Ange Mitsurugi, Before and After by StoneMan85 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Angelise ‘Ange’ Mitsurugi

Codename/Aliases: Ange, Lioness, Pilot of VALKYRIE, Queen of the Skanks, Norma #1203-77, Idiot/Burn Princess, Breakout Sister, Hilda’s Princess

Age: 17-18

Hair: Golden Blonde

Eyes: Pink

Likes: Fruit, writing novels, the game Iaria (Mech Aria Game), beaches, swimming, hot springs, Justin (friend/love interest/husband), Toby’s energy, Hilda, D, outfits and weapons Justin makes for her, nature, sleeping with Justin, strawberries, competitive games, Serra (sister figure), VALKYRIE

Dislikes: Rapists, the Norma (formerly), being called a Norma (formerly), Justin (at first meeting), betrayers, onions (smelly), perverts, getting in perverted situations (but is okay as long as it’s Justin later on), the idea of sharing Justin (formerly), drama films, good actors going to jail for no reason, the injustice thrown at Norma and the DRAGONs

Family: Jurai Asuka Mitsurugi (King/Father), Sophia Ikaruga Mitsurugi (Queen/Mother), Julio Asuka Mitsurugi (brother), Sylvia Ikaruga Mitsurugi (little sister), Older Brother (unknown), Momoka Oginome (maid and lady-in-waiting)

Background: Princess Angelise Mitsurugi is the eldest daughter of King Jurai and Queen Sophia Mitsurugi of the Mitsurugi Empire, one of the capital kingdoms of the world of Mana. She was also the middle child between her older brother Julio and her little sister, Sylvia, but also had an older brother of whom was thought of died at birth named Milliardas. Though it was discovered in a blood test, she was a Norma: a human born without the ability to channel the energies known as Mana as well as reject it in the process of breaking through or shattering it. Her parents had kept it a secret from her ever since she was born; both from her and the public to prevent her from having her shipped to Arzenal to be trained as a soldier to fight to the death, or worse sold as a slave to be used as a breeding stock for stronger Norma Soldiers or Champions for the Jaeger Competition Games. All her life, she was unaware of this fact, mostly because her personal maid and lady-in-waiting, Momoka Oginome, had always used it to protect and serve her, thus removing the need for her to use it at all.

At the age of 17, Angelise captained the Royals of the game known as Iaria against the Florals of a rival academy, Floria Academy. Her teammate, Akiho, fell and caused them to lose the match. Akiho apologized to the princes but as Captain, Angelise kept the team’s spirit high. The captain of the Florals, princess Misty Rosenblum, accompanied by her Norma Oleta, came to praise Angelise for teaching them something more beautiful and noble than victory. Angelise promised Misty that her team would make up for today in the fall competition and cheered on. Later that day, as the car drove through a tunnel, Sylvia talked about the game, while Julio rhetorically if Momoka was getting tired of brushing her sister’s hair to calm her down. Angelise confessed that she was a bit upset that they didn’t win, and saying it was probably folly since next year on her 18th birthday, she’d be baptized by the Light of Mana and would have to give up on the Iaria games. Though at the moment, the car was passing by police cars near a restaurant. Manalite stop signs were shown, as the security car stopped them as a perimeter fence.

Both Sylvia and Angelise were confused on this, but Julio mentioned that it was a standard procedure if a Norma was in the area, which shocked all three girls. At the moment, police officers were forming a barrier around an eleven-year-old girl named Serra. As one officer touched the shield, bolts of static appeared (Mana users can’t break through their own barriers). When the girl’s mother called out, Serra not listening to her mother, cried out and raced to her, shattering the barrier. Everyone cringed and cried out in fear and hate, calling the girl a Norma, even Angelise gasped in seeing the barrier break. It was evident to her brother this was the first time seeing a Norma. The police immediately separated the two, using shields of the same energy, as the mother fought back. However, before a riot went on, Angelise exited the car accompanied by Momoka and stepped up to intervene.

But instead of helping the mother and child, Angelise simply referred to the girl as a monster, with no place in society. She even told the woman to try again with having a pure child, looking rather joyous when she mentioned purity. The mother became aggravated at this that she threw an empty glass bottle at her, but Angelise’s maid had put up a Mana shield to protect her ladyship. However, a young man around the princess’s age (Justin Grayston) shouted that she had no right to say that to a child or her mother. Though keeping her calm, Angelise claimed that only a Norma sympathizer would say such things, and that he was clearly brainwashed by such falsehoods, believing the Norma to be human, when in fact they’re nothing but monsters.

