A world's end by SolitaryHideAndSeek on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

And now my hands are dead. :iconlazycryplz: lol I like how this came out though.

Basic back story:
Jack's world is that of an apocalyptic future, where creatures, referred to as "parasites" or "sludge", have consumed large parts of the cities, forcing the non-infected residents to retreat and reside in 3 separate districts. There are 5 districts in total, 2 which are infected and 3 which cling to the small thread of normalcy they have left.
The "infection" appeared when he was only about nine years old.
Jack was actually the one of the first to encounter the parasites, which had infected a small animal.
Being so young he was unaware of the dangers and proceeded to take the creature home.
That same night the parasites spread.
Awoke by the terrors in the streets, Jack ran down the stairs to find his parents, little animal in hand.
They all fled together, attempting their best not to get separated in the panicked masses.
Jack tripped.
When he awoke the streets were empty and there was no one to be found, other then the disgusting, black sludge, that had mixed with the human flesh or those who had fallen behind.
Jack was now one of the infected.
Abandoned and alone.
Left to die.

More shit happens but I'm not writing a freaking novel so that's all you get lmao xD I obviously left some parts out but this is the basics of his past~ There is lots more to it but I'll write that later maybe xD