Bait by Swoapeater on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Species by Spookapi


Bait was a somewhat charming sharkscale. Always was. When he and his sister hatched, the other members of his group were rather happy, as it had been a long time since eggs had hatched. As he grew up, he discovered an interest in the lives of the nearby shorescales. So, one day he snuck up to meet them. He wasn’t an adult at the time, but the shorescales were still wary of him. Eventually they thought that he was fairly harmless, and he made friends. When his group discovered this, however, they were disappointed that he had been among shorescales, yet none were dead, or even injured. So, in order to keep some friends, whenever he made a new one he would eventually go to the beach with them, pretend to check for other sharkscales, but in reality give the others the signal, then bring them to the water. Then they’d die. However, unbeknownst to anyone except his sister, he had fallen in love with a shorescale. Not just a shorescale, but a male one (he’s gaaaaaay), called Ripple. And, even worse, Ripple liked him back. Anyway yeah that’s it :3