Though not completely aware of what the situation was, it still riled up Justin. And then much to the girl’s shock, he actually drew out a forced hand to slap the girl. Amazingly, it shattered Momoka’s Mana shield, and connected to Angelise’s left cheek, causing her to faulter and become wide faced with shock, even as Justin shouted that she had no right to treat people or rule the way she did. As Angelise stood shocked and stunned that this young man struck her, Justin didn’t care as he ran to the girl. However, the police ordered him to halt, as he was labeled as a Norma. Confused, he tried to deny it, as he didn’t know what that was. They called him a liar, saying that only Norma could reject the Light of Mana that pure humans could produce. Before anything, both he and the girl were apprehended and taken to what was called the Coliseum or Arzenal: one of the Shatter Domes but acted as the process prison for the Norma.

Momoka gently and carefully led Angelise back to the car, as she attended to the princess’s injury. Though Angelise was still in shock by the strike, but also by the boy’s words echoed into her head, even if she tried to shake it off. From that day on for a whole year, she unconsciously stroked her left cheek, and still remained bothered by his words. Then, on the night before her baptism, while her sister slept, Angelise looked over at the night of her kingdom, still stroking her cheek gently, though for a moment, sang the song her mother had taught her, Eternal Story. As she continued on, her mother walked over, as she stated her daughter has continuously stroked her cheek nonstop. To which Angelise confessed that the filthy Norma had touched her, wondering if she got infected, then angrily stated that as soon she was queen, she would exterminate all Norma, find the source, and exterminate it to rid the world of this scourge.

However, once she turned to her mother, she saw only a look of sadness and pity, as her mother stated that she shouldn’t be so rash in doing such things. But Angelise argued that those creatures shouldn’t even exist, but her mother argued that even so, they still do, and no matter what humanity would have to try and co-exist with them one day, even bringing up that the scene that had happened a year ago was recorded, and that her mother had seen the boy protest against her daughter. And stated his words weren’t entirely without meaning, displaying true leadership qualities. She then asked Angelise to try and see with eyes unclouded by this hate, so that she could be a better leader and a better person as a result. Reluctantly, Elizabeth promised she’d try to, even more so, she gave her daughter an emerald ring, The Family Ring, saying that the Light would protect her always.

The next day, Princess Angelise’s 18th birthday began and the day of her baptism ritual as well. Citizens of the Mitsurugi Empire flocked the streets to see the princess, including her classmates and teammates, may others such as Princess Misty and others watched the event on television. Angelise headed to the Dawn Pillar, to where her ceremony would begin. To hide the fact she was a Norma, her father planned to simulate the effects of Mana during the ritual. However, the baptism went horribly wrong, as Julio stopped the rigged ritual to show the citizens of the kingdom that their beloved princess was a Norma, and that their parents were in on the scandal, allowing him to claim his rightful place on the throne.

Airships surround the Dawn Pillar and the police surround the area. The news revealed, Momoka couldn’t believe her eyes at this news, and Sylvia fainted in her chair. Just as Julio finished his brief speech, Queen Sophia managed to open the glass door to the machine and free Angelise. Julio notices this and orders two guards to go after them, and Julio’s assistant, Liza, tells them to use live rounds (probably because Angelise would be able to destroy Mana weaponry). Sophia used her Mana to lock down the doors, Liza informs the rest of the guards that the suspect is fleeing into the Dawn Pillar's interior. Guards ran towards both Queen and Princess in the dawn pillar but the Queen shuts down the doors. They approached an exit and notice their vehicle outside but once they exit, Angelise is caught in a barrier like Serra was and the Queen was captured by her own guards. The Police Officer tell Elizabeth that she is under suspicion of being a Norma and requested that she not resist, but Angelise asked him what he meant, stepping through the barrier, despite protests from her mother. Upon breaking the Mana cage, she confirmed her status as a Norma, the guards aimed their rifles at her, Ahiko and another classmate, Maki, is in denial. The Police Officer aimed his pistol at Angelise, asking her to drop her weapon and surrender. However, Angelise, who still considered herself as the First Princess, felt insulted and drew the sword she had been wearing as part of the ceremony. The Police Officer panicked and pulled the trigger.

