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Twilight Sparkle PersonalityLiteratureTyson and Elys-Ia character bioName: Tyson (male) and Elys-Ia (female) Age: Late teens, early twenties, when originally introduced (via Nightmare Spectre one-shot) Seemingly in their thirties during the "present" timeline... due to their ability to zone hop, among other factors. Eye color: Bright blue Fur color: Extremely dark... dark fur apparently runs on their side of the family. Tyson is a deep dark red, while Elys-Ia is green. If standing side by side, or against a black background, their true colors are easily recognizable, but the shades are so dark that they are often mistaken for black in any other circumstance. They both have a lock of white quills/hair on oneLiteratureHeadcanon MlP FiMWeather Control Once upon a time, Pegasi were not needed to control every (or very nearly) aspect of the weather. It was quite capable of taking care of itself, and the Pegasi simply stepped in to help out in populated areas when a little bit of management was necessary. However, after facing down an army capable of manipulating the very elements of nature, followed soon by the reign of Discord himself, the entire world suffered. Weather systems were thrown into chaos even without Discord's "help," and the land would be a long time in recovering enough to support the smallest of farms. Some places were spared: civilians had gathered in placesLiteratureBeginnings 02: Lost ContactLisa continued to stare at the phone, but it remained dark. "Where are you?" Leonard had called to tell her he had a situation with Scudder, and that he'd return with the loot in an hour. That had been more than three hours ago. Then there was that explosion in the middle of town, and then... nothing. Power outage friendly, my ass! She should at least be able to call for emergency services, but she couldn't even get a damn error message! She laughed nervously. "I'm so stupid," she muttered. "If I can't call him, of course he can't call me." That had to be it. He just couldn't reach her because of whatever had happened, and was laying lowLiteratureCatalyst 01: Night of the HawkHarmony Falls, Oregon, circa 1958 "Oh, boy," Martin said. Leonard agreed with the sentiment. "Just when you think you've seen everything," he replied. The bird-thing leapt for the two men, but Leonard quickly knocked it out with a blast from his cold gun. A second creature dove at them. A second blast of ice sent it flying backwards. "Guess those missing kids are no longer missing," Leonard added. But what has Savage done to them? And just how many people had that lunatic changed? Judging from the screams in the distance, they had a lot more than four missing kids to worry about. A growl came from the shadows ahead, and a third creatuLiteratureAU 10: Impossible!Leonard pushed himself, slowly and painfully, up into a sitting position. He paused only to wave Mick and Barry off when they both stepped forward to help him. Caitlin and Henry shared a bewildered look. Joe scratched his head, and Oliver looked... well, it was hard to tell what he was thinking with that damn mask, but from the way his eyes darted around, Leonard thought he might be more puzzled by everyone's reactions than anything else. Once upright, Leonard leaned forward, one arm on his knees and the other hand holding the oxygen mask that was strapped to his face. He rested for a moment, far too exhausted from so little movement. OnlyLiteratureAU 7: OperationHenry Allen and Caitlin Snow, Team Flash's resident medical experts, had just finished packing up their supplies and were walking out when the red streak sped past them. The Flash stopped just within the lab—the pain from where the assassin had kicked him wouldn't let him run much further—and he laid Leonard down as carefully as he could. Leonard huddled on the floor, trying hard to protect his injured side as he struggled to breathe. "Holy—" Joe cried out. He pulled his gun out and aimed it at the injured man, his reflexes and training not permitting him to consider Leonard any less of a threat than usual. "Dad," BarryLiteratureSP 5 AttackThe head doctor tried to jump out of his chair, nearly knocking himself over, at the sound of the alarm. "That's from the burn ward!" he shouted. Hawking and the Constable looked up in alarm, and raced after the doctor. Great Aurora, Hawking pleaded, let my grandson be all right. The doctor rushed into the burn ward, tripping over the nurse as he went. The Constable reached out in time to stop Hawking from doing the same. Spectre was awake, whimpering, and gasping for air. Hawking rushed to him, hoping to soothe him before he had a chance to tap into the Chaos Force again. The doctor went to his bed and found the tubes that had been pul