Sunstar-Of-The-North - Hobbyist, Traditional Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Marshmallows and Cotton Candy Ch. 1

Powder sugar was lightly falling from the sky, cascading the town of Petits Fours in brilliant white. A lollipop woman was watching the weather, entranced by the powder. A few moments later the train sounded off, making her jump. She then scurried to the garrison stationed at the left side of town. She entered the main office, greeted by loud typing and exchanges between the office workers. The woman stood awkwardly by the door, tugging on the ends of the handkerchief over her head. A Hershey woman passed by her but suddenly stopped when they made eye contact. “Oh! You must be the new girl!” The lollipop blinked in surprise but then nodded. “Y-Yes! I’m Sucette. I applied for-“ “This way,” the other candy person said as she sped walking away. Sucette practically had to sprint to keep up with her. “My name Elaina by the by,” said the guide. She tried to respond but she was too busy trying to keep up with her. A few moments later the Hershey stopped in front of a large door. The sucker