venus goth... by sureya on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

sureya's avatar

Published: Aug 16, 2012


this is commissioned to me by :iconaljopi: it's venus a.k.a minako aino in a modern goth dress designed by him...

the sketch : venus goth... sketch by sureya

ehehe... it's a bit rare to see mina looking so serious... love her hair style...

this is open for coloring. you can color this in any way you like, and post it on your account as long as you leave me the proper credits that i deserve. please do not use it to make profits or distribute it anywhere else without my consent. thank you.

this lineart is available for downloads here : Venus Goth... by sureya

this is drawn with pilot DR drawing pen (felt-tip) point size 0.1 in about 3 1/2 hours...

venus is an original character of naoko takeuchi from her world famous manga sailormoon...

Image size

1800x2095px 757.94 KB