Jaqueline Jekyll (WoT) Before and After by StoneMan85 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Jaqueline Jekyll

Codename/Aliases: Jackie Hyde, Crimson Maiden, Nerdy Beauty, Beauty #4

Age: 17-18 (age permanently stopped) (BD – May 2, 1997)

Hair: Dark Brown (Black with Red Streaks )

Eyes: Brown (Ruby Red)

Likes: Reading, Science, Peter Talbot (best friend/crush/later boyfriend/lover), library, working hard in the lab, hanging out with Kylie and Mari (best friends), partying, swimming, dancing, loving attention (though mostly from Peter), her new body, her abilities, science fiction movies, rom coms, Mari and Jin’s confidence

Dislikes: Being plain (formerly), being flat-chested (formerly), wearing glasses (formerly), being unnoticed, feeling worthless, peanut butter, her family’s formula falling into the wrong hands, and uncontrollable Hydnoid mutations roaming around, no fun on the dance floor, others getting hurt, hurting Peter, other girls falling for him (formerly), GenUCorp (reason for the Hydnoid weaponization and torture), being experimented on, Mari’s pervertedness (at times)

Family: Parents (deceased), Jekyll family (disowned)

Background: Jaqueline Jekyll was the only daughter of the current bloodline of the Jekyll family line, and the only survivling leading male head. Both parents died in a questionable car accident, and because the mother was of low-grade status, Jaqueline was frowned upon by the main family, who were all studious medical leading authorities. As such, she was forced to sign off her inheritance but left a substantial fortune to get by in life, though never to associate with her family. Though at times, her cousins would visit her by and tease and bully her. Though at family gatherings, she was invited, only to be berated and put down as a failure among them. She had no solace in her life and barely any friends growing up. Although she had met one friend: Peter Talbot. That friendship she had with him would blossom into something more of a crush and actual love for him later on. Though during that time, she had made good friends with Kylie Ginxem and Mari Kelley. Later on that circle of friends grew on with others like Mikey Corvis, Renea Kelley, Emmy Dickerson, Clint Stalkman, and finally Irvin and Carl Matthews, whom she met all in the fourth grade.

She even found acquaintances but didn’t act on it to form friendships. Yet.

A master in the craft of Alchemy, despite her young age, Jaqueline is, believe it or not, the great granddaughter of the once famous or rather infamous, Dr. Henry Jekyll and/or Mr. Edward Hyde. Though she may seem to be fairly harmless almost adorable, her breadth of formula and reagents makes her quite formidable. Fortunately, she concentrates her main time and effort in finding a way to perfect the Hyde formula that was unleashed upon the world by her ancestor. Though growing up, her body was just averagely scrawny and small, making herself quite an ugly duckling as well as making her rather low in self-esteem, even with encouragement from her friends, she still lacked the confidence needed to get through in life. Even less confidence to tell Peter that she was in love with him (though Peter was in the same boat as he lacked confidence to tell her he loved her back).

They all stayed together, even during high school, as they were reaching their Junior Year and had one more year when they became seniors. At the end of their Junior year, their high school, Shepard High, had them all go on a camping trip for a month to start out their summer vacation. That night, everything seemed fine, even with Jaqueline managing to get Peter alone to try and confess her feelings before the senior year began for them. Until suddenly, the camp was invaded by black op soldiers who drugged and tagged them, taking them all away deeper into the forest. Once there, Peter, Jaqueline and the others, students, teachers, and camp staff, were rounded up for processing. And by processing, it meant both male and females were rounded up separately in two stable halls, with suited up soldiers stripping them down and spraying them clean like animals. Once they were put into cells, they were put through extreme and harsh experimentation to make them metamorphs. The process was traumatic, humiliating, and painful to everyone, including Jaqueline, who was pushed almost to the point of her mind breaking and becoming nothing more than a mindless and soulless doll.

The last month of summer had come in, and Jaqueline was in a corner, doing her best to stay focused and strong in white garb and looking all around the room with only white walls and a glass wall and door.. Suddenly, the alarms blasted and everything turned red, as the doors suddenly opened. Alarms blazing, as Jaqueline was able to get back up. She stumbled outward, even with guards surrounding her and swarming her. The stress and adrenaline pumping through her caused something to happen, as she suddenly grew in size and bulk, turning into a 6-7 foot chalk white-skinned black haired and red highlighted humanoid, with an athletic build, nearly tearing off her clothes, as she threw the guards off, and bolted. Others started going through transformations, while others just bolted out of there fearful of what was going on. Jaqueline managed to smash through the main exit. Unfortunately, she was greeted by huge mechas and tanks, that shot at her.

