Power Rangers Fossil Fusion: Quetzal Commander by Starfighteromega on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Starfighteromega on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/starfighteromega/art/Power-Rangers-Fossil-Fusion-Quetzal-Commander-907432741Starfighteromega
Deviation Actions
Published: Feb 18, 2022
Dire circumstances force John Crichton to enact a secret plan to back up the Fossil Fusion Rangers if the need ever arose. Now that time has come. Armed with the Quetzalcoatlus DinoGlyph and the titanic ZAURUS Aerobase which converts into the QuetzalWing Megazord, he joins the battle against the Lokara to save the earth.
Quetzal Commander! Ready!" ***Identity-**John Crichton
***Backstory-**A vastly intelligent and intuitive archaeologist, John has dedicated himself to researching and exploring the artifacts discovered from the ancient temple that the DinoGlyphs were recovered from alongside ZAURUS. He's strong willed and incredibly focused, almost to a fault. He can be very stubborn and can be difficult to work with at times .
***Zord-**ZAURUS Aerobase
Image size
272x549px 41.18 KB