Character Sheet - Whitetalon by Swiftstar01 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Old man alert! XD This character received bonus inspiration from my late grandfather.

Name: Whitetalon
Past Names: Whitepaw, Whitekit
Age: 13
Pelt Color: White
Eye Color: Odd eyed green and blue
Gender: Male
Allegiance: WindClan
Role: Elder

Mother: Deersong
Father: Unknown
Siblings: Nutfur, Sandpelt, Swansong
Mate: Falconwing
Kits: Brownwing
Other Relatives: Swifttalon , Wildheart, Bramblescar , Hawkfeather , Tumblewind , Thornkit, Timberkit, Galekit, Sparrowkit, Goldkit, Sandkit, Shinykit, Greykit, Pebblekit, Sparrowkit, Stormkit

Cause of Death: Age

Whitetalon is the eldest cat in WindClan. Even with his heavily battled scarred pelt, Redstar did not rename him. Whitetalon has a strong hatred for Nightbreeze which is linked to her having Brownwing being kicked out of the clan. He was giddy with joy to see Swifttalon return to WindClan and offered her advice. He finally saw her again when he gives her a life after she ran away from home.

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