Myth AU- Chase and Yan. by Tabbynerdicat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Not as happy with this one as the others, I might tweak it in the future- but this is Chase and Yan from the myth AU :)

Species- Chase: Human, Yan: Demigod

Age: Chase: 40, Yan: 19

Birthplace: England


Chase: He's handsome and a little rugged. He's your average dad. Wears corny snapbacks and shirts with puns on them. He has a few grey hairs, a tanned complexion, and always has a confident expression.

Yan: He’s attractive and muscular, with a face that can charm anyone, even if he isn’t their type. He doesn’t put a lot of effort into looking good otherwise- his shirts are fairly simple, he wears jeans (tights when he wants to be more flexible) and sneakers, and dyed his hair red on a dare. He likes it, even if his family doesn’t.


Chase was a normal human living a normal life until he was approached and courted by two Greek Gods- Aphrodite and Ares. Of course, he had no idea who they really were, and just joined in for a fun time. Well, nine months later, the goddess herself delivered a child to Chase's door. A little boy, the most charming baby he'd ever seen. As Aphrodite had appeared ethnically Asian that night, the child retained those features. Chase and Aphrodite named him Ayano, and though Aphrodite didn't care for Chase enough to stay with him, she promised to look out for him and guide his child to become a great hero.

Chase later fell in love and married a woman named Stacy, and they had two more children- Yan was always rather… extra, though. He seemed oddly violent in his problem solving, and it caused many rifts between Chase and Stacy, and eventually Chase moved away with Yan to a smaller town. Chase and Stacy divorced, Chase knowing that he couldn’t stay with a woman who wouldn’t love his first child. Chase loved Yan with all his heart, and though they tried going to anger management classes and counselling, nothing seemed to help. As a solution, Chase signed Yan up for martial arts and defence-based activities. This was the first thing that had ever appeared to work, and soon Yan’s itch for violence began to grow tame.

When Yan was fifteen Chase was approached by Ares, claiming that Yan was his child. Of course, it wasn't possible- Yan is a demigod, very clearly part mortal. But Chase also recognises that Ares' traits are definitely prevalent in Yan, figuring that because Ares and Aphrodite aren’t human, human reproductive laws probably don’t apply to them. Of course a demigod kid can have three parents. Stranger things have happened in history. Chase and Yan agree that Yan should spend some time training with Ares and Aphrodite, learning how to control his godly powers and strength. Yan is away for two and a half years on Olympus, sending messages to his father to keep in contact. Yan is considered trained and capable at age 18, so he moves back in with his dad, but there's a small rift between them neither wants to acknowledge. Chase missed out on the majority of the past few years with his kid, and it feels painful, but they push it aside and pretend life is going well.

When Yan is 19 he starts noticing a sentient mass of clay roaming the area where he lives- it’s shaped vaguely like a man, but it’s disproportionate and weighted all wrong, and it’s hardly able to walk. He approaches the creature without fear, offering to try and sculpt it a more easy to manage body, and the two form a quick friendship. The clay man is mute but Yan teaches him to sign, and gives him a semi-realistic human form based on that of Yan’s father. He’s struggling with molding a decent upper lip, so he bails and glues a fake mustache on the golem to hide his mistakes- the golem loves the addition. The only thing that the golem won’t let Yan touch is the markings on his chest- two jagged shapes that resemble ‘J’s, that are clearly important to him. Yan lets him keep them, naming the man JJ after them, and sends him on his merry way.

Weeks later, a small earthquake alerts Yan to the fact that there’s something going on in his backyard. He and his father rush out in time to see a large creature with the head of a chicken and the tail of a snake being transformed into a man by a ghostly apparition of a woman. Yan recognises her as a goddess by her aura, though it’s one he’s never heard of or seen before- and she vanishes before they can reach her to ask who she is.

The man is still there, however. Blind in both eyes, covered in scars and dirt, hissing uncontrollably as he tries to get the hang of his new human body. Chase and Yan decide they need to handle this situation before any mortals discover it- they take the man inside and interrogate him, learning of his apparent quest to find the goddess and free her, that he needs to find a satyr named Damianos to start his journey.

Well. It just so happens that Yan knows the satyr in question personally, having encountered him on a quest of his own while he was training. He’s the only one that knows exactly where the old goat lives. And when the strange man tells them of his missing companion, a very familiar clay golem, Yan realises that this interaction must be fated. He’s meant to be on this quest.

The three of them embark on the adventure together, and for the first time in years, Chase and Yan feel a sense of closeness. Chase is finally a part of the other side of his son’s crazy life. Could this journey be what they need to truly reconnect after so much time apart?