However, it was her mother that took the bullet, and died in her arms, her last words telling her to fight and live on no matter what horrors or hardships came at her. The police formally arrested Angelise and fully recognized her as a Norma. As she was dragged by her arms by two guards, her ex-subjects heckled her. Ahiko called her a liar, using a cruel irony about her words back at the game a year ago, while all are shocked. With her mother dead and her father arrested for treason, Julio was fully proclaimed the new ruler, as he hereby sentenced her to be taken to Arzenal to be trained either as a soldier or a slave: either way, she would die.

At Arzenal, Angelise was still in denial about being a Norma, for that, the Commander in charge, Commander Jill kicked her in the abdomen who fell onto the bars of a cell behind. Jill was impressed that Angelise made it to eighteen years without once using Mana, and asked Angelise if she ever thought that was strange; Inspector Emma, who had Angelise's profile, explained that Angelise had a Mana-using maid. Jill told her that it was eighteen years of work for nothing and that her mother died in vain. Jill successfully took the ring from Angelise in her moment of grief and asked her to take it back using Mana. When Angelise failed to call upon the powers of the Light of Mana, Jill told her that she neither had the privileges of royalty or any rights as a person. Not anymore. She welcomed her to Hell and cut her dress down the center. Tearing it away. Jill bent Angelise over on a table and Emma used Mana to put her in shackles. Jill tore off Angelise's panties before proceeding to perform a violent cavity search upon her as of now, she was named Ange, as she screamed out No. Once it was done, she was dragged over to her cell and thrown inside, leaving Ange overcome with shock and traumatized and as she lay naked upon what was once her blood-stained, torn-up dress after the search was finished. She stayed huddled on the ground, crying, even as Jill had entered another cell, beating the hell out of a Norma for showing defiance and walking off. But moments later, a small packaged was slid in her cell, of which she weakly reached out, unfolding it with her ring, and the wrinkled paper it was wrapped around with a message, Keep it Secret and Safe. She gently sobbed, cradling the ring in her bosom, as she let out a whispered whimpered 'thank you', never knowing that in the next cell it was Justin who had secretly stolen the ring from Jill.

After nearly weeks of training in combat and in Jaeger piloting (of which she commented that it felt a lot like Iaria), Jill and other commanders felt that Ange was doing well in her routine and she was given supplies and a room to sleep in until she was assigned for her first mission task as a guard. The next day, Ange later is introduced to the 1st Squadron headed by Captain Zola, a hedonistic sultry woman who seemed to have her own harem made up of three girls: A redheaded twin tail girl named Hilda, an orange-haired submissive lacky of a girl named Rosalie, and a quiet but rather shy light-blue haired girl named Chris. The rest of the team consisted of the sixteen year old pink-haired chipper girl named Vivian, the busty but motherly big sister of the group, Ersha, and finally Salia, a quiet lieutenant and Zola's second in command. However, the meet was less than friendly, as Ange was still under the belief this was all a mistake and referred to them all as things and beasts.

Even though she said that, Zola and the less friendly girls remind her that her royalty status is now gone and she should accept that she was a Norma. Ange left the table but a girl named Coco followed her, confessing to Ange that she liked her and wanted to go to the Mitsurugi Empire and gave Ange her pudding before her friend Miranda pulled her back to her lunch, telling her not to leave it alone. In her room, she dumped Coco's pudding and wrote a letter requesting for her release. Jill read Ange's request but quickly declined and an unsatisfied Zola dragged Ange to the interrogation room and started forcibly kissing and fondling her. Ange fought back and Zola's artificial eye popped out. Shocked by this, Zola explained that she got it from one of the creatures they fought against: a kaiju named MUTO that was still at large. She explained to her that their whole lives would have to revolve around killing the DRAGONs and the Kaiju, all so that privileged humans like she used to be could live in a peace that was taken for granted. During their altercation and lesson, the commander told Zola that she, Ange, Hilda, Chris, Rosalie, and the two newest recruits Miranda and Coco, were to be assigned to help humans excavate the Flammel Labyrinth.

