Mane 6 Soul Bond Ships by Starburst758 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Here is the Mane 6 ships of Soul Bond! Rarity is deceased so she is replaced by Starlight for this.

All information on Soul Bond can be found here:…

Base is by :iconpudimamassado321:

Starlight GlimmerXZecora: Starlight and Zecora have a completely platonic relationship. Being asexual and aromantic, Zecora possess no feelings for the pink unicorn and still hung up on her broken relationship with Sunburst due to the curse, Starlight also possess no feelings for the zebra. They both maintain a happy friendship instead amongst the chaos of the Soul Bond Curse. Starlight and Zecora have two children together, Incantation Elixir(Inca) and Heart Console, both of which were created with magic and potions and some DNA. Both children are aware of their parent's feelings towards one another and how they were created and are perfectly okay with it(after some time at least in Heart Console's case.)

Pinkie PieXQuibble Pants: Pinkie and Quibble have a very broken relationship for the most part. Heartbroken over his forced divorce and separation from Clear Sky and Wind Sprint, Quibble Pants fell into a very deep and dark depression and begged for death his first day away from his family. Feeling guilty, Pinkie Pie tries anything and everything to the point of exhaustion to make him happy. Baking, cooking, gifts, parties, jokes, singing, dancing, tickles. Anything to make him at least smile, but nothing works. Pinkie was able to calm him down from his initial depression at least to keep him from attempting to kill them both, but his depression is still very there. On Quibble's good days, they have a pretty happy relationship. They have two children together, Pen March and Neo Tebori, which came a lot later than any of the mane 6 kids due to the very-much-there depression from Quibble.

ApplejackXOctavia: By far the saddest couple in Soul Bond, very little love flows between Octavia and Applejack. Both heartbroken after their forced divorces from their partners, both ends carry heavy hearts and deep depression. Applejack craves for more of a relationship with Octavia to hopefully make the best of a bad situation like her ex-partner(Rainbow Dash) has done, but Octavia refuses to pursue such an idea. She misses her relationship with her ex-partner(Vinyl Scratch) and wishes to free Vinyl from her miserable partnership. Octavia chooses to hide herself in her room for the most part away from the farm pony, very rarely acknowledging her presence despite being in Applejack's home. The most affection between the two can be seen in a cheek kiss and nothing more. They have two kids, Bumpkin Classic and Hugo Garth, solely for the fact that at least one foal needed to be bore within 10 years for the curse. The only way any foals were made was by the use of a Zecora potion to make each pony see their ex-partner instead of each other and a gender change spell to create a foal.

Princess Twilight SparkleXGarble: Despite their rocky start, Garble and Twilight have a surprisingly happy relationship. Both carry lots of love towards each other much to deceased Chrysalis's horror. Garble adores his pony wife and Twilight adores her dragon love. Garble takes care of Twilight with the upmost love and affection, especially during Scale Ache days(where the scales growing out of Twilight's back matching Garble's ache and require full submersion into ice baths to cool.) They have two twin foals together, Gil and Sylph, both from eggs rather than birth. Terrified of the foal birthing process, Twilight instead changed her biology to be like a female dragon's instead and laid two eggs. Despite being twins, Gil is significantly smaller than Sylph. When he reached his first growth molt, Sylph was already into her third which brought the conclusion that Gil has a growth deficiency only found in dragons where his growth is drastically delayed compared to a normal dragon.

Rainbow DashXPrincess Cadance: Definitely the happiest couple in Soul Bond, Rainbow Dash and Cadance carry deep affection for each other. Starting out rocky, Cadance was depressed after both a forced divorce from Shining Armor and a miscarriage as she had been pregnant with hers and Shining's second child when the curse was cast and so she miscarried at 8 months. Feeling awkward with being bonded to such a powerful being and depressed after her own forced divorce, Dash distanced herself from the princess of love who craved Dash's comfort. Cadance managed to break through Rainbow Dash's walls though and both ended up falling for each other quickly. Cadance saw a lot of Shining Armor in Rainbow Dash and fell for her fast while Rainbow came to adore the Princess's affectionate nature. They have three foals together: Pastel Note, Prism Starr, and Rain Dance. Some of the only foals bore with actual love than magic.

FluttershyXFlim: Definitely the rockiest start of them all. The curse shook Fluttershy and caused her to revert back to early-Fluttershy. Seeing this as an opportunity, Flim used this to his advantage. He used Fluttershy for anything and everything he wanted and wanting to show him true kindness and patience, she allowed him to. After awhile of this though, Flim began to see Fluttershy for the beauty that she is and began to feel terrible for how he treated her at the start. Fluttershy didn't hold it against him though and forgave him fully despite himself not forgiving himself. He tries to make it up to her by doing everything he can for her instead, even when she won't let him. They have one foal together named Safe Haven who is also one of the only foals bore through love instead of magic. She carries her mom's love for animals and helps free abused animals from homes, circuses, magic shows, and anywhere else an animal is taken advantage of.