sweetymimy22 - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Swirly Nova spending time with her mom

*Early warning: there might be still some spelling and grammer errors in this story. Sorry in Advance.* The morning sun rose over Canterlot, bringing a new day with it. In the royal castle, in one of the many rooms inside, sompony was still fast asleep. Through the windows cracks, light creeped into the room, turning the area a little brighter. Swirly Nova, a dark blue pegasus filly, laid all cozy being swaddle up in her coverts sleeping. Once the first rays of sunshine hit her face, the young girl quickly pulled over her blanket to block them out. She stayed like that for around 20 minutes, about to fall back asleep. But her wish was denied b4 save could go back to dreamland and relax, as suddenly somepony knocked on her door. She took a quick glance at the door's direction b4 hiding back into her previous spot. „Good morning, my lady“, a male voice came through the door, „I am sorry for the disturbance but your mother asked for your attendance at the breakfast table.“ The guard outside waited for the girl to open up the door. Groaning, the girl stood up walking to the entrance. She finally opened up the room, only to find one of the guards still waiting for her like usual. The stallion tried not to laugh at the little pony after seeing her with bed hair, and attempted to professionally hold his composure. „Princess Celestia asked you to brush your hair b4 you go join them at the table. And she wants you to hurry, otherwise your meal will get cold.“ Rushing back inside, Nova went to her bathroom to get her hair done. After a good brush, the little pegasus flew straight past the guard, on her way to breakfast. Back in the eating area, princess Celestia was talking with her sister about her worries about Rainy Wing, her daughter, and Dancing Aurora, Twilight's own child. She was aware that her former student tried to hide the fact that the girls didn't really like eachother. But unbeknownst to Twilight, she was already on the know about it. Yet she wished that their daughters could get along a bit better. Luna was only half listening as she still waited for somepony to arrive. Screams of servants came from the halls, and Luna didn't have to guess long on to why that was. In that moment, Swirly flew in a rush into the room b4 landing on the ground. With a smile the young pony greeted the 2 royal princesses: „Good moring, mother. Morning, Auntie.“ She gave her mom, princess Luna a big hug b4 sitting next to her. Celestia chuckled: „Good morning to you too, little sprout.“ Little sprout was her aunt's nickname for her. As part Nebula pony, their kind grow faster when they are still young. Her growth spurt came pretty frequently, and that's one of the reasons on to why she called her that. While eating, Luna turned her attention to her daughter: „Remember that you are going out with me to town today. Once you finish up your lessons, come outside so that we can go.“ Nova got all excited. A while ago her mom promised her to take her to town, while she did some of her tasks as princess. Nova finished up her pancakes and juice b4 heading to one of the towers for her first lesson. She arrived at her destination, a room full with scrolls and books around the place. Her teacher, an old unicorn stallion, was already waiting for her. Once she took her seat, the lecture began. She was a good student but most of the time she goes ahead of herself and continue reading past the current chapter. Even her teacher cant keep up with her. Today's lesson was about the dragon Lords of the past and their relation to pony kind. She already was passed that chapter and was already midst through the chapter with the relationship with the changelings and ponies. „You are doing it again, young Lady“, admonished the stallion his student's once he noticed her not listening. Awkwardly smiling she apologized: „Sorry, teach. But i thought i might read ahead for my next lesson for our future classes togehter.“ The stallion shook his head and gave up. On the door way, 2 of Luna's guards stood by, overseeing their young Lady's process in case something happens. The lesson came to enclose and the next class began. She met up with her next tutor, a crystal pony from the Crystal Empire. They chatted about their next class subject while they walked up to another room. The big door to the entrance flew open, revealing a dark room with only a few cracks letting in little sunshine and dust flakes. Next class's subject: Creating stars with her Nebula magic. In sjort, sbe had to creat a variation of stars in certain sizes and forms. This time she had to make a star of the size of an average quill. But this time he added something to her task: „This time i want you to create a dark blue star.“ The pegasus girl swung her head at her tutor in confusion: „Why would i give my stars such a unusual coloration?“ The stallion began to explain to her: „You know by now that stars are all around us. But the day makes it too bright to see them unless we use a good telescope. Especially since they are all in white.“ The filly still was not catching up on so he continued: „So what if there are stars that can be seen on the day that shine a different colorations?“ Now he completely lost her. She argumented back at him: „Why would i make something for day time that makes the night special? I they became visible during the day, then it defies the purpose of the night. Not to mention that ponies wouldn't bother looking up the sky once night has fallen.