Lucas v2.0 by ssbkid on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

ssbkid's avatar

Published: Mar 23, 2009


Sorry I haven't worked on this project for a while....I actually had made this sprite long ago but never remembered to submit it O_o.
Anyways I'm pretty much thinking of giving up on the project.
I can't do this by myself anyways...This used to be a project where random Pixeltendo members would contribute to but it just got outshined by PT's main smash project and the two main people that worked on it just disappeared O_o (Random and me, I didn't dissapear but I couldn't keep the thread alive on my own >: ...)

So yeah,there's a 90% chance that I will quit this project eventually, for those of you who actually care about it...

Lucas copyright of nintendo