Suddenly, another change occurred, and this time, she was still at the same height, still slim muscled for the size to match, but now she had strange patterns and growths on her. Suddenly, the growths glowed, and on instinct, she fired immense blasts from the back of her palms, blowing the tanks and mechas. Though reinforcements came, suddenly, the ground around her and the tanks began to transmute into pillars and blocks that either trapped or trashed them. She instinctively use the same technique to catapult herself out of there. Suddenly she reverted to the 6 ft version of her creature self, as she crashed on the ground, bolting out of there.

She felt great, she felt amazing, she felt… sexy and free. This pondered her greatly, as she bolted around the forest, feeling alive, sensing a great sense of freedom from it. However, that freedom and happiness was halted, as she ran into what appeared to be a Cobalt Blue male creature. Possibly a vanguard from that place she escaped from coming to take her back. The two fought with her as the aggressive one, from all the months experimented on, she fought furiously. The confusion and adrenaline duked them both out, creating a crater in the ground, until the two clashed…. And then kissed him, as the two fell into each others’ arms. The sensation of feeling his body heat, his skin, and the taste of her lips, excited her and him both… sadly, they passed out in the crater before anything happened.

The next morning, she was still asleep curled up next to the male, as she slowly woke up, seeing a handsome and naked Peter, though at first believing it was an erotic dream as she went back to sleep. However, she realized it was real and fully awoke, and both she and Peter were in shock as each other were naked, but more surprisingly that they realized who each other was, and she took, like him, had physically changed. Both were fit, tight small muscled, though Jaqueline was still feminine, and physically better as a result; a slender body, silky hair, eyes repaired, and a well-endowed C-Cup chest.

The confusion was put aside as two guards showed up to pick them up, having found the destructive trail they both took. Peter knocked the guards out, and both teens got dressed and took the van back into town.

Once at Jaqueline’s makeshift lab in her apartment garage, and dressed as best they could, Jaqueline discovered their DNA had been altered due to Genetic Editing. Somehow the editing game them enhanced speed, strength, agility, etc, but the form they had taken was a result of a massive jolt due to the Editing. Though from Jacqueline’s study, it seemed unstable, meaning they could shift from that form to human with practice, comparing it to learning a new set of muscles.

Weeks pass as Peter becomes stronger, more confident, and a better person. But in time, he realizes that he and Jaqueline weren’t the only ones to escape, as they later found Kylie and Mikey; Kylie hiding out at her store with Mikey hiding at the school’s gym shack. Unfortunately, it also includes the Beauty Trio, Ashley, Maria, and Sarah, as their transformations were delayed.

Once finding and helping the others, Peter, Jaqueline, and the others realize the corporation had created more monsters and beings like them. Being hunted down by them, they decided what to do, and make sure the corporation was brought up to light about this. Jaqueline Jekyll, naming herself Jackie Hyde, was the team’s 2nd in Command, Alchemic scientist of the Free Titans, and part-time, a teen supermodel.

Personality: Jaqueline is a calm, quiet and nervous girl. She spent most of her life in the lab and not enough in the gym due to her physical disabilities. She is quite brilliant for a young girl her age, but due to the fact that she's mostly brains, she still felt out of place. She's very conscientious on how others see her, feeling she's too ugly or plain. Not to mention she was ostracized by her own family after the death of her parents, taking everything from her except the journal of her ancestor, Dr. Henry Jekyll, of which she learns the blueprint of the experiments that made them into Hydnoids.

But all that soon gained a stronger sense of confidence after her "change". Though she still is shy, she's a bit more confident and stronger, physically and emotional. Though she's having a hard time trying to figure out what to do with all the stares, love letters, and advancements on her. Though she never thought she would be lucky in love, or unintentionally building a harem for the boy she loves.

At times due to her Hydnoid nature, she can be short-tempered and violent. Possibly as an after-effect of the experimentations and transformations.

Due to her new body frame and beauty, she is steadily becoming seductive enough to catch Peter’s attention as well as to get him to fall in love with her.

She uses her Jackie persona as another model figure, or more likely a makeup job, still going by the name of Jackie Hyde.

She apparently is bisexual, as well as comfortable in a polygamy relationship, seeing as how so many girls have fallen for Peter. In fact, she encourages it as she wants Peter to be surrounded by people who love him so he wouldn’t be lonely, as they both grew up alone without much family.



· Female Hydnoid – Energy Blaster and Manipulator

· Transformation:

· Superhuman Strength: Though limited, she is still able to show off impressive feats of strength. She can lift nearly 200 lbs and able to dent a steel door with just a kick or punch.

· Superhuman Speed

· Superhuman Senses

· Superhuman Stamina

· Superhuman Durability: The same as a humans, but she’s more durable, though with enough pressure, her body can break, though this is countered by her Regeneration.

· Immortality: Jaqueline’s powers cause her to regenerate from fatal injuries due to the trauma helping her temporarily overcome the mental blocks that prevent her from affecting organic matter.

