Elmer Ref by SockOwl on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

my bOY
Decided to make a ref for Elmer because I'm too swamped with everything else to do something better, so here we go

- His name is Elmer, nobody knows whether he's half raccoon or half tanuki, although he does share a lot of traits for both.
- People know he's not from the us but don't know where exactly he's from. IRL Tanukis can be found in the wild everywhere across Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Estonia, and Scandinavia, but not in the US.
- He loves to collect shiny objects, and will take whatever he sees, even if it's someone else's. The fact that he takes things like that make people believe he actually is part raccoon.
- Not many people have ever seen his eyes, but those who have insist his eye color is magenta.
- He mainly likes to live in the wilderness, but will sometimes visit the town just to people watch.
- He has a really upbeat and friendly personality.
- To some people he can come off as very naive, but nobody realizes how much he actually knows.
- He's a good good boy.
- Nobody knows how old he is, but assuming he would be around 18 by how long people have known him, he's really short for his age.