Massacull, The Preying Pursuer by SobeksSwamp on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Massacull is the result of General Verminces experiments actually going right for once. This cybernetic Frankenstein was designed as the magnum opus of Verminces hellish creations, hand crafting his very own APEX which would follow his commands. After the failure of Suchus-2000 and then DeathRoll-02, Vermince decided to use both machine and flesh to create his next experiment, resulting in Massacull. Given his name for the several APEX's he has already killed, the bodycount for this hunter is only beginning. While given direct orders, Massacull is fully aware of its dirty deeds and takes great pleasure in tearing flesh apart. To be known as the APEX slasher means Massacull must be precise and deadly in order to kill such large foes. Its arsenal packs an assortment of sharp bladed weapons all over his body, Homing shoulder missiles, and the ability to detach his wrist plates off, giving him a total of 4 arms with individual control. Along with all this, Massacull supports active camouflage and can use short distance teleportation thanks to the device welded into its back. Massacull's twisted personality comes from its vigorous training and brainwashing capabilities done by Vermince. In doing so, he has crafted a truly lethal and loyal assassin. One flaw with Massacull however is its sudden outburst of ego, which has resulted in its demise time and time again on the battlefield. Massacull wishes at every moment to humiliate and disarm its opponent, adding to its horrible nature. If unable to chase him off, you can expect that he will gore you slowely and painfully, severing limbs and watching you bleed. Massacull has had several engagements with Sobek, sometimes causing near-death incidents. Massacull is an APEX which needs to be disarmed as soon as possible. With a APEX under the control of the Red Order, no one knows where this reaper of giants will strike next.