No One Left Inside by sweetgreychaos on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Please don't look at me like that, Reg. You scare me." He couldn't help the words escaping- he wished he'd said nothing at all, but something about the growing, pulsing darkness that seemed to emanate from those ever-present marks prevented him from hiding his mind. Everything was coming out in fear-stricken whispers, and even that took the last drop of his willpower, because he felt he should be screaming everything until his head exploded.

So much darkness came from that tiny little body, but she seemed to be handling it, only twitching when a dark tendril managed to find a new purchase, snaking towards a new piece of skin, appearing in the corner of her eye, or covering new ground.

"There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling," she rasped, and he didn't know if it was Regina or something else, "I'd be scared, too."

It should have been comforting, but the "I'd" cooled his blood. Who was left inside her?


After my last deviation, where I was wearing (gaspy gaspy shocky shocky) lipstick and foundation, I felt I needed something from my ongoing curse series to give myself a good jolt. :D I actually like how this one turned out, but I wish wish wish it could've shown up in the photos like it did in real life. It looked so subtle and... dark. I do so love my stylized evil. The only benefit to this one is that I did it late at night, and the super cruddy lighting in my living room helps with the creepy atmosphere.

:bulletred: Time: Mrs. Winterbourne, just after the tango in the kitchen.
:bulletred: Medium: Some Wolfe Brothers, but mostly old Halloween cheapo. It 'bruises' better.