Paxton Michaels, Before and After by StoneMan85 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Paxton Michaels
CodenameAliases: Pax, Pyros
Age: 17-19
Hair: Brown Hair (Fiery Orange in Wereforms)
Eyes: Brown- later light orange (Yellow in Wereform and later Fiery Orange in Evolved Form)
Likes: Fire, hiking, the sun, running, Jasiri (1st friend in Eden/Lover later on), the Great Canyon Colony, helping others, his powers, his new self, mating with Jasiri, skinny dipping, and discovering new places, fireworks
Dislikes: Perverts (even though he himself is one), bad guys, rapists, murderers, bullies, being useless, Janja, those that hurt Jasiri, being used/lied to, starting a harem (formerly)
Family: Mother, Father (deceased)
Background: Paxton Michaels is the only child of Cindy and Daniels Michaels, the latter being in law enforcement as a police officer in North Carolina. He grew up in North Carolina until at the age of 7 when his dad died in a house robbery. This forced him and his mom to move to Atlanta, Georgia where he met a neighbor who taught him about fireworks, flamethrowers, and other pyro stuff. In fact, this kinda made him a bit of a pyromaniac of sorts, creating homemade bombs becoming something of a self-taught demolitions expert. Because of this, he didn’t really have a lot of friends growing up, as they thought of him as a weirdo, and most of the bullies tried to force him to make stink bombs and cherry bombs for the bathroom. However, in a turn of events, it was because of this, he got into Detention, and where he met fellow detentionees. Genius and neurotic Zoologist Benson Brundles, the confident and cocky troublemaker Evan Drake, Loner and anti-socialist Dale Boydes, tough as nails but anger-management-challenged Kurk Gauge, goth protestant Maddie Manson, Cheerleader Angie Icaruson, and Kleptomaniac Becca ‘Becky’ Evans. They were sort of the school family that Pax had never thought of but found.

When he was seventeen, his school won a field trip on a yacht cruise around the Gulf of Mexico, along with his fellow classmates, but also his six friends. Then one day, a strange earthquake erupted, creating a fissure-sized portal that sucked the ship right through it and then closed right up, as if nothing happened.

Suddenly, the yacht was caught by some strange looking ship, like something out of a science fiction series. Then as the yacht was taken into the ship, strange black-clad armored individuals rounded them up, as they forced the occupants as well as Pax into cells. Then one night, he and everyone else were given strange food, but ate without hesitation when hungered. But suddenly, Pax’s body began to spasm and change, causing his body to become stronger and lean, and afterwards, had changed into an orange-furred werewolf. Before he could figure out what was what, the soldiers took him again, and began to experiment on him, as well as the others who transformed too.

The process was traumatic, humiliating, and painful for him. But his mind managed to try and push out the trauma, as he tried to figure out a way to get out of there.

A month later, almost looking like he was dead, Pax was lying face first on the floor. Once the guards popped in, they saw him and attempted to throw him out, thinking they were dead. And then Pax attacked and knocked them out, and attempted to break everyone out as he did so, unfortunately, he caused damage to the controls causing the ship to nearly go critical and cause everyone to escape, even as Pax transformed on instinct. Though he was running free, he enjoyed the kind of strength and freedom, even though when the ship broke in half, and he slipped down the runway of a carrier bay, and down a deep dark grand canyon-like canyon, and everything went black.

What felt like days, Pax awoke naked, in a bed in what appeared to be a hut of sorts. Though it seemed that he was not alone, as he found someone snuggled with him in bed. He immediately bolted out, falling down, though it woke the girl up as she blinked, and smiled that he had recovered; apparently, she had explained she was using her body heat to warm him up and didn’t wake up for three days while she and her younger sister took care of him. She introduced herself as Jasiri, and also pointed out she had to remove the strange earpiece that seemed to cause discomfort, leaving a small scar there. Walking in to help was Saorsie, Jasiri’s younger sister by a year, who opted to heal… though almost mistook her sister and Pax making love, as she figured her older sister had already made him her mate.

Of course this was denied rather quickly and exlpanations were made. When Pax mentioned the ship, the two sisters realized he was prisoner of the Dark Demons that had taken over the skies, much to his confusion as to where he was or what was going on. Once dressed, the sisters took him around a tour of the village. Unfortunately he was seen as an outsider and was about to be banished, until Jasari called out that Pax would conquer the Trials of the Canyon, much to his objection. But the idea of the Trials were five tests in total:

  1. To carry a desert crystal over a wire from the cave where it was to the canyon back to the village.
    2. To grab the egg of a Tyrannopede
    3. To pluck a rare aphrodisiac rose from the peek of The Great Jungle.
    4. To grab some webs from a Joltula.
    5. To fight the strongest warrior in combat.

