UISSR Flag (With Lore) by SovietReality on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The flag of the UISSR, Union of Inter-Dimensional Soviet Socialist Republics.

How the UISSR was Formed:

The UISSR has its roots all the way to 2013, when the Russian government fell to Soviet Coups and assassinated Vladimir Putin, forming the Union of Soviet Provisional Republics, and ultimately Reforming the former USSR. A second cold war began between the Americans and Soviets as they grew influence over the former Warsaw pact and supported Civil wars and communist political parties. China was lost due to a coup from a Capitalist Party that took on militaristic arms to overthrow the government, and was renamed to Gab-Tech, which would go on a mass conquering all Asian lands besides the Soviets. The Gabians would continue to produce weaponry thought to be science fiction, from Lazer weaponry, to a weapon they designated as "BLEACH" which could wipe out only organic life form, and virtually leaving every building intact. The Soviets gaining onto this would start getting spies and smugglers to bring back this weaponry to them, to possibly reverse engineer and create their own.

This all came to a end after 2033, when the Gabians unexpected invaded the UPSR and rapidly began taking territory from them, they were only stopped from the Ural Defense Wall, which was constructed in early 2020 and wasn't finished till' 2028, but from there, the Gabians sent assassins and other diplomats to cause infighting within' the Kremlin and the Communist Party. This succeeded as the Soviets officially Surrendered to the Gabians in 2034. This would be what the Gabians thought to be the end of war, which it was, until 2066, when a old rival of the Gabians, known as "Accedia" came back and began terrorist attacks across Earth, or now called Terra, and across Gabian Space, within' all this struggle, the Russian Majority Senate uprose against the Gabians, and began taking back major Soviet cities such as Leningrad, Moscow, and Volgograd. The Gabians offered the Soviets independence if they were to stop fighting, and the Soviets agree'd, getting all former Soviet lands back, and the UPSR was declared as the UISSR.

2nd Gabian-Soviet War:

The Ultimate War:
Accedia has been going at it for nearly hundreds of years now, but their chaos knows no limits, as they began attacking the Soviet Capital planet in the Terran Dimensional, on the edge of the milky way, the planet Designated SMP-103 or more known to the civilian populace, Moscovia, with the capital city on the planet being Neue Moscow. The Gabian-Soviet-Accedian War was waged for what seemed thousands of years, but gains were made against the Accedians as their forced dwindled and the Soviets and Gabians kept growing, the capital city of Moscovia was put under siege but was retaken after 5 months, Accedian forces had no main base, besides a main capital ship which Soviet and Gabian Space Forces would put under siege, and ultimately destroying, the Accedian forces would have no command, and revenge would sought for, and war crimes were suspended and all acts of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, etc. were allowed against Accedian forces, the Gabians & Soviets used Biological warfare, the Gabians used traditional gasses, but the Soviets, they used a recent discovered element, element 115, they used this, and made Accedian forces into zombies, controlling the zombies to prevent Gabian-ZombAccedian fighting. The Accedians were eventually destroyed and led to a Cold war between the Soviets and Gabians.

The 2nd Cold War:

(Element 115, from the CoD: Zombie series, is given full credit to Treyarch)