Chi [HotK] by sugarxKAT on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:iconheartofthekalahari: I am replacing Shauri with Chi. I will also make Matu an adoptable character.

Character Name: Chi
Real Name: Subira [patience]
Name Meaning: god, spirtual being or tea
Gender: Female

Species: Lion
Age: Adult

Group: Malipizi
Background/Personality: Subira was born in a pride far, far away from the Delta area. The pride was known as the Cliff Edge Pride, or Edgelanders. The pride was ruled by a cruel and horrible king named Chuki. He was selfish and ruled with "iron claws". If his females didn't do what he said, how he said it, and when he wanted it, they were punished. The females have been abused, both emotionally and physically, to the point where they flinched at fast movement and fled whenever someone raised their voice. Subira's blood line had been in the territory for many life cycles which tried her from leaving the land. Her mother told her that they were lucky to have such a tolerable king. She told her that there were many prides where their kings ate their children and feed their lionesses to crocodiles. Of course Subira believed her whens she was a cub, but as Subira grew older she started to question the faith they had in Chuki.

Chuki noticed as Subira grew into an adult. He liked her strong figure and heated glare. To him, she was perfect and she had to become his number one. When Subira heard that she had been chosen to be his next cub carrier, she refused. That enraged Chuki and he smacked her into the ground. Fear struck into her core, she had never been hit by him before. Slowly, she stood up and gazed away from his face. He breathed heavily as he waited for her reply. There was no choice, but to accept. It wasn't too long until Subira was pregnant with Chuki's cubs. She hated the fact that they were hers, but the idea of having cubs of her own was nice. Subira followed his orders to the tee and eventually she become his favorite. He was kind to her as he waited his new offspring.

One night she gave birth to three cubs, a male and two females. One of the females was a runt and didn't make it after a few weeks. Grief split her into two, she became depressed and took to herself and her cubs. A month had passed and Subria was still alone in her den. She skipped her hunting duties to sulk in the darkness. This only made Chuki angry. How dare she ignore her chores! He stormed into her den and demanded she get up. Subira didn't move. Chuki unsheaved his claws and raked them down her hip. Subira cried and stood up, tears still rolling down her face. He spit at her, called her worthless and ungrateful for what he did for her. She gazed away and let the tears roll down her cheeks. The next thing she knew was he slammed his body into her own. It sent her flying back and slammed against the side of her den. His strong paws slammed into the dirt under him as he walked off. Subira heard her son cry after the shock started to melt away. Slowly, she stood up and stepped over to tend to him. That's when she felt something fall from her flank. She turned to see what it was and the horror was too much for her. When Chuki pushed her, she fell on her daughter and crushed her. Hatred and anger took over. Subira darted out of her den and over to Chuki. Her claws ripped into his coat and mane as she just tore into him. Her screams about her daughter echoed through the land. He roared back, only telling her it was her fault for killing her own cub. The brute pinned her down and smacked at her. She took the beating for punishment.

Months passed and her only cub, Matu, was healthy and strong. He was the only one who still visited her after the break down. She loved him dearly even though she could see Chuki in him. One day Matu came in and said he just got yelled at for playing outside for too long. He told Subira how he raised his paw to hit him, but never did. Subira snapped again. How dare he try to hurt her son! That monster! She kept him close as she formulated a plan to get rid of Chuki once and for all.

One day Subira told the other lionesses to hunt on the far side of the territory. She told them that the prey were less likely to be alert there. They took her advice and took off. Subira even told Matu to run far from the camp and to find a safe place at the edge of the territory. He ran off. The lioness had picked a particular dry day in the middle of dry season to play out her plan. She ventured off and found two stones to create fire. She had heard a rumor that if they click together fire would light the grass. She did that and lit a stick on fire. Subira darted into the camp and lit everything she could on fire. The camp was in flames in no time. She stood in the heat until she caught Chuki trying to escape. The female spread more fire to keep him trapped in his own home. Desperate, he called to her and pleaded for help. A smirk crept on her muzzle as she turned to walk away. He glared at her and threatened to kill her and her cub. The sound of crumbling wood and burning grass only made her laugh.

Subira found Matu and they ventured from pride to pride. She changed her name to Chi to protect her and Matu. They never really felt safe even though Chi swears up and down that Chuki is dead. After traveling, the two found themselves in the Malipizi territory. A patrol found them and surrounded the two. Chi refuses to be taken as a slave, and let them hurt Matu. She demanded that they make a deal. She would be a huntress for them as well as agree to all the rules, including breeding rights, without a fight as long as they kept Matu safe until he was old enough to go on his own. They agreed only if she was worth something to the pride. Chi showed them that she was a good huntress by hunting down a gazelle on her own. She even spared with one of the guards and gave a good fight. They agreed to Chi's terms.

Chi is hot tempered and sarcastic. She doesn't like to take orders and she's very quick to defend herself. Of course, she still flinches when someone moves too quickly or when someone raises their voice. She tends to be by herself or with Matu. Even hunting with her is a pain since she refuses to work with the team. To Chi, it would make her weak if she ever left. Chi still has nightmares about being an Edgelander. She can still hear his voice nagging in her head. This makes her restless and keeps her up late at night. Sleep is not something she normally gets. But through all of this, Chi can be caring and loving. Matu is everything to her and she refuses to let him go. A softer side can be seen if someone is hurt or is crying. She has a hard time being able to stand other's pain. To her, everyone should be okay even though she's not.
Inspiration: I Miss The Misery by Halestorm (…;Original design (c) MalisTLK
Art & Chi (c) sugarxKAT