Pax said it was cakewalk, but Saorsie warned that one other failed the trials and was banished: a young girl named Harla. But Pax assured the two it would be alright. And he was right for the most part, as it was cakewalk. Though he almost died from the Tyrannopede, as well as the Joltula, and even almost lost his first time to a plant girl named Doriana, of whom he had a pleasant conversation with before he escaped. But the last challenge would be a tough one, against an armored Lizard Darwinite named Kraz, who despite being a nice guy, had a strong defense about him.

However, before things got blown out of hand, a giant flaming Monopede rose up and attempted to eat everyone. Luckily, as its element was heat, Pax had made a few explosions using guano, and blasting at it to get its attention. This caused the beast to turn its attention at him, and swallow him whole before Pax could act, shocking Jasiri at this. Though inside, Pax was clawing at its hide, trying to get out, but getting scorched in the process. He even tried to eat a piece off, but something happened. On the outside, the Monopede suddenly convulsed, as something shot out of it. It was Pax, who had evolved into a Fire-Hyena Darwinite, and in an epic battle, used something called Burning Paw, blasting the head into a scorching stump, killing it as it collapsed in the village, seemingly dead.

Even though it wasn’t an official battle, the chief had declared Pax the winner, as well as being a suitable husband for Jasiri. Shocked and wanting to deny that, Jasiri, blushing, didn’t mind it at all. Pax realized there was no way out of this, even as he was made the eventual successor chief to come. Late that night, Jasiri, dressed rather beautifully, took Pax to a special place of the jungle that was close to the canyon; a place full of giant mushrooms as big as trees, and glowing plantlife that seemed to seep from something that Jasiri called the Tree of Fertility. Once they were in the center of it, spores were released that made Pax sneeze alittle, but then freaked out as he saw Jasiri undress before him. He asked what she was doing, and much to his shock, saw she was in heat, and made out with him. Eventually, he succumbed and had made love with her until morning.

Months later, Pax would be the new chief and reunite with his friends, all the while he and Jasiri would fall more and more in love… along with other girls forming the tribes to reunite the Great Desert once again.

Personality: Pax is a typical teenage boy his own age. Although most of his life, he has been constantly bullied by others in high school. This bullying had led a sort of self-isolation for him, keeping him from accepting others into his life. Although he longs for companionship and friends, he fears that they will leave him or be taken by it.

He initially has a laid-back and passive personality, mostly due to having asthma and health conditions. Once he has been changed, his passive nature remains, but he becomes more daring and more into activities. Pax shows a great fear of emotional pain and of being hated or left behind, likely due to his perception of being abandoned in his youth and, subsequently, blaming himself for not being good enough to make his grandfather notice him. In general, Pax is shown to be quite introverted due to having little to no meaningful contact with others. In social party situations, he is shown to feel quite awkward, and he often has difficulty how to interact around others. He is shown to the extreme of this, forsaking many lives (even his own) to save one person.

Pax loves to crack jokes and is generally more optimistic than others. He has a passion for art, presumably of many kinds as he is shown to have a passion for painting and cooking. Pax can be very oblivious to dangerous situations, mostly unaware of what kind of trouble he could be in. He also tends to be naïve, but also kind-hearted.

Pax is also shown to be attuned to pop culture, based on some of his word choices, his knowledge of celebrities and his love for rap, Pop, and techno music. However, Pax has mixed appreciation for certain retro/old school icons, such as his disappointment with the dated graphics from the Lou Jitsu video game.

Pax is also easily frightened when in a scary situation, and often has the tendency to react quickly by screaming rather loudly and not stopping screaming for a while. To add to his oblivion, he does not think things through when he's scared.

When he uses the "Dr. Delicate Touch" method, he sometimes starts off as being sweet but quickly becomes angry and straight to the point.

Pax is prone to being silly rather than focusing on his training. However, he is still an impressive fighter. His natural affinity for the martial arts is present with his ability to learn moves after seeing it only a few times. He also has the ability to fight without "thinking (logically)", once deflecting Jasari's blows while listening to music with his eyes closed, which was something that Benson had to learn (Although he was unable to do this when directly asked to fight without thinking in their first fight with the telepathic Falco).