Once they got there, Ange was less than treated like a thing, as she was spat on, and some even made comments she was just an animal used for slaughter or breeding. And even down in the dungeon, things didn’t go as well as planned once they reached the 50th floor. There, the Black Rex attempted to once again to kill those that intruded. In the confusion, Ange attempted to flee while Miranda tried to stop her, all while Coco tried to join Ange in going back to the Mitsurugi Empire. However, the bridge gave way, as she, the members of 1st Squad, and the humans all fell down into the black chasm below.

Ange comes to again, as she sees that she and the others fell down what appeared to have been a giant pit without being able to see the top. However, she heard sobbing as she saw Miranda weeping over her friend Coco, who had not survived the fall due to debris crushing her mid-section, suffering from internal bleeding. But even more so, as the surviving humans and her team of Norma are being attacked by what appeared to be monstrous wolves and a giant bear.

Terrified upon Coco's death, Ange remained adamant on defecting from the unit while one of the humans pointed a gun at her. However, one of the wolf creatures tears him up, throwing his gun at Ange, who instinctively grabs it but is too frightened to use it. As the humans were being slaughtered, Miranda grieved the loss of Coco but Zola grabs her before the wolves rush in, tearing apart Coco’s body for food, even as Miranda cries out for her. This made Ange even more terrified and as Zola was about to get her crew out, being the only survivors, Ange bumped her, begging her to save her. However, the bear notices them and attacks, but Zola throws Ange and Miranda to safety, just as the bear takes a chunk out of her shoulder. Both girls are terrified at this, but Zola weakly speaks to them, saying ‘All us outcasts have… are each other’, and screamed for them to run, just as the bear tore her apart. Hilda, being the only level-headed girl, manages to snap them up and ordered all the Norma out of there.

They got some good distance, but during that time, Zola's unit put the blame on an injured Ange on Zola's death as well as Coco’s. Hilda also told Ange that her request to return home was declined and her family was gone, as she threw her a rejection letter of her request: something that Zola never gave her. However, the hate argument was put on hold, as the Bear had tracked them, due to Ange and Miranda’s injuries trailing blood. The beast immediately charged at the two, with Ange instinctively hugging Miranda, as she screamed. However, a deadfall trap suddenly sprung loose, injuring the bear as it cried out, distracted by the stalagmite deadfall trap stuck in its side. At that moment, a much crazed-bloodthirsty Justin, who had been trapped and surviving down for 3 weeks in the labyrinth, called out the bear and lured it to him, using his own blood to pick up the scent. The bear chased after him, getting distance, as the girls regrouped in a cave (not knowing Justin was living in there). Moments after the roaring stopped, they soon heard footsteps, and saw the bear carcass, as they all screamed and Hilda readied her weapon… only for Justin to shout for them to stop it.

Though he let them stay, Angelise rushed to him, begging him to save her as she proclaimed herself as Angelise Mitsurugi. However, when he heard that name, he realized it was the same girl he had met a year ago, and she suddenly realized who he was as well… only for him to punch her in the stomach, rendering her unconscious. Hours later, Angel was conscious again but with Justin and the others were huddled around a fire in his hiding place. After squabbles and an explanation that the only way out was at the end of the Labyrinth, the girls decided to go with him, much to his annoyance.

Three days after killing the bear, the group continued traversing the abyss gaining much distance, as Ange, Justin and the redhead, Hilda, as well as Rosalie and Chris had helped, though Ange was still hesitant, so Justin had her and Miranda be rear guards (where they couldn’t get into much trouble and in the way, much offense to Ange there) until they confronted 2 cyclopses but killed them instantly.

However, at that moment, Ange broke down; she became emotional and unable to go further. This gave Justin the chance to pin her forcefully to the wall, as she tried to fight and insult him, only for him to state that this was what she deserved for what she did to that girl, Serra. She still referred the girl, Coco, the others, and him as monsters, but tearfully replied this wasn’t right; she didn’t deserve this. But he stated that this was how her people did things, the only reason this happened was because this was the rule that her people put her in. She became so emoitional she wanted to die, and said if he wanted to, he could kill her.

He denies her that, as he scoffed, saying that her parents must have got fed up with her, until she tearfully cried out that her parents kept the truth from her, and that her mother tried to protect her, saying that she died because she found out that she was a Norma, and that her mother was shot trying to protect her. She cried that he couldn’t understand what it was like watching her mother die and be responsible for it. But Justin rebuffed, saying if that’s what she wanted, then her mother dying was all for nothing, in which Ange shot out he was cruel. But he replied that a mother wanting her child to live was what a mother’s duty was, and if she died now, then her mother’s death would have been for nothing.

