Joker and Morgana Character Art by Sparxanders on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Sparxanders's avatar

Published: Sep 5, 2019


Hey Friends , finished the first one of the batch of person characters being of course joker and morgana , the coloring part was suprisingly harder than expected because of the persona style but overall satisfied with the result ! hope you like it , next up is kasumi !

Image size

3654x4471px 18.57 MB

MutouYuugiAiboufan's avatar

Damn...this is amazing. 0_0 This is the last one I have to look at of the bunch you have done and I'm glad that I have saved the best for last, because Joker is best boy for me in P5. The pose is killer. Loving how his jacket flows a bit to one side. Having Mona hang onto him like that is great. That phrase is too funny. Absolutely loving that expression so much. The best part of it is the smirk. I like how one of his eyes is hidden by his hair. Makes him look a bit mysterious. There is just so many great things I could say about this drawing. ^_^