Pax is very cute and innocent. However, he is sneaky, mischievous, and scatter-brained, which sometimes causes trouble for the team. He would sometimes not be considerate as he tends to playfully mock his friends, especially his hot-headed friend, Kurk, and use the latter's fear of cockroaches against him to try and get permission to read his comics. He also doesn't always respect personal space as shown when he pokes Kurk during a mission. His pranks may be annoying but he is not as rude as Benson and especially Kurk.

He hates being bullied, done not only on himself, but on to others as well.

Pax also cares deeply for his friends; He cares for all of his friends deeply, and will fight to the finish to defend them. He's considered a determined character who strives for the survival of his friends, often placing his own life on the line.

Pax is an unusually brash, daring character who acts before he thinks. He has a resolute and determined personality which always places his friends priority over himself and attempts to save anyone close to him, regardless of the situation. Due to his compassionate personality, he draws others close to him, despite most initial negative impressions.

And as a first, he seems to become the most lucky guy in his league with women, as he has unofficially built up an unofficial harem... whether he knows it or not.



Male Alpha Hyena – Fire Elemental Evolution


Hyena Physiology

Enhanced Balance: Mikey's skills as a skateboarder and a ninja give him a great ability with extraordinary balance.

Enhanced Agility:

Enhanced Stamina and Endurance:

Powerful Jaws (evolves to Flame Jaws)

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Speed and Reflexes

Enhanced Healing

Predatorial Instincts

Nocturnal Adaptation

Fire Elemental Powers: After he defeats and eats the hide of a Flaming Monopede, his Were-Hyena body evolves into a Fire Hyena, enabling him to generate, start and/control fires.
Plasma Claws and Fangs: His claws and fangs grow super-hot enough to melt through steel.

Burning Paw: An attack that superheats his right forearm and hand, making a destructive blasting attack. He’s had two gauntlets made to help contain it to supercharge it more before releasing it.
Fire Generation and Control: Pax is able to generate fire in both brief shots, exploding shots a continues flame thrower like attack from anywhere from her body: she however cannot control fire she has not directly created unless physically touching it.
Heat Control: Pax can control the intensity and focus of his flames making himself as hot as a blow torch being able to cut through metal to only appearing to be on fire and having an above average body temperature.
Fire Immunity: Due to being made of fire he is naturally immune to fire.

Durable Hide: much like an insect shell, his fur in some parts have become heavily super-enforced. In fact, this exo-skeleton is retractable, making him in effect quite powerful.
Rocket Boost: He’s able to generate flames to propel him like a rocket when on full sprint. He’s also able to use them to gain a boost in jumping.
Flame Intensity: Pax has shown that his flames to the most intense and powerful as he is the oldest elemental out of all of them and as such he has shown the ability to melt even the hardest ice. His flames burn hotter, hit harder and explode that little bit more.


Ninjutsu: Pax is very agile, giving him balance and control, as well as using a hoverboard to boost it. It also helps with his dancing. Because of this, he’s an extremely good fighter.

Potential: The Chief considers Pax with great fighting potential, particularly fighting without thinking. His potential also translates to his intelligence with him thinking on his feet.

Pranks: He refers to himself as Dr. Prankenstein. Since he the funniest of his friends and he hasn't shown to be wrong since he was able to show his pranking skills against others like water balloons as he wants to prank them all and he was able to use his prank of water balloons to use against the tank of the truck.

Teaching: Despite of Pax's immatureness, he is a skilled teacher.

Cooking Skills: He shows to love cooking for his family even though his brothers don't think his tastes great but to Pax it does. Jasiri seems to love his cooking skills.

Intelligence and Communication: Pax is actually really smart, though he doesn't act like it. He has an extremely high EQ (emotional intelligence) and creativity, as he has shown to be excellent naming creatures if their appearance, abilities, or powers. Just like any other creature mutated of humanoids, he's able to speak human languages (English). He actually pays close attention to Benson's experiments, despite his inattentiveness at times.

Creativity: Pax has to be quite creative both in and out of combat. This mostly when he comes up with the names for most of the villains or allies. He also experiments with lots of ingredients in the kitchen while he's cooking.

Explosive Expert



Backpack and Utility Pouch Belt (upgraded)

Combat Survival Knife (Stone-Metal)

Blasters (x2)

Nunchaku Kusarigama: A nunchuk that transforms into a Kurasigama, both a melee and a long-range melee weapon in one. He can even super heat the ends to make them even more effective.

Bombs (x many)




Voice Actor: Greg Cipes

Character (c) :icongabeherndon308: