Kakyouin by starxade on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

starxade on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/starxade/art/Kakyouin-582194693starxade

Deviation Actions

starxade's avatar

Published: Jan 3, 2016


Emerald Splash!

Sketch commission of Kakyoin from JoJo Bizarre Adventure.

I have to actually make time to do more of these commissions.

Thank you for taking a look ^__^

***Note: Some how there was a double submission and there's a jojo image with Kakyoin name on it..ugh ...please just ignore the blunder, I have no idea what is going on with my computer.

Image size

700x1028px 591.05 KB

starfiregurl26's avatar

Yaaay Kakyoin!! Love Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, it's such a good series!