Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions by Taeqii on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Just your friendly neighborhood Robin Gro.
I gave him a cute little curly hair tuft.
Im honestly loving this character, he's so precious. Now! Onto his story! :)

- Can wear hood up or down
- The bell and wrap part was given by Alma (She didn't tell him the bell was because hes so quiet and he scares too many Wynglings pfft)
- Has a habit of holding the bell when he's nervous

Archer trotted out of Rudy’s shop with a big grin on his face and his brand new hood draped around his shoulders. Alma had sent him on his first task since he arrived at the Nook, which was to go get himself a little outfit to express himself. Although nothing he found truly fit his personality, the hood was close enough, and he was grateful enough that Alma would give him the coins to purchase it in the first place.

Archer received plenty of looks when he ducked through the front of the Nook, and he held his head proudly so that the others could see it. It wasn’t until the sun began to fall, and Archer had noticed many others with hoods like his own that he began to doubt himself. Should he have instead opted for the gloves that he was offered? Surely they would have helped him while he explored the woods surrounding Wynsiph. Or perhaps the necklace with the leaf? It did remind him of the place that he loved to be so much.

As he eyed his dinner in front of him, his appetite gone, Archer couldn’t help but long to leave and ask Rudy if he could exchange his hood for something else. But he knew it would be futile, as his shyness prevented him from speaking more than 3 words at a time. He slouched, and his ears drooped as he realized that he would no longer be as unique as he had hoped- as Alma had hoped he would be.

“Whats wrong m’dear? You’ve hardly touched your food at all!” a voice said behind him. He felt someone lean against his chair, and when Archer looked up he was greeted with the same kind eyes that had first seen the night Alma picked him up from the mud after he had hatched. Her gaze instantly calmed him, and he silently lifted his arms for her to pick him up, which she did immediately upon seeing the tears welling up in the small gros eyes. “Are you unhappy my love? Whats wrong?”

Archer peered around them, suddenly self conscious about the stares and turned away quickly. He wanted to tell her, but he didn’t for fear that he would seem ungrateful for the gift that Alma had given him. So instead, he silently shook his head, and yawned, feigning exhaustion. Alma simply smiled and carried him up to his bed, where he tossed and turned before finally falling asleep.

The next day, Archer sat quietly in the corner of the playroom, watching the other Wynglings play with their friends. He had placed his hood under his pillow in his room instead of wearing it today, and when other Wynglings asked where it was he simply shrugged and walked away.

“Archer where is your new hood?” Alma asked, startling Archer so much that he jumped. He looked up at his adoptive “mother” and blushed harshly. There was no way that he could lie to her, not when she had done so much for him, so when he was sure that the other Wynglings weren’t looking, he pointed to his bedroom.

“Do you not like it? You looked very happy when you came back with it yesterday. Did something happen?” she asked, her voice lower than before. She must have noticed that he was embarrassed, and for that Archer was thankful.

Archer stayed quiet, shifting his the weight back and forth on his feet. This seemed enough of an answer for Alma, because she smiled at him again and picked him up.

“I have something for you little one that I think you’ll like.” She said. Alma took Archer to his room and grabbed his hood, placing it over his shoulders and pulling the hood up on his head. She left for a moment and returned with a small brown and white bundle in her hands, wrapping it around his neck and tying it so that a small bell hung on the front. At closer inspection, Archer realized that the small tye had a small sewn on pattern that resembled an arrow. Archers heart leapt and he couldn’t stop the large grin that spread across his face.

“You don’t need to feel ashamed about not liking your hood. A lot of Wynglings have the same problems, but we always find ways to make it unique. I know you have an affinity for Archery, so I hope this makes you feel a little more unique here Archer.” Almas voice was soothing, and this time the tears that fell from Archers eyes were no longer sad ones.

Word count: 770 words

- Hair Tuft
- Accessory

2 /132 Wyn
Archer is mine