“ The stallion listened intently at his student and her many arguments. Once she was done giving her opinion on this matter he clarified what he wanted: „I know that it might sound strange. But i promise you that there is no reason for your concerns. You see, over the years many citizens stared to enjoy the night unlike b4. It is not like many moons ago where poneis sleep away at night and frolock in the day. Back when, uhm.....princess Celestia-. I mean.....“ The teacher was heststant on if he is even to tell her that the very princess of the night once turned to the evil side. She was her daughter afterall. Swirly rolled her eyes at her tutor: „Back when Auntie bansished Nightmare Moon on the moon for years to come. I know the story already. We already learned this in preschool. Besides, mom has learned to forgive herself and i never held it against her.“ The mentor nodded and continued on: „Anyway, nowdays many learned to enjoy the things that they can do late at night. That goes beyond over sleepovers and camping trips. There are still some that sleep regular through the late hours but a portion started to go on nightly dates or have throw parties at night.“ Nova kept on listening hoping he gets to the point. „So while there are ponies, dragons and so on that make the most of the late hours, some who want unfortunately can't.“ She gave the stallion a confused look, trying to understand what he meant by that. „Some od those, he elaborated further, „are stuck in hospitals and those who are really sick need to rest quite often. So imagine if they looked out their windows and see a little glowing star on the sky where it usually would not be any. Once they see even just one star shining down on them, they would feel better than they did b4.“ The pegasus slowly began to understand but still was not convinced. Her teacher kept going with his speech: „As for your other worries-“, he turned away from her to search for something in his saddle bag. Swirly tried to look over him but he was taller than her even when they were sitting. So what ever he was looking for, she couldn't tell what his bag had inside. He eventually turned back to his student and held up a book with the title 'The usage of Starmagic'. „Back when i went with your cousin, Lady Rainy Wing, to her study place in Donar, she lend me this book to teach you all the necessary knowledge about her race and their magical priorities.“ Nova was still salty about the fact that her mom wouldn't let a normal Nebula pony teach her all those things. Instead, they had hired a proffesor from the northern empire. When asked onto why, Luna explained that they cant let someponh be her teacher that has not been from Equestria, they only knew Auroravoice from there and she has her own job to do. According to Rainy, Voice was a background singer in a band and it was a tiring job on top of that. So knsteadnof sitting through a ton of interviews her and her aunt did the next best thing and hired this stallion instead. „There are many chapters on celestial bodies and on star magic. And there is one very chapter i would like to listen to.“, he said while he started to turn the pages. Nova saw some of the pictures inside. Very pretty ones, form comets to very skilled drawings of other planets. Finally they reached the chapter he was looming for. „'Star magic'“, he began to read out loud „'can be learned by most talented magic users. That includes control of celestial bodies and stars themselves. Preexisting stars cant be controlled by any magic user. It takes a lot of effort to make them do your bidding. But for those who can stars on their own-'. In other words, you.'The possibilities are basically endless. Aside of creating their shapes, their brightness can be the brightness can be increased or darkened if the creator wishes to do so. If one tried to do it with a start made by another, then the ability to control them is very low. They still can be used by them but not as much as their original maker.'“ It was then she finally caught on what he tried to say. After a few mkents of thinking she agreed to do it. The lesson at last could begin. Unsurprisingly the first few tries didn't go so well. Only by the last 2 attempts they got somewhere. The penultimate attempt had a light blue instead of the needed outcome. The last had a darker tone but it was still not good enough for her professor. As their lesson came to enclose, Nova rushed out of the room to get outside. Luna was already waiting for her at their carriage to leave as they met up with eachother. The aloof princess asked her child how her lessons wentthis time. Swirly didn't really have much to say. She talked about some stuff about the dragon Lord history and how far she had gotten with her star making skills. The princess was very proud of her offspring. She hoped that her daughter will be ready to take on what ever she had in mind when she grew up. They arrived at their first location. First thing the young pegasus did was look at her surrounding. They stopped at a big building with some halls. The duo went inside and were greeted by a mare that had the appointment with her mother. Once they got seated in one of the buildings halls the adults started their conversation. The mare had something that could make the Princess's fatigue go away in the morning. Luna was very interested at this product and inquired more details about her product. While the mares talked with eachother, Nova decided to check out the room. It wasn't really that big but jtstill had some interesting stuff laying around. Some paintings hung on the walls, depicting Celestia with a few other ponies while others had princess twilight with her friends and the 2 alocorn princesses on them. She started to wonder if she will ever be in one of those someday. Long didn't the though last as her mother called her back to leave. They had one more destination left for today. Soon they halted by a furniture store. The little pegasus had no clue what kind of business they had to do here. She looked up at her mom, and was about to ask her why they came. As if she could read her mind, the princess answered her unasked question right away: „I want us to look through some Furniture to renovate our home. You can help me choose if you find something you might like too.