World of Titans Chapter 12 Notes from Underground by Syfyman2XXX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

In Australia, one of the cities have suffered an earthquake as two generators somehow collapse into rubble and losing power.

As Isaac and his troops have arrived to investigate, they are being interviewed by the Colossal Fight Club(CFC) hosts, which it irritates him. One of the his soldiers have found a large hole in the desert as they pack up to go underground while the CFC sneakily follow them to find a new kaiju. While traveling through the cave, they've encounter not one but a small herd of burrowing synapsid kaiju, as they call their species, Baragon. The GMS and CFC try to escape but the Baragons have block their way out by making a huge rubble. Isaac is stuck with the CFC crew hosts as he leads them to another way out. Walking through the caves as he is being annoyed by the CFC's questions until he snaps at them to focus on survival and what he and the GMS are doing is classified. Then they've encountered a nest with a few babies in it. The Baragon parents return with G-Energy until they saw Isaac and the CFC hosts, as they angrily attack them. Suddenly the Baragon feel the vibrations from the cave ceiling until Godzilla bursts from it as he sense G-Energy from underground. He battles with the Baragon herd while Isaac and the CFC try to reach the way out from the cave ceiling. Godzilla threw one of the Baragons at the walling, causing Isaac to fall off until luckily, one of the host saved him by grabbing his arm to pull him up. Then Godzilla bursts the wall, letting the ocean water to drown the Baragon herd as he can easily finished them off one by one underwater. The GMS reinforcements have arrived to rescue Isaac and the CFC and they found the last Baragon survivor and it's surviving offspring, as they are figuring out what to do with them.

Isaac thanks the CFC hosts, even though they wanted them to answers their questions about where they taken Baragon survivors and why can't they stop Godzilla already.