Friendly Huggles by SunetteTheWolf on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

SunetteTheWolf's avatar

Published: Feb 28, 2012


This was done by my close and ever so sweet friend :iconlldestryll:

I love it soooo much!

Sunette love Destry so much when ever she gets the chance she....... *stares at destry's massively fluffy tail before shaking her head*
Sorry lost my train of thought there..... where was I? Oh yeah, Sunette loves Destry sooooo much, when ever she see's her she gives her.... and her tail.... a great big huggle!
Now excuse me while I go do just that!

Art and Destry : :iconlldestryll:

Sunette : :iconkanohaninja:

Image size

4500x3500px 2.99 MB