Mori's reference by sundowne on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

new oc! idk how much you'll be seeing of her, since im going to prioritise Dream No Stars and Pinecone Lemonade as stories, but Mori's pretty neat


Basic information

Full name - Mori Ma

Nicknames - Shorty

Ankle biter

Little witch

Age - 17

Gender - cisgender female

Pronouns - she/her

Sexuality - demisexual lesbian

Affiliations - Ancient Diviner’s Order

Juro on the Water

Additional information

Likes - frogs

Being alone


History stories




Jyn’s stories and lessons

Visiting home


Dislikes - the pressure of being Juro’s future Diviner

Being touched

obnoxious people

Large crowds



Abilities - basic use in herbal spells

Knowledge of divination


Mother - Hana Ma

Father - Taro Ma

Brother - Ruka Ma

Sister - Ahmya Ma

Friends - Sunil Niazi(childhood friend

Crush - Sora Rai

Mentor - Jyn Boro


Mori is a small, scrawny, short girl, standing at 5’2. She is often described as odd-looking, with a face close to heart shaped, pale skin, big, slanted sage green eyes and dark raven-colored hair. She has a few freckles dotted across her cheeks. Her hair is a short, neat bob and fringe, which she sometimes styles by tying streaks of her hair in green ribbon. She has dark bags under her eyes and usually wears an elegant, unreadable expression.


Mori is well known as a responsible but arrogant up-and-coming diviner. She has a cold disposition, never laughing at jokes and only making her own when she has something sarcastic to say. She carries herself with poise and elegance, which makes her seem self-important and haughty. She takes her studies as the future diviner very seriously, and is hard-working, independent and driven. She loves collecting knowledge and would rather spend her time learning than with other people. She is clever and witty, with a mature outlook on life which has been informed by all the time she spends thinking and reflecting. She is good at categorizing people and figuring them out, however that does not really help her in social situations. She is renowned for quiet, awkward interactions and not giving authority figures the mandatory respect expected of her. Since she is the future diviner of Juro on the Water and their neighboring towns, she knows she has the right to be lenient with her manners, sometimes being rude and standoffish to people in more positions of authority. She has a short social battery and gets grouchy when tired. She says things like they are usually, and doesn't really know what's wrong with that. However, she still has some moments of lightheartedness, but usually only when making a snide comment about someone else. Her bluntness and apathy can be seen as funny, however. She doesn't often talk about her own emotions, since she is the future Diviner, she is meant to solve everyone else's problems, not the other way around. She often feels trapped and suffocated, even if she doesn't entirely know what it is that ails her.


At the age of seven, Mori was chosen by an ancient oracle to be the next Diviner of Juro on the Water. She left her family home to live with the old witch, Jyn, in her hut outside of town. She had always been a strange child, as told by her parents, however, they still worried for their young daughter as she was sent to live elsewhere. They tried to visit her as often as possible, but she still felt she was never as close with them or her siblings after the event. She was scared of the responsibilities at first, however, Jyn was as gentle with her as she could be and Mori pretty quickly overcame her fear of the old woman. She was eased into her future responsibilities, and then became eager to learn everything she could. She loved memorizing herbs and mixing them together, and she and Jyn soon became an inseparable duo. The old, eccentric woman shares all her knowledge with the young, strange girl. They felt perfectly matched. When she turned nine, she was taken for her first introduction to the Diviners Order. The journey was long and she was anxious to prove herself, but in the end she found that she truly was passionate about this path, and many other Diviners welcomed her to the guild with open arms. At age ten, she was taken to fend off her first beast. However, her nerves got the best of her and she fled, leaving Jyn to deal with it. She was so shaken by her own fear, she began to doubt herself and her ability. Jyn eased her fears best she could, but Mori would never forget that day. They spent the next few years traveling around the local area, meeting important people, attending meetings and parties, and learning the skills of the trade. Mori was often to busy to meet with her old friends from when she was a child, however, a soldier girl by the name of Sora stubbornly kept finding any excuse to visit her at her hut, and the two remained good friends, even when Sora often had to leave the town for training and missions. Mori continued her training, until the day the town was torn apart by a rampaging warlord. Mori was separated from the crowd and sent on a long journey all on her own at the age of 17, she had no clue what had become of her family, friends, or of Jyn. she felt she had simply left her town to die. But the instructions were clear, she must make it to a distant palace, and there she would be given refuge. And, if she played her cards right, one day she might meet them all again.


Mori is autistic

She has a pet sooty owl named Screech

Her theme song is Rhinestone Eyes by Gorillaz