Sounddrive - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)



LiteratureD1 of 30 Day Challenge: 'The Little Match Girl'Her body juddered as the wind howled around her. The little girl looked to the matches in her hand. Another one . . . FWIT-SSSSSS. Oh. The warmth it emitted was fine . . . even for a feeble little amount. Her whole body tingled. The child blinked as the wind continued to howl and roar, which brought more and more bitter snow. The little match girl blinked twice more as she looked at the match's light. Her whole body tingled once again, but more of a tug this time. Her hand fell as she looked up to the gray sky, just to see O*O*O A cart ful of dead bodies rolled up in front of the little match girl. Her hand held a half-used match, the tip of30 Day Challenges

LiteratureAffection at A First Glance C1Disclaimer: I did not in anyway make a profit form this. Characters belong to Hasbro, and the only thing I own here is the plot __________________________________________________________________________________________ Orion Pax certainly was turning heads when he enters the Editorial branch of the Iacon Records. For one thing, he pretty much towered over many of the mechs who were receiving files and other whatnot through the data stream from the Iacon Archivists. The lobby was rather simple with white walls and a beige colored floor. There were some bots running from door to door, arms full of data-pads-and some up to the top of their heAffection At A First Glance

LiteratureBrother My Brother C12: Road to FollowBy the time Wheeljack had made it to the cells, most of the mangled bodies had been scraped off the floor and put into body bags. Their armor and metal would be melted down to make new protoforms. A scarce commodity in a never-ending war. Wheeljack shook his helm vigorously. He couldn't think of that now. All that he could think about was the fact that Jetstorm was off-base, in the servos of his twin. "'Jack," Jazz slowly approached the broken mech. Wheeljack didn't seem to hear him. "Wheeljack," the ninja-bot replied. "I should have gone with him," Wheeljack whispered. "Mech, you couldn't have known-" "You told me yourself after you iBrother My Brother

LiteratureLast WishThe klaxon alarm shrieked loudly that night. Ratchet remembered it as if it were yesterday. There were scores of soldiers to fix up as they came in from the Battle of Tyger Pax. Many were dead as soon as they reached the doors of the med-bays. Ratchet couldn't remember how many he had to put into the morgue that night, but it sent a shudder down his back strut every time he recalled it. One of his colleagues told the medic to take a short break. The orange and white mech was relieved to get away from the macabre in his station for a few moments. Fate rarely called upon a moment if anyone's choosing. As soon as Ratchet exited his med-bay, a stFics On

LiteratureDinner Date For ThreeA/N: The muse wouldn't leave me alone for this. Also, this is something that I wanted to write out with this pair, and to include Star Shy a little more. It helps writing kids when the age range is about the same as a younger sibling. X3 In part, I dedicate this to my little sister, who was a bit of a model that helped me create Star Shy. There is a very, very, very small indication of past interfacing, but I don't think it constitutes a 'warning'. Disclaimer: I did not get paid in any way for this fic. Transformers belongs to Hasbro. Star Shy, Freefall and Retrograde belong to me. Hope belongs to ~FoxAircurrent ( Star scurried about theGifts Trades Requests to Deviants

LiteratureMaking Up For Lost TimeAU TFP. When Bumblebee is arranged to look after the victim of a kidnapping case, he didn't expect to find out that her Sire was one of his closest friends. A friend that he hadn't seen in over a vorn. Bumblebee/Smokescreen. SLASH in future chapters (three-shot). NOTE: The card game Bumblebee plays with Warper is the equivalent of Slapjack. (Google it if you don't know what it is.) Disclaimer: I don't own Hasbro. The characters that are used in here aren't mine. Only Warper is of my own creation, as well as the plot. A kidnapping case had been brought to a happy ending. During the week the investigation occurred, Bumblebee had been out. He hMaking Up For Lost Time

LiteratureMusic Meme1. Pick a character, fandom, pairing, friendship, whatever. 2. Put on your music program on shuffle/random and start playing songs. 3. For each song, write something inspired by the song related to the theme you chose earlier. You only have the song length. No pre-planning and no writing after the song is over. No skipping songs either. 4. Do 10 songs and post. Make sure to include the song name/artist. Theme: My Fanfics. 1. Come Away With Me by Norah Jones They sat in the cool Cybertronian night. Ariel lazily swung her legs back and forth, leaning her helm against Orion's shoulder. They sat on a bench in a park, where a deep lake of energMemes

LiteratureMissing Things: PrologueA few million years ago . . . "Orion Pax, what is my policy about having the one you're courting in the Hall of Records?" Alpha Trion asks. Orion sputters, botching the message he's supposed to send to the Editorial branch. Around him, the other archivists howl with laughter. "I didn't know you actually had a policy of that nature, Alpha Trion," the young archivist stammers, face-plate going hot. He rubs his neck, biting his lower lip. "Wait, where is she exactly?" he adds, raising an optic ridge. "Down stairs, just outside the front entrance; you should probably tell her," the master archivist responds, a small smile gracing his aged faMissing Things

RetrogradeOC References

LiteratureA Bee Flies FreeA/N: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR OPERATION BUMBLEBEE PART 2! YE HATH BEEN WARNED! __________________________________________________________________________________________ The night was young, and so were he and his charge, Raf, who was screaming in a mix of utter excitement and of utter terror. Which one the child's screaming was leaning towards, the scout didn't know, but oh how exceptional it felt to have the ability to transform once again. Bumblebee didn't care as he did doughnuts all around the Nevada sand within sight of the human authorities. The sand was getting into the nicks and crannies between his armor. The youngling knew he coOne Shots

Diplomatic AgreementsPhoto-Comics

LiteratureA Letter to My GrandfatherDear Ông Ngoại, I know you're now resting peacefully, especially after a few hours ago at the cemetery. Everyone was sad that you have gone, but we're also glad that you're not suffering from two cancers (one in your bones, another concentrated at your back I believe, but no one will give me the full details). You've had seven kids, and one of them being my mom, including two of them being very far away, and that they couldn't make it. You also have several great-grandkids by now, sheesh! Especially one great-grandchild that was born the day before your funeral. But, most of us have accepted that you're gone, but some of my younger cPoems, Tidbits, etc

LiteratureReturn Chapter 7A/N: HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO! As I promised my faith readers, the next bit! :D And I want to thank the everyone that has read this little fic that started on a whim. I'm glad a lot of people took up interest. I'm especially thankful to Dream'sRealm on , who was encouraging me as I gave her random little progress updates on how this chapter was going. With further ado, read on! :D P'len looked down into the small water basin she held in her lap. She sighed and picked up a rough washcloth with her good hand. The Astorian dunked it into the water and scrubbed her face. After five minutes of that she dumped the water in the sink. She stood up and tucReturn

LiteratureThe Medic and the Scout: 01 Baby StepsTitle: Baby Steps Rating: K+ Word Count: 411 Summary: A wounded Bumblebee has a conversation with Ratchet as the medic is fixing his chassis. Ratchet knew immediately that he wouldn't be able to fix Bumblebee's voice-box. When the medic broke the news to the yellow scout, the youngling fell into a sea of depression for several days. From his file-Ratchet managed to get a hold of it after some digging-Bumblebee was one of the lucky survivors of the bombing of the Youngling Centers. 'Lucky' being the general term. Once the younglings were enlisted some vanished into thin air as others went to join the Decepticons. Quite frankly, Ratchet couldn'The Medic and the Scout

TFA TFOC: Sparky Reference SheetScraps

Differences of Beliefs by Sounddrive, literature

Wake Up by Sounddrive, literature