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LiteratureChapter 15 - SebaCiel Fanfiction - The SurpriseThings were finally back to normal, if you could call two male demons and their rapidly growing daughter 'normal'. It had taken months for both Ciel and Sebastian to stop checking on Hope every few minutes, and holding her for longer than the independent little girl could stand without fussing. They flinched at every footstep outside, which was difficult when their improved hearing meant they could hear every person going by in the street. They had a cupboard in their home, secured by an illogical number of baby-proofing features, which contained a small arsenal of weapons. But now, as he looked at the peaceful scene before him, Ciel foundLiteratureChapter 7 - Sebaciel Fanfiction - The SurpriseCiel growled in frustration as the pieces of wood he had been trying to force together clunked to the floor yet again. Sebastian turned at the sound with a sigh, and looked down at his agitated boyfriend, who sat on the carpet surrounded by screws, screwdrivers, and pieces of wood. Ciel had been attempting to build the cot all morning, refusing offers of help and rejecting suggestions that he should maybe look at the instructions. "Sebastian, this is clearly defective - none of the pieces fit together." Ciel huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at the offending unassembled furniture. Sebastian stifled another sigh, and picked up the instruLiteratureChapter 14 - Sebaciel fanfiction - The SurpriseWhile Sebastian's well-trained eyes did not stray from the face of the danger before them, in the form of the beautiful she-demon Hannah Annafellows, Ciel's wide eyes strained through the snow to see his daughter. With his improved eyesight, he could not make out any visible damage to the beloved little girl, but the baby appeared to be wrapped in thick furs, her tiny hand encompassed by a thick mitten. A fierce concentration took the place of his worry as he transferred his gaze to lock eyes with Hannah's. Hers were narrowed, her mouth an ugly grimace in an otherwise flawless face as she contemplated the problem before her. Had she expectedLiteratureChapter 10 - Sebaciel fanfiction - The SurpriseCiel smiled down at the giggling child on the changing mat as he deftly swapped her dirty nappy for a clean one. "You're getting good at that, love" the velvet voice from behind him only increased the width of his smile. He turned slightly to receive a gentle kiss, then focused his attention back onto his daughter. "Well it's easy when Hope is such a good girl" he cooed, tickling her tiny feet to make her chuckle and squirm. At 3 months, Hope was blossoming into a beautiful baby girl with a gummy smile that could melt even Ciel's hardened heart, and a small mop of unruly black hair on her head. She was even beginning to learn to roll over,LiteratureChapter 8 - Sebaciel fanfiction - The SurpriseCiel stifled a groan as he slid out of bed, trying to balance himself against the weight of his baby bump without waking his boyfriend from sleep. Sebastian was a light sleeper, and generally woke at the slightest movement, but he had been up late the night before and was currently sprawled out on the bed, fully clothed and in a deep slumber. As Ciel's due date drew near and then passed - he was just over 7 months pregnant now when only 6 had been expected - Sebastian had been becoming more and more stressed. After ensuring that the demon doctor he had chosen would be nearby and available at the shortest notice, he set about gathering cleanLiteratureChapter 11 - Sebaciel fanfiction - The SurpriseSebastian woke to the sound of whimpering coming from the baby monitor on the bed beside him. He slid out of bed, grabbing the baby monitor and muffling it against his chest as he turned to check that the noise hadn't woken Ciel. But the other side of the bed was empty, the sheets undisturbed. Sebastian felt a pang of worry. Last night Ciel had stayed up with Hope, as she had been fractious and wouldn't settle to sleep, but usually he returned to bed once she had fallen asleep. Quietly, Sebastian moved down the hallway, his heightened senses detecting only the quiet noises from the nursery, which had not yet escalated into full-scale crying.LiteratureChapter 1 - Sebaciel fanfiction - The SurpriseCiel woke with a yawn to the slight movement of the covers beside him. Rolling over, he saw Sebastian sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing a sheepish expression and nothing else. The sight made the young demon smile. "Sorry, love" Sebastian returned the smile and slid back under the sheets to cuddle up next to his still-sleepy boyfriend. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you." Ciel kissed his lover gently and sighed. "Man, I'm hungry. Since you were almost up, do you think you could make some toast or something? Or do I have to make that... an order?". His smile was teasing, and just a little bit sensual. The older demon laugLiteratureChapter 12 - Sebaciel fanfiction - The SurpriseCiel's laugh echoed down the dark street, bouncing off the walls. Sebastian grinned down at his boyfriend, tucked under his arm, as the younger demon's body shook with laughter. THIS was what Sebastian had wanted from their day trip, to see Ciel back to high spirits. After a satisfying meal in the 18th Century restaurant, they had spent some time browsing the shops, picking out some new clothes for Hope and a gleaming, solid silver rattle. Ciel had insisted upon this as an apology gift for leaving their adored daughter at home for a day. Despite a little worrying, however, the day seemed to have gone without a hitch. Upon arrival, Hannah had