(FREE) Scrolling BG: green scene by SqdPxl on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

SqdPxl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sqdpxl/art/FREE-Scrolling-BG-green-scene-641215248SqdPxl

Deviation Actions

SqdPxl's avatar

Published: Oct 20, 2016


feel free to use this as a page decoration, but please either use the :thumb: code or link back to me so people will know who did it! (to use the :thumb:, go to the sidebar where it says 'note share etc.', click the arrow, and copy the thumbnail link. pasting this link on your page will cause the image to automatically link back to me with no additional code required. you don't need core to use it!)

just realized that my selection of BGs doesn't include any basic medium green nature scenes where the green isn't tinted strongly yellow or blue, so I made a very quick palette swap of the warrenfall BG I just made. refreshing!

Image size

150x150px 23.83 KB

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