Glow and Kill Corruption Physical Effects by Spookapi on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I had these sketches of what Glow's extreme corruption effects look like for a while, and recently I figured I should share it plus what Kill's corruption effects look like PLUS what post-extreme-corruption scars look like. It's all a bit sketchy but I think it gets the idea across.

Bear in mind: The cats in PAIN don't use the terms "stage 1-3" to describe these directly, but for the sake of this reference I will be. Also these descriptions are detailing just the physical effects of corruption - not mental.

-Glow Corruption-

(demonstrated here on Take)

Stage 1 (not pictured) -- As long as corruption isn't prolonged, a cat will only ever experience this stage.

Effects are: Glowing eyes... that's pretty much it. Leaves no scars.

Stage 2 -- begins after 3-6 weeks of regular corruption (especially if there were no breaks from corruption in that time) It is also possible to reach this stage sooner if the corrupter is channeling a lot of focus into the specific corrupted cat.

Effects are: Glowing eyes are wider. Glowing holes begin to peel open across the face (especially around the eyes and on forehead) and neck (holes on the neck are always smaller and more infrequent.) These holes are not at all painful, though they look disturbing, almost as if the cat's pelt is being melted away by the light inside them. Leaves some minor scarring.

Stage 3 -- this stage is reached usually after 5-10 months of uninterrupted corruption, and only if the corrupted cat is deep under the corruptions hold - a cat who fights against its corruption usually won't go past stage 2, even if they are corrupted for a long time. This stage does not progress further... probably.

Effects are: Glowing holes are more numerous and large, to the point that at least one of the eyes is engulfed into a much larger opening. Eyes are completely unable to blink. Holes spread all across the cat's body, though are still most prevalent on the face, neck and torso. Still, all the holes are painless. Leaves more major scars. Possible to lose an ear or two if the holes eat away the ear completely.


Areas that once were holes are bare and feel like burn scars. When recorrupted, these holes will quickly start to reopen, even if the cat was uncorrupted for a long time. The scars are usually surprisingly numb, occasionally stinging or feeling very hot.

Stage 3 corruption also renders the cats pupils permanently constricted. Blinking may be painful.


-Kill Corruption-

(demonstrated here on Rite - a character yet to be introduced)

Stage 1 (not pictured)

Effects are: Completely blackened eyes... that's pretty much it. Leaves no scars.

Stage 2

Effects are: Spikes begin tearing out of the cat's head and neck. Black shards crust thickly around the eyes. This feels painless for the corrupted cat, though it looks disturbing - like the darkness within them is trying to claw its way out. Leaves some minor scarring.

Stage 3

Effects are: Shadowy spikes are numerous and grow large, arcing and branching like twisted horns. At least one eye is engulfed by shards sticking out through it. Completely unable to blink. Spikes tear out across the whole body - particularly prevalent on the head, neck and torso. Once again, this is all painless. Leaves more major scars. Possible to lose an ear or two if the shards pierce through the ear completely.


After uncorrupting, all the spikes crumble away and leave behind a layer of shadowy crust across all the affected areas that can be scratched off. Areas that once sprouted large spikes are bare and knit tightly - looking almost like (potentially huge) scratch scars. When recorrupted, spikes will quickly start tearing back through these scars, even if the cat was uncorrupted for a long time. The scars are usually surprisingly numb, occasionally itching or feeling very cold.

Stage 3 corruption also renders the cats pupils permanently dilated. Even dim lights may feel painful, and so these cats are usually constantly squinting.