But before they went on, he told her that he didn’t know what it was like in her situation, but just as much, she didn’t know what it was like not to say final words to her parents as they went away for business… only to hear they died the next day after in an accident, allowing Ange the realization that his parents were gone too.

Using the Mana stones that were their eyes, they were able to unlock the door they guarded, and then walked in what seemingly was an empty but large chamber, when suddenly, a little robot boy squeezed his way through a crack in the walls, dragging with him a sack of materials and stuff. Introducing himself as Casey, he explained he was an engineer/repair bot that had been discarded when he was out-moded by a newer and Mana-fueled model. Thinking on it, Justin asked if the droid wanted to go with them, which Ange berated on him why he suddenly jumped to letting him join while he was hesitant with theirs, of which he replied Casey seemed more pleasant to be around than a loudmouth ex-princess lioness like her, which made her mad as hell.

As they were about to leave the room, a monster popped up in an attempt to kill them. They had a hard time killing it, but then Casey quickly constructed the blueprints to the Rail Revolver gun that Justin had found, and gave it to Ange. And in that moment, Ange managed to shoot holes in it, which gave Justin and Hilda a chance to stick grenades inside of it, causing the creature to explode. After a month of exploring, the group opened up to each other on how they all ended up down the labyrinth into the abyss. Even Ange opened up to Justin slightly, though still carrying animosity of him slapping and punching her, though Justin said he was justified and even called her Lioness, of which she berated she was a person with feelings.

They fight off monsters in a forest until Ange is held captive by a plant monster. In a moment of wanting to live though also not wanting this creature to win, Ange shouted at Justin to kill it and don't worry about her, and Justin shoots blowing the plant monster's head off. When it seemed like they made to the end of the abyss, they're immediately cut off by a giant hydra-like monster. As they fight it off, the monster cast some kind of mind spell on Ange causing her to freak out until Justin broke her out of her hallucination by kissing her, shocking her awake and she punched him. Though the Hydra saw them and swatted at them, but Justin taking the full blow of the attack, knocking the three right into a statue. Ange awoke alright but saw Justin mortally wounded with two scars on his cheeks.

Before he slipped out, he told her to live, no matter what horrors awaited. The very words echoed by her mother at her last breath as the memory sank back in, hardening her resolve.

He fell unconscious while Ange got up, and asking Casey to watch over him. She then bolted back into battle, desperately helping the others fight off the hydra with Justin’s Donner, but gets mortally wounded as well, and almost about eat them, starting with Ange first. Slightly fearful, Ange sung her mother’s song, Eternal Story, preparing to die. However, the song awoke the statue they slammed into, revealing it to be a layer of dirt covering what appeared to be a Jaeger: a giant robot that was capable of being piloted by a Norma. Justin regained conscious as he and Casey entered the robot, immediately accepting Justin as the pilot, as he used it to save the girls and prepared to do battle with the beast. The fight was a bit crazy, as the Jaeger seemed to have an advantage with attacks like Elbow Rocket. Using its boosters, Justin used its ultimate attack, Burning Claws, which covered the right hand and forearm in a kind of energy that caused massive pain and damage to the hydra. However, the creature pushes back, almost attempting to overpower them all. Justin, feeling weakened, even as part of his hair around his sides and back began to turn raven black. Just when he was about to collapse, Ange jumped into the MT system, and kept Justin on his feet, as she screamed for him to keep fighting and living, no matter this horror she knew he didn’t want to die as she didn’t either, repeating what her mother said to her. Suddenly, bot her ring and his shined, activating what the computer referred to as Discord Phasers. A burst of strength and will caused Justin and ATOM to increase power, making the Hydra lose at power and strength, and kills it by destroying the heart.

