Imia, the winter fairy by sombrefeline on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:winner: this time, the scanner was nice with me. He seems to prefer blue to red :D

I'm back to watercolor after a LONG time... so don't juge this piece to harshly, please :)

This is Imia, on of my character of "Oniria's world" (view other characters here [link])

She's an Efentera, a goddess. Like all the Efenters, she has the form of an angel, but can take other forms.
Efenters are the gods of human. Each one chose a human people.

Imia have chosen a mountain people. for these humans, she's the "winter fairy". She's also know as the "Snow lady", "The winter guardian" or the "Ice Star". Thought she appears in winter, she's rather linked to the moon.
She's said to protect the mountain people and to appear to every traveler lost in the snow.

Imia is quite shy and soft, but she's a very good moon magician, and will fight to death to protect those she loves.

I'd like to dedicate this piece to :iconblue-willow: to thank her again for this lovely fairy ( [link]) and for making feel like drawing fairies and coming back to watercolor

:iconlxtrix: :iconsir-didymus: [link]