Mist Worm 2 by StefanHuerlemann on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

StefanHuerlemann on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stefanhuerlemann/art/Mist-Worm-2-216146544StefanHuerlemann

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StefanHuerlemann's avatar

Published: Jul 1, 2011


Tried to kinda copy the eagle nebula from eye, bah I'm an idea ripper from nature :D

hope you guys like it.

check step by step ([link]) and other interesting things on my blog: [link]

Image size

878x900px 317.78 KB

marcoamartin's avatar

This painting is very well achieved! I really like the light and shadow work, which is after all, what characterise nebulas! (And personally, I love this one). 👏