The battle over, and the Jaeger powering down to cool off, the cockpit opened, as everyone carefully got out amongst the ruins. Ange though, leaning on Justin’s back for support as she felt weakened, felt happy and relieved they were alive, but felt ashamed about it, as she still tried to deny this wasn’t her. To kill just to survive, almost about to cry saying that it wasn’t human. But a hand on hers drew her attention to Justin as he gave her a small smile: the first one he ever did to her. And replied that it was human to kill and to survive; people would do anything or everything to survive. Wanting to live, killing to survive something like this… it made her more human than what she was before. Ange was shocked by this, but at the same time… she felt a slight relief of this, as she cried out, letting all the frustration, hatred, and loneliness out finally, as she fully accepted her Norma nature.

Justin passed out from his wounds as well as MT syndrome stress, the result causing hair around his sides and back to turn black. At that moment, the door opened as a girl named D walked in, saying to the group that they had passed the trials of the Flammel Labyrinth.

3 days had passed as the group recovered and the group had found they were in some kind of lovely resort of sorts at the end of the Labyrinth. There, they had met the green-haired and mysterious D, as well as the creator of the Labyrinth, Dr. Wallace O’Reily: a rather brilliant but flamboyantly showmanship-like gentleman, who explained the reasons for the Labyrinths: to guard the Ancient Gear Technology. Apparently, it was a technology that apparently was a physical manifestation of singularity. In his case, his Labyrinth contained Creation: the ability to fuse an alloy with properties, of which case Justin asked this was a way of creating weapons or artifacts. O’Reily explained that if someone were to gain all nine of the Gears, they could in fact defat the Tuner, and in this case free the Norma and humanity.

Two months after clearing the labyrinth, they all entered a down time, as they gained/learned the Creation Gear, Justin as well as Ange trained to use the Jaeger ATOM, as well as her own Jaeger dubbed VALKYRIE, which seemed to resonate with her family ring. Afterward, they finally left the labyrinth for good on board a Jaeger transport and fueling station ship called the USG Valhalla. During the time, however, it seemed Justin and Ange had slightly opened up more to one another, with Ange accepting what she was, as slowly she accepted him. She even let him cut her hair to her mid-back, as a way of letting go of her loved ones and her monarchic living, both vowing to do whatever it took to survive (though at first Justin thought she was gonna slit her throat and jump off the side into the ocean, when in fact she was facing the water and just planned to cut her hair).

They all now had a goal: get to the Labyrinths and gain the Gears to find a way back to his world. But along the way, she and Justin would find allies as well as learn the mysteries and secrets behind the world he resided in. As well as the danger that would soon to come.

Personality: At first, Angelise portrayed herself as dignified, proud, and loving. Acting like a sister-figure to the other girls at her school, prioritized them over winning a game, yet also felt that as a princess, she should be the best at everything, which Julio criticized as trying to be a "perfect princess". She genuinely considered her maid, Momoka, to be a close personal friend, and felt that all of the people of her country were equals, and that as the first princess, she should lead them. However, her ideology of equality did not account to the Norma or the Beastmen, believing them not to be human and that they were vile in nature and should be quarantined at all cost.

Upon her exposure as a Norma, something she was not even aware of, she completely denied the possibility, seeing herself as a kind person which contrasted with what the genuine public thought of them. She heavily denied what she was when she was exiled to Arzenal and her chauvinism got her off to an uneasy start with the other Norma comrades. She clung onto her past privileges, status, reputation, and confidently claimed that her being sent to Arzenal to be trained for manual/military/personal labor was a mistake and that her empire would send for her release. She used her inability to use Mana as an excuse to reassure herself.

Her time in Arzenal as well as the Flammel Labyrinth, has been shown to have weighed down heavily on her psyche. Having a cavity search, and seeing the deaths of Coco Reeve and Zola Axberg, have had a driving impact on her to the point of simply wanting to die. Coco was particularly tragic because she reminded her of her own sister, but quickly denied it to herself when she thought of it.

In the end, Justin’s words and her mother’s last words to her "live on" became her sole driving force to continue existing, and this is what stopped her from her suicidal impact on the Hydra beast in the final chamber of the Labyrinth, and helping Justin to kill it instead.

Afterwards, Angelise finally accepted the fact that she is a Norma, abandoned her former identity and vowed to kill in order to survive by ceremonially cutting her hair short, even going as far as to excavate the other Labyrinths along with Justin.

Under her new identity "Ange", her personality is a lot calmer and strong willed. However, since she had always believed that Norma aren't human, she can no longer see herself as human either. Though it causes much argument and contradictions when she clashes with Justin on such a matter, saying that killing in order to survive is about the most human thing there is.