“ Using her magic, the tall mare picked up Swirly from the ground and sat her on her back. Initially the young girl felt awkward for others might see this. They could think less of her or her mother if they didn't know any better. And yet, it was nice to be higher up without the use of flying by herself. The mother/daughter duo was instantly welcomed by the sales pony inside. While the adults talked with eachother about something Nova did know nothing about, she looked for pen and paper and found some on a nearby stand. She took one of each and started to check out the massive selection of their wares. When she found some nice stuff for her room, wrote them down on her list and kept looking, all the while the owner of the shop walked them through the halls and different areas. By the near end of the tour Nova got already a lot of items put down. As they came to the bed room area, one of the platforms stood out to her and really liked it with a heartbeat. It was a big, round canopy bed in purple and white. The mattrasse was very cozy and soft looking. The headboard was cushioned in the colors of the blinds obove reversed. The top was blinding white and slowly faded the gradient to purple. Little bunny and comet illustrations had been embroidered into the curtains as well. Initially she was about to incude it into her wishlist but then but then she realized that this bed was way too big and would never fit in her room. Begrudgingly, she let go of this idea and waited for her mom to end her conversation. At the end of their tour Luna asked her to hand over her list. As she did as asked Luna went through the chosen objects. „You can go back to our carriage and wait there. I still have to talk to her for a moment.“ Once she heard her mom's request, she didn't waste anytime and flew back to the wagon. Some time had passed and Swirly started to get restless. She didn't know what else she needed from that sales lady but it took longer than expected. Eventually the missing passenger came back to their ride and gave her guards their order to go back home. Inside the castle, the servants present welcome the princess and young lady back home. A maid asked princess Luna for her dinner requests and Luna ordered her to prepare her some dishes of her choice. While her mother was busy deciding what to eat for dinner, the girl ran back towards her bedroom. The trip had tired her out quite a lot, so she was looking forward to take a nap on her cushion and snug under her blankets. Opening her door she froze in shock. „WHAT THE-??!!“, she cried out in dispair. Everything was gone. Her books, games, blankets, even her bed has been taken away. The only stuff that stayed the same were the bathroom furnishings, like the bathtub and sink, and an old stool in the corner she used as a dumping ground for her used garments she would wear every once in a while. She started to fly as fast as she could back to her mom. In super speed, or that's how fast she believed to be doing, searched for her through the hallways. At last she saw her mom talking to her aunt near one of their studies. Not realizing that they had den spotted by then, the young girl rushed forward the sisters, barely avoiding crashing into them as she stopped in her tracks. The princesses jumped at the sudden arrival of the little one, then grew anxious as they noticed the panicked state of the filly. Nova began to talk in frantic gibberish once she got their attention, so much so that the royal sisters had to try calming her down to understand her dillema. As soon as the little pegasus collected her thoughts she started over on what she she was truing to say. Although she was still talking without stopping, but this time she spoke a bit closer than b4. The youngest of the alicorns kept listening on what her child was concerned about as if this was a normal occurrence for them. While listening on what she just discovered, Celestia looked back and forth between mother and daughter, wondering what was going on. After having some brainstorming she got an idea what this was about. The tall mare quietly chuckled to herself, and that didn't go unnoticed by her niece. Her attempted glare at her aunt had the opossite effect, and instead of an itimitating look she instead had the silliest pouty face they had ever seen. And Flurry Heart was no different when she was making faces as a toddler. Nova's twinkly eyes began to look desperate b4 she collapsed on the floor, close to tears as she began to sob. Her mother took her sad child into her arms, and began to console her the best she could. „I was actually going to find you after i was done talking to your aunt.“ Luna explained calmly to her daughter, who was still very upset. Not only bc of her room but also bc they refused to tell her the reason why it happened at all. „I will show you something. But after we had our dinner. I am positive that you will love it.