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Escape Room

Luis had always wanted to try doing an escape room - something about the thrill of survival, using your brain to get out of trouble, working hard under pressure. Of course, none of his friends were too interested and he was too busy with school or work to really try it. But things were different now - he was making good money in a good job and he had time to burn. Boredom with the routine had infected his mind. He craved the thrill. One night, he found himself alone at the local bar, just down the street from his office. It was very busy, a Friday evening, everyone was busy, and Luis wondered about the mystery of life ‐ why go through the grind just end up here with nothing to do and no one to do it with. He wasn't too interested in sports, although that was all on the television screens. The ladies at the bar were either partnered with other ladies or their significant others. No, Luis was alone, drinking his beer and eating a salty plate of chips and queso. The fabulous diet of an overworked, under-stimulated twenty-something male. Perhaps it was the beer, but behind him at a nearby table, something interesting caught his attention. A group of college kids from the nearby university were playing a game. He knew it well - and deciding that his brooding thoughts were worthless, he decided to join the fun. It was easy - they welcomed him, assuming that he was another guy from the university. He quickly learned their names, their fraternity, and their pledge game. He wasn't really interested in that stuff - he had stayed away from the frats because of the hazing stuff he'd heard of. Nonetheless, these guys seemed cool, and they were okay with having Luis part of the fun. Of course, after enjoying the fun, Luis was clearly drunk and decided to skip the drive back home. "You can crash with me, hermano." This was Carlos. Exactly why he offered this was surprising, but Luis was not about to reject an offer for free room and board for the night. Even better, Carlos lived nearby so he could just drive back home in the morning, after he'd sobered up. They all said their farewells, the frat boys returned to campus, and Carlos walked Luis back to his place. On the way, he learned a little more about the place. Like most houses in that part of town, it was a rental, set up specifically for college kids. It was pretty expensive, but Carloa mentioned that he could split the rent 4 ways with his roommates, all members of the same fraternity. As it so happened, the rest of the house was out of town for the weekend. Of course, Luis remembered living with other guys - it was smelly and messy. Still, he couldn't complain. He wasn't expecting a hotel. Since the house was near the town center, the walk did not take long, down a nice quiet residential road. The distant sounds of some house party disturbed the calm in the cool autumn air, but otherwise, it was a pretty normal neighborhood. Carlos led him inside, a small two-story house. The inside was small, with a living room leading into a hall and stairs. It was cramped, with a couch and coffee table, littered with books, papers, and clothes. Surprisingly, not that much pizza or food boxes as Luis had been expecting. Carlos retreated upstairs to refresh, leaving Luis to explore the main floor. He suspected that he would be sleeping on the couch, so he tried to figure out the best way for that to work. It was a little beaten down, but the padding still was somewhat comfortable. The bigger challenge was the size. If he lay down head to toe, his feet would be dangling over the edge. "So man, what is it you do?" Carlos had come back down, wearing what Luis presumed was his pajamas - a plain black tank and a pair of green fleece shorts. In the bar, he thought Carlos had a fairly dark tan, but in the normal light of the room, he was more bronzed, someone who perhaps spent some time outdoors (or under a tanning bed). Luis shrugged. "Computer stuff. I spent four years learning how to make computer shit happen, and now that's what I do." "Wow, that must be tough. Me? I'm just a political science major." "Ha, nice." "You must make a lot of money then?" "Well, I can't lie, it is a good salary, but it is a lot of work. And because it's mostly freelance stuff, I end up working a lot of weird hours. But, you know, I like doing that stuff." "Weird hours? What, do you need to work now?" Luis shook his head. He started to relax, sitting on the couch. He started to realize that the cushions were a lot flatter than he had thought. Carlos was engrossed in the conversation, waiting for his response. Luis didn't mind the questions, though. After a good pause, he decided to answer. "Well, the truth is that I'm currently between projects. My project manager just quit recently, and we were supposed to be doing this farewell, and a lot of people just decided not to come, so I went alone. And since we're between projects, I might be looking for a new job too, but it's hard to beat the pay at my current place, and I'm not too greedy to ask for a raise or offer my services elsewhere. And since it's mostly freelance stuff, I figured to take a break this weekend. You know, recharge the batteries, reconnect with friends, and that stuff." "And your friends?" "Unavailable," Luis answered with a sad shrug. "Too bad, bruh. What would you do with them friends?" Luis shrugged. "Honestly, I don't really know, but we could do something fun. Karaoke, movie, pub crawl, escape room, ghost tour, whatev-" "Whoa, you