Oceans of Danger by Sun-Seeker on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Sun-Seeker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sun-seeker/art/Oceans-of-Danger-70218802Sun-Seeker
Deviation Actions
Published: Nov 20, 2007
One day I will have to work out how my style of photography developed. No doubt is is entirely due to the influences on DA that I have absorbed. I will have to list people like raun and Tfavretto and many others who have subconciously pushed me along a path to what I hope is a style of my own.
This is a single shot converted into a 5 tiff 5 exposure group of files that were processed thru photomatix with a little more omph than I usually do and then levels and selective colours combined with a little burning. One other thing. With the silo and tree and the 10mm lens set at 12mm the verticals seemed to fall in on each other. To counter I made a blank canvas slightly larger and dragged the orginal pic into it and then by draging on the handles created by edit transform distort (PS9 ) I was able to correct some of the distortions.. double click and flatten to finish.
What do you reckon?
Image size
1024x712px 597.88 KB
Very nice, as ever.
Like some people though, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place with the tree/contrast of the foreground. Whilst it does seem a little too dark, it also adds to the mood, esp as it looks like rain is coming over to spoil the day.
overall though, good stuff