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Chapter 6

Sarah was preparing for a meeting with a potential customer at her desk. Since she joined the company, she had risen quickly and some of her colleagues saw her as a future bright star of the company while others saw her as a formidable rival. However, nobody was in any doubt, that she was a valuable asset and she had two very committed team members to help her. Jane and Dorothy had done their duty as soccer moms and enjoyed their work thoroughly and they enjoyed keeping taps on the social lives of their coworkers even more. Despite initial misunderstandings, Sarah liked them and all three of them had quickly arranged to meet every Tuesday evening at the local "Sarsaparilla Cafe". Jake would often meet them after his support group meeting and he would sometimes also play at venues there. She could hear them talking very quietly at their desks, but their tone was exhilarated. Especially Jane was excited and tried to keep her voice down. "Have you seen this magazine? It's got pictures of


Chapter 1

Jake opened the door. It smelled deliciously, Sarah was no doubt preparing dinner, and his mouth began to water immediately. He had jogged home from the gym, and he was both tired and hungry. "Babe, I'm home" he called out, put down his gym bag and went into the kitchen. Sarah, in the midst of cooking, allowed herself a break, hugged Jake tightly and kissed him. "How was your day, honey?" she asked. He shrugged. "Same as any other. I try to get some MILFs to work out, but all they want is to flirt and see me demonstrate the fitness machines shirtless." Sarah giggled; she couldn't really blame Jake's clients but she detected a hint of frustration. "Go get a shower. Dinner is as almost ready." she smiled. At the dinner table, it was all too obvious to Sarah, that Jake was more serious than usual. "Is something bothering you, honey?" she asked. She was still afraid for his mental health although he has made quantum leaps in the past few months. "Well," Jake sighed putting his fork


Chapter 3

Jake sat on the edge of their bed, a slight frown on his face as he absentmindedly flipped through a fashion magazine. Sarah noticed his pensive expression and sat down beside him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Something bothering you, Jake?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice. He sighed, setting the magazine aside. "Yeah, babe. It's just... this whole modeling thing. Sometimes it feels like I'm just a prop, you know? They want me for my looks, and it's all about image." Sarah listened attentively, knowing that Jake had been wrestling with these feelings for a while. She understood his frustration with the modeling industry's superficiality. "I get it," she said empathetically. "It can be tough, especially when you're so much more than just a pretty face. But remember, modeling has helped us financially, and it's allowed you to focus on your music and other passions." Jake nodded, appreciating her perspective. "You're right, Sarah. It's just... I want to be more