like escape rooms?" In retrospect, it seemed weird that Carlos picked out that one. Maybe Luis said it funny? But Luis shrugged again, wondering what else he could make of it. "Well, not really, but I've always liked the idea of it." "Man, that's a rip-off. Pay someone thirty bucks to lock you in a room with the clues hidden everywhere? Hell, I could do that for free!" Luis perked a little smirk. "Are you offering?" "Dude, you are drunk, that wouldn't be fair." "I don't see why not." Carlos shook his head, but immediately, an idea came to him. "Well, if you insist, we do have the basement. We can see if you get out in an hour." "Alright." Luis gave a calm answer, but deep inside, he was already excited for the prospect of escaping the basement. He wasn't exactly sure what the challenge would be, but he figured that it wouldn't be anything too hard. And one hour seemed like too much time. They walked around to the kitchen, where Carlos opened the door to the basement. It was dark, even with the light on. There was an old furnace with a washer and dryer on the opposite wall. And in the middle of the room was a solitary chair. "Have a seat, Luis." It was an old metal folding chair. As soon as he sat on it, Luis felt chilly. It took some time to get used to, and once he did, he suddenly felt Carlos put his hands on his chest. It seemed weird, but Luis let it go. A bad choice? "We'll make this easy," he said. "Escape the chair, and I'll give you thirty bucks. Fail to escape the chair, and you owe me thirty bucks." "Fair wager, but how exactly do you expect me to 'escape' the chair?" "This." Carlos placed a heavy cord of rope on Luis's shoulder. A tie down. "Sure." "Just letting you know, I'm pretty good with ropes. I'm the guy who ties up the pledges for rush." "Yeah, no big deal." "You sure? Last chance." "I can get out of anything." Poor choice of words, but Luis didn't care. He was excited. "Okay, but you'll have to give me 5 minutes." "Fair enough." As soon as he said that, Luis could feel the rope on his wrists. Carlos had already prepared for this, and quickly secured his hands. Luis let it go, thinking that he had an hour to get out. How bad could it get? He didn't realize that Carlos was also fast. In two minutes, he managed to secure his ankle and his knees, tying both to frame of the chair. Then, the rope started to go around his arms and his chest. Luis started to feel a little uncomfortable - the ropes were very tight, and even then, he could barely move his legs. It wasn't even five minutes before Carlos stood in front of him and reached down for Luis's pants. "Hey, what's going on?" "I've got to secure you to the chair, right?" "No funny business, I ain't homo." Carlos laughed. "Do you really think this about sex?" He unzipped Luis's pants and pulled them down, revealing his boxers. "And you say you ain't homo, but that cock says otherwise." Luis started struggling, but the ropes were worst too tight. He couldn't fight back., not even kicking. He started to yell. "Get me out of this!" "Oh, see, this is also supposed to be a quiet game. If you yell, people will think something's up. So, we've got to quiet you." He walked over to the washing machine and pulled out a musty old sock. "This must be Tristan's - it smells like his feet." "Let me out of this!" Carlos came back over, sitting right on Luis's lap. His face was grinning from ear to ear. "Abre la boca, chico." "No!" Carlos tried to stuff the sock into Luis's mouth, but he shut it quickly. Carlos sighed. "We have to do this the hard way?" He plugged Luis's nose. He didn't write expect that, so he gulped in some air. Immediately, Carlos reamed the stock into his mouth, almost to the back of his throat. Luis gagged for a moment, nearly vomiting from the reflex. Before he could spit out the sock, Carlos started to wrap his mouth with duct tape. He wrapped it almost as tightly as he tied the ropes, careful to leave Luis some space to breathe. All the whole, Luis could only focus on the sock and the terrible taste he felt. It felt like two weeks of running, sweating, and just stinky feet. And the more he tasted it, the more he gagged, and the more it got wet, and he tasted it even more. He tried not swallowing, but that was almost impossible. He tried wailing, but his screams were nothing more than muffled moans. "Much better," Carlos said, continuing his work with Luis's pants. He pulled then down to his knees, just where the rope had been tied. And he added another rope, tying around Luis's crotch. He was careful to avoid directly touching Luis's penis, but it was bound to happen, and Luis couldn't help feel himself becoming harder and harder. He tried fighting, screaming, anything, but it was pointless. He only hoped that his growing cock wouldn't peek out the fly. Even he could see how big it had become, bulging like a tent post in his boxers. It seemed like much longer than five minutes, but Carlos had finished his work. Luis was trapped there, nothing that he could do to escape. And with the tape keeping the stinky sock in place, no one could hear him shout - not that anyone would, since it was nighttime. Even if he had a whole day, he wouldn't be able to escape those ropes. But there was the deal to fulfill. Carlos placed an egg timer on the stairs, just so Luis could see it. And right then, Luis could feel the terror of helplessness. "Okay, you have one hour to escape. If you get out before this time buzzes, you go free. But if you're still stuck in that chair... then we're going to have a lot more fun..."