All Cleaned Up and Ready to Roll by SpytFyre-Ranch on DeviantArt (original) (raw)



"Ok, but literally everything can kill you."
"India, you are over exaggerating. Not everything can kill me."
"Tell that to the trees."
"What trees?"
"The gympie-gympie plant. It-"
"Actually stop-wait- I changed my mind. I don't want to know."
"But Cece, what if-"
Cecelia Williams, otherwise known as Cece, cut off her friend. "Hold on, I think Immortalis might have broken a leg. Nope, nope, I have to go. Gonna call you back later. Love you. BYE." She could hear an enraged yell on the other side of the line, but Cece only shrugged as she hit the end call button. Slipping the phone into one of her back pockets, the small brunette lifted her gaze to look out for her wayward horse. To her surprise, the gold champagne stallion was only a few feet away. Immortalis was presently rolled half-on his back, half on his side. The dirt was littered with a layer of fine pale hairs. At the sound of his name, Immortalis had stopped rolling and looked up at his mistress. She laughed at the stern expression on his face. "What, you could have been in trouble. I had to check," Cece cooed.
Unmoved, Immortalis gave his owner one last condescending look before wheeling away. He trotted down towards the other end of the ring. His strides were long and relaxed, giving the illusion that he floated above the ground rather than on it. The illusion faded away as Immortalis picked up speed near the end of the paddock. The trot turned into a canter, which slowly increased its speed as well. Soon enough, Immortalis was furiously racing around the outdoor turn out pen. His powerful hooves churned up a spray of finely packed red earth. Cece leaned back as the stallion passed her. A small clod of dirt smacked her between the eyes anyway. Cece brushed the dirt from her face and hopped down from the fence. Immortalis continued to lap the enclosure.
"He's going to set something on fire if he keeps going like that!" A new voice called.
Cece waved at thin blonde girl standing outside the arena. Gabby, her groom for this show, gave a tentative wave back.
"You look less... green?"
Gabby laughed. "Don't worry, I won't throw up again. Promise," she replied, hopping the fence to walk towards her boss.
"Positive? I just want to be sure," Cece teased.
Gabby gave the shorter woman a playful nudge. "Definitely. Now, whats up with fire-butt here? Is he trying to run into the fence?" she asked, referring to the fact Immortalis had now begun to charge the fence only to slide to a stop a few inches away.
"He's getting himself a work out. Poor boy isn't used to having to fly via plane anymore. Probably bored himself to tears. Plus, he just got clipped for the first time in ages and he's probably itchy"
"Gotcha. But why the wall?"
Cece shrugged. "He's been doing that for years. Luc took him to a local reining show as a yearling once. For some show-ground experience or something. I can't remember; I had a cold and spent a week in bed. Anyway, Luc said that Immortalis saw some of the futurity horses practicing their sliding stops and started doing it himself. Riley nearly had a heart attack when he did it under saddle for the first time. Immortalis couldn't exactly balance himself and his rider when he was doing it at that age. Riley thought his back legs were giving out."
"You're kidding? Mr. Warmblood here thinks that he's a quarter horse?"
"Shhh, I think its cute. He's more balanced now."
A small shower of dirt covered the two. Spluttering, Cece turned to see her rambunctious stallion prancing a few feet away. From the look he was giving her, he obviously objected to being called "cute". Gabby just blinked slowly. Cece rolled her eyes and gave her a "what you gonna do" gesture. The girl was still a new hire; she'd catch on that Immortalis had an uncanny ability to figure out when he was being talked about and what people meant. He was nothing if not intelligent. And pretty. And tall. Cece shook her head to end the train of thought.
"Shoo, go run yourself silly. We don't need any of this in the morning," she grumbled, giving a halfhearted wave.
Immortalis snorted, but didn't move off. Cece tried again. Rather than walk off, Immortalis took a few steps forward and nuzzled his mistress' pocket.
"Not yet you fatty. Treats later. Now GET!"
The stallion grunted but he moved back off towards the rail. The two women watched him pick right back up where he left off; charging and stopping. SFR's curly haired owner watched for a minute, then shook her head.
"Gabby, wait right here." With that, she strode towards her horse. "Nope, none of that. I'm going to need you to get on with this."
The stallion danced sideways, rolling his eyes as he tried to trot off. Clicking her tongue, Cece reached down to pick up one of the soft clumps of dirt. She threw it at the stallion's rear with well-practiced ease. The small projectile exploded on contact. Immortalis gave a short squeak, then took off bucking and spinning. Gone was the even pacing from earlier. Instead, Immortalis twisted his body around in the air. Every movement was accompanied by a snort, kick, stomp, or spin. The stallion's shenanigans stirred up the ground around him until there was a faint red cloud of dirt covering the center of the pen. Gabby watched the commotion with obvious tension.
As suddenly as it started, the show was over. Immortalis stood in the center of the storm. Cece cast a look back at the still tense Gabby, but held her hand out to the horse. Immortalis politely walked over. His reward was a half an apple that Cece had pocketed earlier. The brunette slipped the stallion's leather halter on without a fuss.
"Come on Gabby, I think he's done for the day."

Next Piece:
We're Bred by Design by SpytFyre-Ranch


Now that Immortalis has fully recovered from getting stabbed, it is time to bring him back into work. What better event for that than a 3-Day Eventing competition in the Land Down Under?

A lot of things actually


Immortalis has gotten a hair cut for this particular show. He's sporting no feathering, a pulled mane, and a tail that doesn't hit the ground. Oh, and the bang is gone. You can see that Immortalis is just the most excited for this.


Art and Characters (c) me