· Regeneration

· Resurrection

· Subatomic Manipulation: As an Energy Blaster/Manipulator, her strongpoint is projectile energy. Though from her nature as an Alchemist, it has gone to a level beyond normal Energy Manipulators that use their abilities as bio-lasers, bio-missile launchers or heat/cold rays and so on. She is able to affect an entire battlefield with her abilities. Jaqueline is able to sense and manipulate matter and energy at the sub-atomic level by not just the organic gems on her palms, shoulders, collar bone, or her forehead, but her sheer willpower. Organic or inorganic, she can change it into anything she desires. She can augment normally unhealthy food such as cakes and other sweets into nutritious foods as well as re-arrange the environment. She also uses this to change her clothes by altering the materials… or to quickly get them off.

· Force Field: With her transmutation powers, she can create stone/iron walls or energy fields.

· Energy Blasts: she has learned to channel her transmutation powers into powerful energy blasts from her palms, shoulders and occasionally her forehead, capable of affecting matter with concussive and/or explosive force. Her energy is stored in the organic crystalized structures that are her shoulders, shoulder blades, and the crystals on her forearms and back of her palms. She also has them on her hips for hip blasts and on the soles of her feet, which she uses for an extra boost in jumping.
Hyde Smasher

· Energy Construct Creation: With her transmutation powers, Jaqueline can make or augment several weapons.

· Telekinesis: By using her matter manipulating powers, she is able to either levitate, propel, or manipulate objects and matter with the energy of her thoughts.

· Heightened Jump/Flight: She can also jump higher by lowering the density of the air around her and reducing her own friction.


· Rapid Caloric Depletion: A downside to Jaqueline’s Alchemic abilities is that she absorbs any unused atoms into her body, which must later be eliminated from her system as waste. She claims that on days when she uses her power too much, she can ‘go to the bathroom’ 6-7 times.

· Alchemic Breakdown: She needs to know the alchemic knowledge of the subject or object she transmutes, like opponents such as Adam or the Venom types.

· Equivalent Trade: The object she tries to transmutate must share of equal value, this means they must have the same makeup, weight, and so on. In other words, there must be enough material to make what she needs.

· Complexity: Forming complex machines is a difficult task, as they have chemicals and moving parts. Jaqueline has to know the exact anatomical build of what it is she’s trying to create or build. Though this only applies to complex things like complex weaponry, like a bomb or a mini-gun.


· Intelligence: In addition to her fighting skills and her incredible strength, Jaqueline is a very intelligent woman. She is highly intelligent with chemicals, able to mix various chemical concoctions. This knowledge also enables her to use her abilities rather efficiently and very unpredictable to her enemies. Her intelligence is also able to figure out the enemy Hydnoids that they face to better figure out strategies to defeat them, such as the Lost Ones Adam. This also enables her to make the armor and clothing the Free Titans use.

o Chemistry

o Alchemy

o Mathematics

· Hand-to-Hand Combat: Jaqueline is currently being trained by Singh in combat, and is matching Peter’s rhythm. Later on, Renea is teaching her as well, being rather effective in the style of Moi Tai Boxing and Aikido.

· Weapons Handling

· Swimming: Jaqueline, after her transformation, is a rather accomplished swimmer now, not being sickly or slow. She is able to hold her breath quite well, barely coming up for air. You could say she glides through the water with ease.

· Supermodel: Jaqueline has been shown to have what she needs to be a model. Poise, grace, elegance, not to mention looks and a body that can never fade, she has become quite the face for the modeling world.

· Sex Appeal: Despite being a virgin, Jaqueline has a very acute sex appeal to use. Even when trying, she is able to attract guys and gals her attention, which helps in her modeling.


· Free Titans Uniform: She made her uniform, as well as the others. It’s made to be a synthetic spandex made of hagfish slime… which grosses out most of the girls to no end.

· Energy-based Constructs: She can construct the following:

o Shields

o Swords

o Melee Weapons

· Utility Pouches and Backpack: · Gauntlets: Jaqueline's gauntlets are designed to open up to allow her forearm bio-crystals to show. When this happens, she combines them to form a powerful energy blast capable of incinerating half-a mile wide and long. Mikey has dubbed it the Hyde Smasher.

· Atomic Energy Pistols (x2): Pistols she designed to enable her to hit precise targets to act as conduits for her powers, creating transmutations from points she can’t reach physically.

· Energy Grenades: Storing some of her eneryg into them, she can create powerful ST blasts that are on the levels from regular grenades to phosphorus or thermite grenades.

· Katana: It’s an extendable blade that also acts as a storage conductor for her energy when she’s not in her Bio-Energy Hydnoid form but just either in human or Hydnoid Default form. In its energy state, it can literally cut through atoms and molecules.

Voice Actor: Alexis Tepton