Ange no longer wants anything to do with her former self. When Momoka arrived at Arzenal and referred to her as "Lady Angelise", Ange pretended she didn't even know her old name nor Momoka herself. When Momoka later tried somewhat to change her lifestyle into what it used to be, when she still a princess, Ange angrily rejected it all and told Momoka is no longer "Angelise". She did, however, show some regret that her being a Norma, supposedly, played a big role in the disappearance of the Empire of Misurugi.

Initially, she would act very cold to the other residents aboard the Valhalla or at Kaiju Wall bases for Norma (branches like Arzenal), claiming to see them as nothing more than "bugs", "pests" and "cockroaches". She didn't see the 1st squadron as a team, because Hilda, Rosalie, and Chris continuously attempted to shoot her down and hinder her during combat. Causing Ange to continuously ignore Dr. O’Reily’s advice or orders and try to kill as many DRAGONs and Kaiju by herself as possible, which also caused her earn more money, which inadvertently caused her team-mates to develop a sense of jealousy. Ange didn't want to get close to anyone, as seen when she slapped away Vivian's hand when she tried to give her a little mascot in an attempt to start a friendship. However, after being stranded with Justin in the Guyanna Isles, Ange began to open up to others more. She would, however, still ignore her orders and kill as many DRAGONs and Kaiju alone as she could, though it seemed she worked well with Justin more in particular, due to the fact that they had managed to unlock the Jaeger Fusion program in their Jaegers and wanted to practice on perfecting it more. But mostly because she felt that she and Justin had become good partners, while admitting in secret to D and Casey that she sees him as a good friend and partner (something Momoka mistakes as marriage). However, after she prevented her teammates from being killed by a dragon, which was only possible because she listened to O'Reily, and the doctor ordered Hilda, Rosalie and Chris to stop targeting her, Ange agreed listen to her superiors and to stop taking all the kills for herself and finally, she began to form a bond with her teammates.

Despite her cold demeanor towards others, deep down Ange still cared about others. Her friends and teammates especially, including Justin and Hilda as they have all each fused their Jaegers and have subsequently were able to successfully maintain a Mind Bridge: a thing that is both necessary to utilizing and maintain the fusion and had the side effect of showing each their memories. When there was a possibility that Momoka might have been executed because she discovered the existence of Arzenal and the DRAGONs and Kaiju, she used all the money she earned up till that point to save her by "purchasing" her, with Justin, Hilda, and mostly the other rushing with IOUs. Also, D and Justin both believed that the real reason why Ange tried to kill all of the DRAGON's by herself was because she didn't want anyone else to die because of her, like Coco and Zola did. Also, she tried to reason with her old friend Akiho when she had returned to Mitsurugi before the latter tried to alert the police in secret.

When asked by Misty if she really was a Norma when the latter visited a Norma Merc/Arzenal base, Ange freely admitted to it, before using her to escape. After the transport locks had been freed by Hilda who also wished to escape, she attempted to ditch the person most responsible for bullying her. Hilda persisted and caught up, and explained her motives for escape, and the two finally buried their grudge once and for all.

After being put up for execution and being subject to the jeers of the Mana society, Ange realizes their true nature and calls them savages. At the detention cell, she chastises her old self for believing in friendship and bonds, and proposes to "destroy the infuriating world" together with Justin and Hilda. She deemed the Mana-users stupid and very despicable.

Though it seems she is not without concern about others or rushing in to danger. When she heard Sylvia was in danger, she wasted no time to hijack a ship along with Hilda to head back to human/Mana territory. Even fighting against a class 4 Kaiju like Knife-Nose or the EMP-attack MUTOs. Though she showed concern when Justin was willing to ditch and forsake his old classmates because he either didn’t want them to know he was alive or that some part of him was embittered due to them not even trying to save him despite the fact they were from the same world, and convinced him to do so not for them but for himself.

Ange indeed does care and respect Justin in as he was in the same boat as her. Both were forced into a world of endless combat and eventual death, they both have very loving parents that were taken from them, as well as watching each other’s back. Though his accidental crashing into her crotch does cause her to lose her temper, but after a while she apologizes knowing full well it was just dumb bad luck. They even have nicknames at times when they’re at their worst or best times; she calls him Dragon as he’s like one at their worst but calls him Wolf as he’s loyal and stays by his ‘pack’, as he calls her Lioness when he’s annoyed but Angel when she arrives in the nick of time to back him up or save him. Though she takes into consideration of his words, such as when he assured her that surviving by killing is just something that is natural and not greedy, selfish, or vile, commenting it made her more human than what others thought.

