Stardate Devon 04 by sodacan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Everyone Wants To Jump Me" or
"Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Ol Kit Bag"

Devon was tired. She'd been preparing for finals while also training for a new summer job that would start Memorial Day weekend. In the middle of science finals, her mind began to wander....

A little known clause in Vulcan law helped Devon escape the clutches of Minister Jason and soon she was back on board the "Inquisitor" as it's First Officer. She had arrived just in time to find herself in the midst of an attempted takeover by the Romulans.... Masquerading as Vulcan merchants, they sent out a distress signal that one of the ships in their convoy had crashed landed on the surface of Hiro Beta 5, a small type 4 planet with a harsh environment, but capable of supporting life.... at least for a short while. Captain Martin "Marty" Benjamin took a shuttle to the surface with a small rescue team to assist with the evac when the Romulans pounced....

"First Officer's log.... With some difficulty, we've managed to put down the attempted take over of the ship. The surviving Romulans are confined to a makeshift brig. Second Officer Jameson and myself have the leaders and will begin interrogation. It is urgent we get the location of the Captain on the planet's surface. Romulans are stubborn people, however, loyal to their cause. I will need to use every bit of my Vulcan intellect to get them to talk. Time IS of the essence...."

Devon walked into the makeshift detention area with phaser in hand. The "Inquisitor" was a science vessel and not suited for war. Still, they had come out on top. As Devon took a seat across from the Romulan commanders, their leader spoke.

"Your crew fought bravely. They are to be commended..." she was a prisoner, but still tried to maintain an air of authority.

"Subcommander.... Meghan, is it? Allow me to get straight to the point. Time is in short supply. Your men are dead or captured. We have deactivated your personal suicide devices and 2 Federation heavy cruisers are on the way, but I don't have time to wait for them. Give me the location of Martin Benjamin and you go free. Don't and you will live out your existence alone, in a hole, unable to end your life with honor.

"Lieutenant...." 2nd officer

Curtis Jameson attempted to intercede, but Devon waived him off with one hand while not so much as looking his way....

"I am Vulcan. Vulcans do not bluff." Devon was now also irritated that Curtis questioned her in front of the prisoners, but kept a cool exterior.

Meghan spoke up. "I'll make you a better deal.... Commander. You give me Jameson and you'll get your captain back. Safe and unharmed...."

"You are not in a position to offer a counter proposal...." Devon remained cool.... She and Jameson were lovers, but logic needed to be the order of the day....

"Perhaps another time then..." Meghan half smiled.

An alert from the bridge came through. "

Lieutenant Devon. A small Romulan shuttle has appeared on our port.... "

"Shields up!" Devon quickly ordered, but it was too late.... Meghan and Jameson began to dematerialize....

"Good-bye...." was Jameson's last word... The shuttle cloaked and warp'd out. They were gone....

Seconds later, Marty could be heard requesting beam up. Meghan had kept her word while beating the young Vulcan officer and deserting her men in the process.

The Vulcan was humiliated.... It would not happen again....

"Are you ready? Devon? How'd it go?" it was her friend Marty.

Back in science class. It was over. She had no idea how, but she had managed to finish the final....

"I think I made it. Thanks for your help...."

Now.... Summer....

2400 x 3600 download

Stardate Devon 05
Stardate Devon 05 by sodacan

Notes: The people in Devon's daydream are actual people in her real life:

Curtis Jameson - Her boyfriend in real life she loves, but not sure why.

Jason - Her young boss who likes, but harrasses her.

Martin "Marty" Benjamin - One of her best friends who she is aware has a crush on her.

Meghan - Her arch enemy and ex of Curtis.

Devon is G3 from Daz3D with Deco anime head
Deco head/body conversions from :iconamyaimei: