The Greatest Crack Ship Ever by StormThePony on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

StormThePony's avatar

Published: Jun 14, 2012


S02E22 Unnamed Pegasus Mare #13 x S01E01 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #1

This is what happens when you're talking about crack ships in one of Bri's streams. I literally just scrolled down to unnamed ponies and choose two that I liked. Now I ship it. Wow.

I've decided to name the unicorn Pink Blush. She's sister to Berry Punch. Her cutie mark is never shown so I made one. It's a rosebud and represents how romantic she can be, but she's shy.
And the pegasus is now Morning Sky. Sister of Soarin and Brolly. I figure her cutie mark has something to do with her talent with weather or something. I don't know.

I honestly don't even know

These two (c) Hasbro

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