She's considered a determined and rebellious character, able to hold her own in a fight.

Later on, it’s also shown she is bisexual.



Peak Physical Human Condition: During her training at Arzenal as well as her time in the cave, Ange trained to be physically able to survive.

o Superhuman Strength

o Superhuman Speed

· Heightened Senses

Fast Reflexes: Ange is shown to have quick reflexes as she kills two of Embryo’s holograms in rapid succession. She was also able to kill small monsters as well as Kaiju and DRAGONs in rapid succession.

Mana Cancellation: As a Norma, Ange has the ability to destroy and cancel all types of Mana.


Archery/Marksmanship: Ange showed reasonably good accuracy with a bow during her archery club events. This is most likely due to her involvement in being trained by her father in the ways of hunting, she is an accomplished marksman.

Bike Riding Skills: Formerly when she was still a princess, Ange was shown to be skilled at Iaria, being the ace on her team. This skill also shows in her ability to pilot a Sky Hook.

Leadership Skills: she was able to inspire and guide teammates and others.

Military Combat Training: While being harshly trained at Arzenal, it was revealed that she has the potential to be a talented soldier, for being above average in all fields.

Survival Skills:Though she’s not as experienced or as knowledgeable as Justin, she is slowly learning and gaining skills in this. Though she still has trouble cooking, as she somehow turned a simple stew into a purple bubbling bomb.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Ange has been shown to be highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She can easily overpower full-grown men, and is able to fight the tougher Cat 3 and 4 Kaiju when piloting VALKYRIE.

Basic Understanding of Science: Although not a genius, Ange knows enough about what any scientist is talking about, let alone help with research on the ruins’ tech.

Writing Skills: Ange is a skilled writer, scoring the highest in her literature class. She’s so good at it, she’s made fantastic fanfics.

Royal Etiquette: As a princess or former princess, Ange is well versed in social royal etiquette when in diplomatic situations or social gatherings. Though she doesn’t show this when as a soldier but only when necessary during the Jaeger Competition parties or commutes.

Ballroom Dancer: It pretty much says it all. Though she is good enough to teach someone who hasn’t danced at all, such as Justin.
Singing Voice: Ange has an amazing singing voice. It's due to her always singing the Mitsurugi family song, Eternal Story. Her voice also seems to have a rather calming effect on others, particuarly on Justin who is somewhat edgy due to surviving. When asked, he admits her voice has a rather calming effect; it was like she was giving him hope when he heard her sing her song. And hearing Embryo sing it, he states the way Ange sings it gives Eternal Story its true power rather than a genocidal rapist like that mullet-wearing A-hole.



Jaeger Suit/Armor: The pilot suit is equipped with flexible polimer fibers that in a sense makes it bulletproof. The suit requires for her to not wear underwear which enables it to read all bio readings for the MT System, or Mobile Trace System, to read. The suit is also collapsible in a watch form for quick changing and unchanging. Thanks to Casey, its also equipped with the following:

Energy Shield: This shield protects her from barrages of bullets, but the battery lasts for only 10 minutes.

Pouch Bag and Belt Desert Eagle Pistol

Combat Knife

Assault Rifle and Grenade Launcher

Jaeger Armor Suit Watch

Jaeger Control Ring (Peridot Gemstone)/Royal Family Ring: the last gift her mother gave to her when she was alive. It’s the only thing she has to remind her of her. Even when it was taken away, she fought to get it back, as it was the last memento of her mother. But little did she know, she never expected the ring to be the control ring of the Jaeger, VALKYRIE.

Rapier Sword

Angel Wing Necklace and matching Earrings: Given to her by Justin, she only wears them during a social or victory gathering when in formal dress. It also seems she uses them for dating.

VALKYRIE: Ange’s Jaeger

Voice Actor: Emily Neves

Ange is of Cross Ange Rondo of Angels and Dragons and © Sunrise inc. and of the USG Vahalla of the fanfic (future fanfic) Cross Mech