“ Luna's warm smile made her less woeful inside. Giving her mom a smal nod, they headed for the dining room. The trio sat at the usual spot as their dishes got served. The chefs made sure to consider everyponies prefences to the best of their abilities. The first dish they got prepared were Scallops with asparagus. After everything had been finished, plates of herb risotto with fried mushrooms on the side was served as the main course. Nova was not really a picky eater, but the memorynof her almost empty room made her feel down. She knew that they could just replace them in a few days tops, but she still needed to sleep somewhere. Asking her mom had been a viable option but unlike her parent, she was a restless sleeper. Some nights she would wake as she had fallen asleep and other times she would find herself at the floor with only half of her head staying on the edge of her bed. Not knowing how much she would pace around in bed that night, she dismissed that idea and tried to eat her food. Celestia attempted to start a conversatio to lighten the mood: „So, Nova, i heard you and your mother had spent a long day at town. How was it?“ She replied, unaffected: „It was nice. A lot of walking from room to room. But today mother let me sit on her back on our last stop.“ Celestia let out a laugh at her description. Luna didn't react to it, she didn't mind carrying her little girl around. Swirly Nova continued sharing her day with her mom. Her aunt jokingly mentioned that they will need to order everything on her list to fill up her bed room. Luna shot a quick glare at her sister to stop talking. After dinner, Luna and Nova went through the halls, continuing their small talk. Bumped about her still very empty sleeping quarter, Nova asked her mom where she was supposed to stay until her new interior arrives in the next few days. Halting at a random door, Luna turned to her child: „I think that is easily answered.“ Her mom then pushed open the door and led her inside. The room was still dark and he dim lid room from the hall way didnt make it easier to see. The princess turned on the light to reveal the surprise. The pegasus gasped. It was a bed room. Not any bed room, it the room was furnished with all her belongings. Exept for one thing. Her bed was replaced by the very same bed she had eyed on in the shop. She had no idea her mother knew that she wanted it. Perplexed, she turned her head back to her parent: „Mom, what is all this?“ Luna laughed at her confusion. „I know you are already used to your old room. But we never intended to let you stay in such a cramped space. Sure we could have let you stay in the many other spaces in the castle. But we suspected that you might want to pick out your decorations and furnishings yourself when you get older.“ Walking up to one of her many bookshelves, Luna picked out a photo album. The poniessat on the new bed while the alicorn flipped through the pages. She stopped at a picture with Rainy and Celestia. The photo was taken when her cousin was still very young. The location looked like Rainy's old bed room, but slightly different. „Your cousin's quarter's had been through some changes itself, you know? It was also her nursery when she was still a baby.“ Swirly Nova raised her eyebrows at her: „It is rather big for a nursery, tho.“ Luna cracked up: „It sure was. As she got older, all the things that were too small had to be replaced. And rain had no idea what she wanted to do with her room. My sister took her shopping and they came back with a lot of things for her room. This picture was taken on that day they refurnished the old nursery into her kids room.“ She changed the page and showed her a newer photograph, with the unicorn having grown taller. „This one was ine of the last renovations your aunt and cousin did together.“ It was clearly more Up-to-date than the previous one she saw. „I was waiting for you to figure out your interests“, her mom continued „Because even your cousin wasn't sure how to furnish her room to her liking until after many months as she finally knew what she wanted it looking like.“ As she got picked up and placed on her lap, her mom hugged her gently in her embrace: „And as for your bed. do you really think i didnt see your expression once your eyes fell on it? i am your mother, Swirly Nova. You dont need to feel bad, just bc you believe it wouldn't work. You could have just asked, if you felt unsure about it.“ Swirly felt so happy about her Mother's words and hugged her back as well. It was a lot bigger than her old place. And the way her room was positioned it was clear that the sunlight wouldn't hit her window unless it was lunch time. Her mom and aunt figured out that her old window let light inside that directly hit the top of her bed, directly into her eyes. So that was a big plus. Her bathroom was also very nice. It had enough room for a big tub and a shower. Turns out the whole reason why they emptied out her old room was to fill her new one. She even got a bigger chair where she could put her used clothes in case she wanted to use them again. Luna showed her where the rest if her stuff went b4 getting bed ready. At night, both snuggled up on the new fluffy bed while they listened to the new musicbox she had on written on her list aswell. Nova questioned her mom if she isn't supposed to work in the dream realm, but Luna reassured her that she can do that any time of the night and told her child to get to sleep. Not long after, the young Nebula pony was sound asleep. Luna quietly moved from her bed and left the room to go to her work. The guard that had woken up the young lady crossed her path, wishing his highness a wonderful night, and went back to his guard duty.