read the Rules.

You can change his name, his design and pick up his story as you like... but please... treat him well

All inktober themed adopts you can see HERE